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Search tags: mediocre-but-not-awful
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review 2019-12-30 22:12
Well,....uh....yay for sharks?
Primal Waters - Steve Alten

Yay for the Megs. Boo for most of the people in this book. I was super annoyed with every single person in this massive book. But...damn if Jonas didn't have the baddest moment at the end. Like, total badass for a 65 year old. Ugh. It gives me mixed feelings.


The writing itself was shotty. Not terrible but just poor. The informative sections were so factual they felt out of place. He knows his science, no doubt. But it just takes you out of the moment when you're going along with the plot then you're being given an overview of an island chain and its history.


Anyway, I read this because it's a paperback and I take it to work with me. It's been really slow so I sit on my throne of milk crates and read when I have no prep work or orders. It makes time go by better. I can't decide if I want to move on the 4th book or just end this misery.

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review 2019-11-11 21:32
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo


Never. Again. 9 months of audiobooking on and off, and it's finally done. Another book off my bucket list.

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review 2018-08-20 18:56
The Woman in the Identity Theft Racket
The Woman in the Strongbox - Maureen O'Hagan

This wasn't bad, but I never give high marks to an author who misspells their own characters' names. And this person did. Also misspelled locations. 


I liked the mystery of this, but damn this was convoluted. Also, anticlimactic. I guess that's real life, but had this been a full length novel I would have thrown it.

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review 2018-04-11 17:33
Secret Vampire (is not so secret)
Secret Vampire (Night World, #1) - L.J. Smith

This isn't so much a review of the book as it is of L.J. Smith. I first read The Vampire Diaries back in 2010, and the first 2 books weren't half bad. But then they just nose dive into cliche and terrible. And that seems to be what L.J is famous for, as far as I can tell. All her writings are juvenile, anticlimactic and pretty full of teen tropes. In this book, I don't think there was a single brain cell to be shared among the three main characters. And then we get a big bad about 30 pages from the end for no reason that doesn't even do anything. Literally does nothing. 


Same goes for when I picked back up on The Vampire Diaries when Smith started writing them a decade after they ended. She did nothing to fix the time gap, gave them cell phones with no explanation and went off on some strange angels/demons/kitsune plotline. I do not get why people are so fascinated with her. I read 5 of The Vampire Diaries  before I thought my eyes would bleed. This book wasn't nearly as bad, but it was just bland. Boring. The teens were so....white bread and mayo. It had nothing of spice and substance. I feel like people read her and enjoy her works because they just don't know any better, sort of like Cassandra Clare.

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review 2018-01-20 03:31
The Power (to put me to sleep) DNF at 70 pages
The Power - Naomi Alderman

This is just not entertaining to me. I have been trying so hard to enjoy this, but it's mediocre at best. I must have much different taste than most of America. 

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