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quote 2015-11-06 20:20

Półtora miliona nazwisk.
Dwieście czterdzieści tysięcy skatalogowanych.
Funkcjonariusze i pokrzywdzeni.
Agenci i kandydaci na agentów.
A wśród teczek tylko jeden
żywy mól bez sygnatury.
Origami - Julian Kornhauser

Julian Kornhauser - "Origami"

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quote 2015-09-12 18:54
Łączymy z sobą dwoje ludzi, którzy nigdy dotąd nie byli połączeni. Czasem przypomina to tę pierwszą próbę sprzężenia balonu na wodór z balonem na ogrzane powietrze: lepsza katastrofa i pożoga czy pożoga i katastrofa? Ale czasem to się sprawdza i powstaje coś nowego, i świat ulega zmianie. Potem, w którymś momencie, wcześniej lub później, z tego czy innego powodu, jedno zostaje drugiemu odjęte. A to, co zostało odjęte, ma wyższą wartość niż suma tego, co było wcześniej. To może nie być możliwe w matematyce; ale jest możliwe w uczuciach.
Wymiary życia - Julian Barnes,Dominika Lewandowska

Julian Barnes - "Wymiary życia"

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quote 2014-09-14 23:37
Margaret use to say that there were two sorts of women: those with clear edges to them, and those who implied mystery. And that this was the first thing a man sensed, and the first thing that attracted him, or not. Some men are drawn to one type, some the other. Margaret - you won't need me to tell you - was clear-edged, but at times she could be envious of those who carried, or manufactured, an air of mystery.

"I like you just as you are,' I once said to her.
'But you know me so well by now,' she replied. We had been married about six or seven years. 'Wouldn't you prefer it if I were a little more ... unknowable?'

'I don't want you to be a woman of mystery. I think I'd hate it. Either it's just a facade, a game, a technique for ensnaring men, or else the woman of mystery is a mystery to even herself, and that's the worst of all.'
The Sense of an Ending - Julian Barnes

pg. 66 Tony speaking about and to Margaret his ex-wife


*Veronica held an air of mystery. She never talked of herself which infuriated Tony and he often tried to coax her to the opposite.



***My Aunt once told me to be more mysterious in my relationships. "You never want to be boring or to be figured out, keep them guessing." After reading this passage I knew I was obligated to post it.

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quote 2014-08-17 20:55
Kročio sam u život držeći roman u ruci, i tada se moj život završio.
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov,Julian Rhind-Tutt

Majstor, iz Majstora i Margarite

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