Immortals After Dark, Book 16
I Picked Up This Book Because: Somehow I managed to skip this while reading the series
The Characters:
Jo (Josephine Doe) : (view spoiler)
Rune: Dark Fae/Demon or Bane Blood
Thaddy, Nix
The Story:
Jo has an amazing story. A poor child refuge caring for her infant brother, Thaddy, landing on earth. She manages to care for him alone until she is killed and her transformation is triggered. Rune is a big deal in the Morrior (Opposing force to the Veritas in the Accession which is imminent) They come together maybe by happenstance maybe by Nix’s devising. Rune is sent to kill Nix who just happens to be hanging out with Thaddy.
Jo an Rune have a semi complicated love/hate relationship in the beginning. Their chemistry is off the charts but neither of them has the capacity to trust. Herein lies the source of their problems.
I loved the story. Jo and “Ruin” cracked me up. It was great to see so many characters from the Lore, even if it was jsut that one scene.
The Random Thoughts:
The Score Card:
4 Stars