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text 2019-08-27 19:13
DNF @ 30%
The Last House Guest - Ms. Megan Miranda

I'm calling this quits at 30%. DNF and no rating.

Hmmm, I had a struggle focusing on this one. I've read a lot of these mystery/thriller/juicy-secret books and I typically love them but I wasn't digging the writing style here. I felt like I was the only stranger at a party and no one could be bothered to introduced me to anyone. The characters weren't drawn very well and weren’t interesting to me whatsoever. There was a lot of "telling" instead of showing. I listened to 30% and it continued in this vein, jumping all over the place with two timelines and confusing the hell out of me on audio. Perhaps it is better read in paper but I will never know because I am a quitter and life is too short to struggle with books that aren't working. 

This isn't my idea of a fun time. Nope. Ba-byee. I hope the rest of you enjoy it more than I did

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text 2019-08-26 18:17
Reading progress update: I've read 10%.
The Last House Guest - Ms. Megan Miranda

Hmmm, I'm having a struggle focusing on this one. I'm not digging the writing style. I feel like I'm the only stranger at a party and no one can be bothered to introduced me to anyone. There is a lot of "telling" instead of showing. I'll read a bit more but if it continues in this vein I'll have to call it quits because I am in no mood to read a "meh" book.

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review 2019-03-29 18:32
Come Find Me by Megan Miranda
Come Find Me - Megan Miranda

I don't know if I'm going to bother with a real review because I'm feeling lazy and don't have a lot to say and I'm just posting this because I HATE with all of my dark passion the fact that Goodreads keeps telling me that I'm 2 books behind on my reading challenge. I know, I know, already! I am reading as fast as I freaking can! Anyway, that's why I wrote this, haha.

I requested this from Overdrive thinking it was another secret filled thriller about awful people doing awful things - as they usually do but that wasn't this book. I doubt I even read the blurb because the cover fooled me so much. Doesn't it look like one of those types of books? Is it just me? 

Anyhow, this one does have secrets but it's a young adult novel about two teens whose lives have been shattered by tragic events and there's a signal (aliens!? I was hoping for aliens or at least a visit from Fox Mulder) that calls to them and tells them things and also brings them together. They have two mysteries to solve and fall in love during the process. It was decently written and engaging enough on audio and the dual narrators did great work but it wasn't quite the book I thought it was going to be and it didn't connect with me on an emotional level which is strange considering the tragedies hanging over both of their lives. I felt no feelings which is a shame. There was also way too much going on and it got bogged down and was a wee bit of mess there for a bit. One mystery would've been plenty. Thus it's getting a three from the likes of me.

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review 2019-02-08 15:16
The Last House Guest
The Last House Guest - Ms. Megan Miranda

Title : The Last House Guest

Author: Megan Miranda

Genre: General Fiction - Adult

Pages: 336

Simon & Schuster

Pub date is : May 2nd 

book synopsis

 Littleport, Maine is like two separate towns: a vacation paradise for wealthy holidaymakers and a simple harbour community for the residents who serve them. Friendships between locals and visitors are unheard of - but that's just what happened with Avery Greer and Sadie Loman.

Each summer for a decade the girls are inseparable - until Sadie is found dead. When the police rule the death a suicide, Avery can't help but feel there are those in the community, including a local detective and Sadie's brother Parker, who blame her. Someone known more than they're saying, and Avery is intent on clearing her name before the facts get twisted against her.

My thoughts
rating : 5
Would I recommend this book : yes
Will I read any thing else by this author: yes
In fact I have read both of her books  All The Missing Girls & The Perfect Stranger  and loved  them  , so as soon as I saw she had this one coming out I had to request it. All of her stories take place in a small town where it seems everybody knows everybody's business ,but can still keep secrets no matter how dark they are. As your reading the story your finding out what happened and why , it keeps you guessing and asking questions like was Sadie's death a suicide ,or  murder and if it was suicide why did she do , or who killed her and why, or did Avery have something to do with or does she know more then she's telling people . It also keeps you guessing on who can she truest and can she clear her name . Just like All The Missing Girls and The Perfect Stranger  the story is  interesting and well writing , and slow burning which is good because it keeps you pulled in to the story to the ever last page , So to find out more you have to read the book . With that said I want to thank Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for letting me read and review it exchange for my honest opinion.
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review 2018-02-05 19:11
Wenn mehrere junge Frauen verschwinden
TICK TACK - Wie lange kannst Du lügen?: ... TICK TACK - Wie lange kannst Du lügen?: Thriller - Megan Miranda,Elvira Willems,Cathrin Claußen

Nicolette Farrell, von ihren Freunden kurz Nic genannt, hat vor zehn Jahren ihrer Heimatstadt Cooley Ridge am Rand der Smoky Mountains in North Carolina den Rücken zugekehrt. Aber sie erinnert sich noch gut an die Nacht, in der ihre Freundin Corinne Prescott spurlos verschwunden ist. Nun erhält Nic plötzlich einen Brief ihres Vaters mit einer rätselhaften Botschaft: „Ich muss mit dir reden. Dieses Mädchen. Ich habe es gesehen.“ Damit kann nur Corinne gemeint sein. Nic fährt zurück in die alte Heimat, um herauszufinden, was damals wirklich geschah. Doch schon am selben Abend verschwindet erneut ein Mädchen…

„TICK TACK - Wie lange kannst Du lügen?“ ist ein Thriller von Megan Miranda.

Meine Meinung:
Der Roman besteht aus drei Teilen, die wiederum in Kapitel untergliedert sind, die je einen Tag umfassen. Erzählt wird die Geschichte aus der Ich-Perspektive aus der Sicht von Nic – und zwar nicht in chronologischer Reihenfolge, sondern rückwärts: Von Tag 15 bis zurück zu Tag 1 kommt Stück für Stück ans Tageslicht, was seit Nics Rückkehr passiert ist. Dieser Aufbau hat mir von der Idee her sehr gut gefallen. Leider ist die Umsetzung meiner Ansicht nach nicht ganz gelungen, denn vor allem am Anfang fiel es mir schwer, in die Geschichte reinzukommen. Es dauert recht lange, bis sich ein wenig Spannung aufgebaut hat.

Auch der Schreibstil war für mich etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Er wirkt teilweise etwas abgehackt.

Mit Nicolette Farrell steht eine Hauptprotagonistin im Vordergrund, die zwar interessant ist. Leider wurde ich mit ihr allerdings nicht so richtig warm. Auch die übrigen Charaktere konnten mich nicht begeistern.

Nach dem sehr langsamen Start nimmt die Geschichte im Verlauf der Kapitel an Fahrt auf und wird packender. Die Handlung empfand ich als stimmig und glaubwürdig.

Das Cover mit der sehr prägnanten Schrift gefällt mir ganz gut, es macht neugierig. Auch der deutsche Titel, der sich stark vom amerikanischen Original („All the Missing Girls“) unterscheidet, ist treffend gewählt.

Mein Fazit:
„TICK TACK - Wie lange kannst Du lügen?“ von Megan Miranda ist in meinen Augen kein Thriller, sondern ein Spannungsroman, der sein Potenzial nicht ganz ausschöpft. Dennoch habe ich mich recht gut unterhalten gefühlt.

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