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review 2019-02-07 14:02
Release Blitz: Well Below Heaven by Idyllwild Eliot with Giveaway
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Literary / YA (older teen)
Publisher: Cur Dog Press
Published Date: February 7, 2019
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Seventeen-year-old Kelly is in a spartan boarding school in northern Idaho, sent away for drugs—as planned. Her little brother Sammy is left home in Missouri, getting ready for high school. He is twitchy, quick, writes dark poetry and longs to play football. He’s also got a nose for trouble, and Kelly has left a sordid truckload. Her sadistic ex is involved, so is one twisted teacher, and so is the object of Sammy’s crush. He’s in deep, and Kelly’s warnings fall flat, and the consequences will be dire.

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About the Author

After adolescence survived in the Midwest and a few obligatory years at the university, Idyllwild Eliot embarked on a journey of internal and external exploration. With stints in Houston, Louisiana, and even Thailand, where she studied yoga, Ms. Eliot has become a semi-professional vagabond. Most recently (at the time of publication) she has been experiencing the North American west. If not sipping a cocktail on a deck in the northern Rockies, she might be found bodysurfing in Southern California, watching Bald Eagles in Montana, or in some other picturesque town hiking, meditating, or sitting with her laptop open and, at its side, a stout mug of black coffee. Well Below Heaven is her debut.

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On Sale for Release Day. $1.99

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review 2017-01-06 07:16
Christian scumbag trying to lie his way to money by selling his NDE
A Glimpse of Eternity - Ian McCormack as told by Jenny Sharkey
Clinically Dead: I've Seen Heaven and Hell - Jenny Sharkey,Ian McCormack

What a jerk.


He got a NDE and tried to sell it off as religious. 


What a load of crap.


His attitude is arrogant and he is full of shit. 


Don't buy this book and give money to jerk. 

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review 2015-10-01 18:50
Fire From Heaven
Fire from Heaven - Mary Renault

I enjoyed this first book about Alexander the Great, but also I became very anxious about MWT’s Gen because of parallels. Arrghhhhh. Anyway, on its own merits this is immersive & beautiful.

Source: bysinginglight.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/september-2015-round-up
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review 2015-07-22 10:41
Between Heaven and Hell
Between Heaven and Hell (Freefall, #2) - Astrid V. Tallaksen

Between Heaven and Hell is the second book  from Astrid’s Freefall series, and having reviewed At Death’s Door I was looking forward to reading it. I was not disappointed. Following on from where the first book left off seamlessly. I think this could be read alone, but I would not recommend it as At Death’s Door lays a lot of the ground work and background that is needed to follow this book. As the character’s remain the same with just one or two additions, all the character development is in the first book.

This offering is a slower pace to that of the first, which isn’t a bad thing really, although I found it a little too slow for me on occasion. I was still able to connect with the characters, especially Sara, as she continues to fight for her family. I certainly felt her fear and panic in places.

With plenty of twists and surprises throughout this is definitely a page turner.

I’d recommend Between Heaven and Hell to anyone who likes a good adventure with a smidge of romance and excitement. Enjoy.


NB I received this book free for an honest review

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url 2015-06-23 13:37
On the Borders and In-Between by Alyc Helms (author of The Dragons of Heaven)
The Dragons of Heaven - Alyc Helms

Alyc Helms fled her doctoral program in anthropology and folklore when she realized she preferred fiction to academic writing. She dabbles in corsetry and costuming, dances at Renaissance and Dickens fairs, gets her dander up about social justice issues, and games in all forms of media. She sometimes refers to her work as “critical theory fanfic,” which is a fancy way to say that she is obsessed with liminality, gender identity, and foxes.

She’s a freelance game writer and a graduate of Clarion West, and her short fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Daily Science Fiction, Crossed Genres, to name a few. Her first novel, The Dragons of Heaven, will be published by Angry Robot Books in June 2015.

You can find Alyc online at http://www.alychelms.com and follow her @alychelmson Twitter.




On the Borders and In-Between: A fox-girl's guide to storytelling
by Alyc Helms

Source: beauty-in-ruins.blogspot.ca/2015/06/on-borders-and-in-between-by-alyc-helms.html
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