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review 2017-09-15 15:25
Immortal in Death by J.D. Robb
Immortal in Death - J.D. Robb

Someone murdered Boomer, one of Eve Dallas' weasels; first they tortured him, then they bashed his face in. When she searches his apartment, she finds a bag of blue powder and a disk under his mattress. The disk turns out to contain the formula for the blue powder, a new drug; highly addictive, and deadly.

Soon, there's another murder, a bitchy diva of a supermodel; the murderess calls Eve herself. It's her best friend Mavis and her prints are the only ones on the murder weapon. But Eve knows Mavis didn't kill anyone. The same person who killed the snitch killed the diva, since her face is also smashed in...And her blood contains the same drug with that elusive unknown ingredient she found in Boomer's apartment.

Yet another wonderful story. Intense and suspenseful with a great mystery, albeit with a rather predictable villain. But there were enough suspense, clues, dead ends and red herrings to keep things interesting.
Coupled with Eve's "struggles" on a personal level, in her relationship with Roarke, who wanted to take the next step even though his bride-to-be reluctantly dragged her feet, we got a story that covered all the bases, complete with humor thanks to Eve's friend Mavis and her motley crew of buddies and that last girls-night-out at the club just before the big reveal.

It feels a bit off with the wedding happening in the third installment of a series that's still going rather strong 40 books in and doesn't show signs of winding down, but I have all the faith in J.D. Robb to keep things going both in the romance (who says everything ends after the "I do"?) and the suspense (how many different murders, villains and motives are out there?) departments.

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review 2016-07-29 04:36
Immortal in Death
Immortal in Death (In Death, Book 3) - 'J. D. Robb',Nora Roberts

I know I'm only three books in, and it's still early days, but I am loving the hell out of this series.

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text 2016-07-28 00:43
Reading progress update: I've read 272 out of 296 pages.
Immortal in Death (In Death, Book 3) - 'J. D. Robb',Nora Roberts

Should have this one finished up by tomorrow.

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text 2016-07-15 23:02
Reading progress update: I've read 166 out of 296 pages.
Immortal in Death (In Death, Book 3) - 'J. D. Robb',Nora Roberts
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text 2016-07-14 22:37
Reading progress update: I've read 111 out of 320 pages.
Immortal in Death (In Death, Book 3) - 'J. D. Robb',Nora Roberts
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