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review 2022-03-04 23:47
Barefoot Contessa Family Style
Barefoot Contessa Family Style: Easy Ideas and Recipes That Make Everyone Feel Like Family - Ina Garten,Maura McEvoy

This is the second Barefoot Contessa cookbook I picked up and I thought this one looked a bit better than Barefoot Contessa at Home.  I noticed that this cookbook didn’t have as much fluff as the “at Home’ cookbook did and I was hoping that the Family Style would provide me more realistic dishes to prepare.


In the Barefoot Contessa at Home cookbook, I found that the “everyday recipes you’ll make over and over again” were not everyday recipes for me.  Her everyday recipes were too fancy for me. My question when I opened up this cookbook was, are Ina’s “easy ideas and recipes that make everyone feel like family” actual recipes and ideas that we will use and like?  Are they family-time meal recipes or will they fancy meal recipes that we’ll make for company?  (These quotes were taken from the front of the cookbooks)


This cookbook has a bit of everything in it.  There is the simple dishes for individuals like me who like chicken stew with biscuits, oven-fried chicken, real meatballs & spaghetti, deep dish apple pie, string beans & shallots, and parmesan chicken just to name a few.  Yet, there is also garlic sauteed spinach, tiramisu, run raisin rice pudding, arugula with parmesan, lobster cobb salad, Sunday rib roast, saffron risotto with butternut squash and linguine with shrimp scampi for those who like something different. 


This cookbook has lots of different sections: Welcome Home, Planning the Meal, Starters, Salad for Lunch, Dinners, Vegetables, Desserts, Breakfast, Kids, Nine Ingredients, Ten Kitchen Tools, Menus, Credits, Index and Recipe Index.  Ina includes some personal information in the Welcome Home section and each of the recipe sections contains around 10-12 recipes.  In the Nine Ingredients section, Ina lists nine ingredients that are her favorite.  In Ten Kitchen Tools, Ina lists ten pieces of kitchen equipment that she feels individuals will use over and over again on a regular basis.  Ina puts together some of the recipes in this cookbook and creates menus for different occasions under the Menu section.  From a Winter Breakfast, to a Summer Brunch, to a Spring Lunch, Ina puts the dishes together for you.  There are 2 indexes which I like in cookbooks.  One is the general index and one is the recipe index.  Another big plus for me in this cookbook.  


For each of the recipes you will find, how many the dish will serve, a small paragraph describing the dish, a list of ingredients and step-by-step directions.  There is a picture to accompany each recipe which to me is a big plus. Sometimes she adds additional information to the recipe at the end, like additional cooking information, what to serve with the recipe, additional ingredients, etc. You will not find any nutritional information nor how much the serving size is or many total cups the whole recipe yields.  I really wish cookbooks would include either the total cups or the serving size per person as that really helps me when I am cooking.  Sometimes I can tell by looking at the list of ingredients but sometimes, it’s hard to tell.  The pictures make the recipes look delicious!  I liked that this cookbook has more recipes and these recipes looked appealing.  There were a few that looked out of my range but a majority of them were something I would try. 4 stars

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review 2020-04-05 14:04
Soframiz: Vibrant Middle Eastern Recipes from Sofra Bakery and Cafe - Ana Sortun,Maura Kilpatrick

by Ana Sortun and Maura Kilpatrick


The authors of this exotic cookbook collected recipes and cooking methods over a series of trips to Turkey and other places like Greece and started a cafe and bakery in Cambridge Massachusetts called Sofra Bakery & Cafe. They've shared some of their most popular recipes in this book.


The chapters include Breakfast, Meze, Flatbreads, Savory Pies, Cookies and Confections, Specialty Pastries, Cakes and Deserts, Beverages followed by chapters about what to keep in the pantry and special ingredients.


The insight into what makes a typical breakfast in Turkey was interesting from a cultural perspective and the use of ingredients like peppers, tahini etc give a real flavor of the sort of food that is typical of that part of the world. I'll have to admit that my biggest interest was in the baked goods, some of which I will definitely try!


The book is nicely presented with color pictures and clear instructions, even a photo diagram of how to assemble Flower Pogaca Rolls which is one of the recipes I will definitely be giving a try.


I love cookbooks like this because they give you the feeling that you've actually visited the country, or in this case perhaps the cafe. Highly recommended to those who enjoy exotic food.

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quote 2019-11-25 17:24
Biedni nigdy nie są tak przebiegli jak bogaci, więc w końcu zawsze przerżną (s.192)
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quote 2019-11-25 17:22
Próbowałem postrzegać brak miłości jako butę, arogancję, bo tylko niekochający - kto, jeśli nie oni - uważają się za doskonałych, widzących i wiedzących wszystko najlepiej. Kochać to stracić wszechwiedzę i wszechwładzę. Jakże nieświadomie p o p a d a m y w miłość; bo, rzeczywiście, miłość to rodzaj upadku. Zamykamy oczy i skaczemy z urwiska, licząc na miękkie lądowanie. Wprawdzie nigdy nie bywa ono miękkie, ale bez tego skoku - mówiłem sobie - nikt nie dostąpi życia, wciąż tak to jest. Ów skok to narodziny, nawet jeśli kończy się śmiercią, szarpaniną nad białymi tabletkami i dobywającym się z ust ukochanej, z których już uszło ostatnie tchnienie, zapachem gorzkich migdałów. (s.277)
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quote 2019-11-25 17:15
mężczyźni nie tęsknią za normami współżycia społecznego, lecz za tym, co gwałtowne, co ponad miarę, co znosi granice i uprawnia do rozkiełznania naszych szalonych, pierwotnych możliwości. Gorąco prosimy o zgodę, by otwarcie stać się naszymi ukrytymi ja. (s.292)
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