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review 2019-11-11 21:32
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo


Never. Again. 9 months of audiobooking on and off, and it's finally done. Another book off my bucket list.

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text 2019-11-08 18:40
Reading progress update: I've listened 2948 out of 3660 minutes.
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

Omg, we're going on half an hour with this explanation of how they designed and built the Paris sewers. WHY?!



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text 2019-10-07 17:17
Reading progress update: I've listened 2730 out of 3660 minutes.
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

There are so many monologues and tangents it's hard to remember the actual story.

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text 2019-07-29 04:17
Reading progress update: I've listened 2208 out of 3660 minutes. Read-n-Stitch update
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

Back to this again. I figure I WILL finish this before the end of 2019. If it weren't for the audiobook I wouldn't be doing this at all.


Also, here's my son's birthday gift! All finished. 



And I'm working on this awesome Freddie Mercury for my husband.


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text 2019-05-06 21:33
Reading progress update: I've listened 1830 out of 3660 minutes.
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

Finished with audiobook 3/7 and I'm halfway thru 4. There are so many rants and monologues in this. Plus pages and pages of superfluous descriptions. Sometimes it's like this guy was needing a word count for an assignment and did what we all do, just filling the page with a thesaurus. 


I was almost upset because we left Cozette behind and went on to a new cast of characters. But now we seem to have circled back to her and Jean.

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