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review 2015-03-03 05:01
Review: Rose and the Silver Ghost
Rose and the Silver Ghost - Holly Webb

Rose, orphaned and raised to be a servant, finds herself in the unusual place of being a magician's apprentice. In circumstances hinting at previous stories, we discover that Rose was found to have magic and, as the maid in the household of one of the most powerful magicians in the country, she is invited to apprentice. But when an even more powerful magician takes interest in Rose, the secrets of her past and her heritage are revealed.

ROSE AND THE SILVER GHOST is a fun paranormal children's story. Obviously part of a series, this story can also be read on it's own, but I found myself slightly confused trying to peace the story and the characters together using references to prior events. Though I have not read the previous books myself, I assume that reading them would clear up any confusion on how Rose's magic was discovered, and why there is a talking cat!

Even with the minor confusion, this is an exciting and enjoyable story, long enough for older children/young adults but still short enough to keep anyone from getting bored. The author is able to tell the story in a way that you can imagine the details while reading, a great gift when writing for children. The characters themselves are also interesting: Rose, with the mystery of her heritage, Bella, with her unusual gift, and Gus the cat - or is he? - make you want to read more about them and follow their stories into the future.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.



If you enjoyed my review, please help me share it by marking it as being helpful on Amazon. I have included the link to the Amazon review in the Source section at the bottom of this review.

Source: www.amazon.com/review/R29EDMQYAH3KC7
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text 2014-12-05 08:25
Fred się zgubił!
Fred się zgubił! - Holly Webb

Książka jest bardzo ciekawa i wciągająca. Sama okładka jak i fabuła zachęcają do dalszego czytania.

Książka opowiada o pewnej dziewczynce o imieniu Renia. Renia na swoje urodziny otrzymuje od rodziców wspaniały prezent – pieska rasy jamnik, któremu nadaje imię Fred. Renia bardzo troszczy się o swojego domowego pupila bawiąc się z nim i wychodząc na spacery. Pewnego dnia podczas przechadzki w lesie Fred się gubi i nie może odnaleźć drogi do domu. Renia wraz ze swoim tatą poszukują pieska z pewnością, że Fred się odnajdzie – bez skutku.Oczywiście piesek w końcu się odnajduję.

Bardzo polecam całą serię ,,Zaopiekuj się mną”. Świetne książki dla każdej osoby – dla dzieci jak i młodzieży. Mojej córce bardzo się podoba cała seria o zwierzątkach i ich perypetiach.

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text 2014-10-12 08:24
Maksio szuka domu - Holly Webb

Fajna książeczka. Moja córka po przeczytaniu chciała żebym ja sobie ją przeczytała...więc tak zrobiłam. Powiem szczerze,że historia szczeniaka Maksa podobała mi się. Wzruszająca :)

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review 2014-08-15 00:00
Maya's Secret
Maya's Secret - Holly Webb Wow, I hated Maya. Dear lord that kid was annoying. And the whole book wasn't that good either. Sure, I expected some of that let's save the world, but instead most of the book was about it and it came over really pedantic. I just got annoyed at her and how she was pushing her stuff to people (especially her mom), I really hate it when people do that. Sure, you can tell me about your problems and the world's problems, BUT don't expect me to fix my habits or expect me to change just because YOU say so. NO. Just NO.

Oh boohoo *sniffle cry boohoo* my swimming pool is heated, oh boohoo chlorine. *rolls eyes* But I LOVE the pool, but it is BAD, Oh No what to do???? *urgh...*

And she felt soooo guilty because she was wearing "bad" stuff. God Girl, really? You didn't know that, so why are you feeling guilty. You can't save the world on your own you know?

And why does she care so much that her friends don't know about her parents? Sure your mom is a big shot celebrity, but if they are truly your friends they wouldn't care about such things. So just bring them home. And stop trying to hide whatever your mom or dad does.

Luckily quite a bit of the book is about that fashion show, and thank lord, while there still was still preaching it wasn't that much. Though we got enough other drama.. *sighs*

And in the end, that secret, that was such a big deal? Was barely touched upon, and in the end turned out to be worth nothing, because they were her friends and they didn't care (well sure they squealed, but they didn't think any different of Maya). So that was just blergh.

Didn't particularly like it that they had to get in Maya's mum because of publicity and such not working. It felt a bit stupid and off. Like those kids couldn't do it by themselves. Though it was kind of expected, since of course they had to have the secret come out.

I also hated Ali and her attitude. Mostly you don't see much of her, but during the end she turned up to be quite a big bitch.

Would I recommend this book? No. Unless you don't mind being preached about environment and that kind of stuff. It felt like this book was just a promotional folder about ethical/fair trade/environment stuff.

Review first posted at http://twirlingbookprincess.com/
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text 2014-04-15 02:14
Rose and the Lost Princess Giveaway!
Rose and the Lost Princess - Holly Webb

Hey guys! Sorry to post so much today, but I'm catching up on emails and realized I completely forgot to post this giveaway!


Lucky you, it's therefore only open to you awesome BookLikes peeps.


To win a hardback copy of Rose and the Lost Princess by Holly Webb:


1) Have a U.S. or Canada mailing address

2) Leave a comment telling me why this makes your wishlist


I'll pick a winner tomorrow at 8:00 pm PST using a random number generator. Good luck!

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