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review 2019-12-23 11:41
Mind Games by Susan Kaye Quinn
Mind Games - Susan Kaye Quinn

Mind Games by Susan Kaye Quinn is a paranormal-futuristic book. I gave it four stars.


"Raf, a regular mindreader, is in love with Kira, the only girl in school who can't read minds."


I received a complimentary copy from Amazon. That did not change my opinion for this review.


Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Games-Mindjack-Kira-Book-ebook/dp/B007ZRYPWU

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text 2019-03-25 19:54
Advantages Of Non Violent Games For Kids
Flash 5 Games Studio - Sham Bhangal,David Doull,Justin Everett-Church
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Games Most Wanted - Kristian Besley,Sham Bhangal,Brad Ferguson,Steve Young,Anthony Eden,Glen Rhodes,Brian Monnone
Mind Games - Carolyn Crane

A standout amongst the most ideal approaches to keep your youngster at home is to get them to play neighborly internet amusements. Ranch Tractor Games are ok for children as there's no viciousness that can cause unfortunate conduct impacts. For quite a while, rough amusements were thought to effectsly affect children's practices yet no indisputable logical information was accessible to back the cases. Notwithstanding, a recent report by scientists at Ohio State University uncovered that long time presentation to savage recordings can prompt forceful conduct. Then again, individuals who invested energy playing peaceful recreations indicated less or no forceful inclinations over a similar period. Strangely, kids will in general appreciate rough amusements more than peaceful recreations. Play very fun able gg kids games for kids entertainment.


All things considered, it's important that playing computer games has been appeared to have more advantages and, truth be told, they exceed the bothersome impacts. The essential thing is to direct and administer on account of children. Likewise, be particular while picking amusements for them as you will need to keep the savagery at the very least.


A few advantages of playing computer games for children incorporate the accompanying:


Improvement in critical thinking capacities – Playing computer games gets you to think, regardless of whether you're a grown-up or a child. For a child's developing mind, this can be especially beneficial. Also, there are recreations that are explicitly made for building up a tyke's learning capacity, for example, fun math amusements, among others. In any case, numerous different recreations will constrain the youngster to think quick and coherently, and this develops their basic reasoning ability.


Playing amusements reinforces certainty – Games are normally intended to test a player to get a success for which they are remunerated. Ordinarily, a diversion will have different dimensions of accomplishment that will test the child to go out on a limb so as to advance to the following dimension. This culture of hazard and reward is useful for encouraging feedback and, consequently, a great certainty supporter for the adolescent.

Computer games help a child's vital reasoning – Games for the most part give the player an objective they need to accomplish and the prizes that accompany accomplishing that objective. A player needs to contemplate the general execution of his blueprint that will take them to that objective. Amid amusement play, criticism is moment and it encourages players to evaluate circumstances and make brisk and 'long haul' choices. This sort of reasoning builds up a tyke's key reasoning capacities.


Cooperation aptitudes – Many online Flash recreations have multi player modes that take into account groups and gatherings to contend. This collaboration is conceivable through choices that empower helpful play. At the point when kids play in a group, it improves their group working abilities through productive collaboration. You can play dress up games at dolldivine platform for fun.


Family holding – Playing amusements isn't for children alone. Guardians can participate too and play with their children as it offers quality holding time for the family.

Social aptitudes – Most amusements currently have armies of on the web and disconnected fans that associate through various methods. Cooperating with similarly invested individuals is a decent method to fabricate relationship building abilities that can satisfy liberally later on.


By and large, computer games are useful for protecting your youngsters at home just as for conferring various aptitudes. What makes a difference most however is the kind of recreations that your youngster plays. Pick Farm Tractor Games as they are protected and peaceful for children and they are fun as well.

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review 2019-01-27 19:07
Hidden Preaching Just Irks Me
Mind Games - Nancy Mehl

3 Stars
Excellent narration
This was a good murder mystery profiler story better than most with a creative back story. I had planned on continuing the series till the last 1/4. All the characters seems to fit well in their rolls and I was not sure who did it till near the end. What threw this down was the "I'm a Christian" "I trust God" "I made an educated choice and believed in God"... There was so much of this all the sudden. Okay I was good with her being a Christian, a few sentences would have been fine. But I felt it turned into an evangelistic read at the end. There was a speech on her why's and how it was truth. The MC had several characters questioning their beliefs. Why ? This didn't fit in with the story, this wasn't a Christian book and it was directed out from the character. I'm not a Christian, but I will read Christian writings and have enjoyed them. I do not like feeling like I was snuck attacked by a hidden Christian read that wasn't marked as one.

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review 2018-05-29 18:35
Mind Wreck by J.Z. Foster
Mind Wreck: Shadow Games - J.Z. Foster

This book arrived in the mail and before I could warn her, my daughter picks it up and says, “You’re reading a book with a kitty on the cover!” Then she peers closer and with a look of horror on her face sighs, “oh, of course, it’s bleeding” and drops it like a hot potato as I laughed. OF COURSE! Sheesh, what kind of monster must she think I am? And how is this child even mine?! 


I wasn’t sure what to expect of this book after reading the synopsis but it intrigued me enough to accept a review copy. It’s more dark urban fantasy than it is horror but there are enough horrific and terrifying scenarios and graphic scenes to please the dark heart of most any horror fan too. 

Matthew is going about his life unaware that life as he knows it is about to end. He’s been having scary dreams and seeing things that may or may not be there. Things that linger in dark corners. Then one not-so-fine day a talking cat enters his life. A talking cat that looks and smells a little like death and claims it is his father! As if that weren’t enough to digest, he’s told he is about to go through the “Mind Wreck” and come into powers that will force him to go on the run from a group who wants to use them for their own nefarious goings-on. Matthew is ill equipped to enter this sinister game but his daddy cat sticks around to help him out and offer advice and sarcasm. I loved the sarcasm coming from a bedraggled cat body so much.

“I just really miss having thumbs.”

This isn’t my typical kind of read but I enjoyed it. Matthew is a relatable character who just wants to meet up with his dream girl but is caught up in all of this crazy. His cat-dad is a sarcastic smart-ass who is sketchy, a little mean, secretive and always unpredictable. It kept me on my toes guessing what would happen next, it was a little gross and a little funny and it never bored me which is more than I can say for a lot of books! 

4 ½ stars

I received a copy from the author. Thanks!

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review 2017-12-13 07:38
Sehr spannend, aber aus dem Anfang und Ende hätte man mehr machen können
Mind Games - Teri Terry,Petra Knese

Luna ist in der Welt, wo alles nur noch online zählt, eine Verweigerin und damit ziemlich alleine. Ihre Freunde, ihre Familie, ... einfach alle ... sind nahezu ständig online und von den Möglichkeiten begeistert. Als Luna auf Gecko stößt, kommt auch sie der virtuellen Welt immer näher und als sie schließlich zu dieser Insel soll, folgt ein Problem dem nächsten. Und vor allem viele Fragen.


Da ich die Gelöscht Reihe der Autorin gelesen und geliebt habe, war für mich klar, dass ich dieses Buch auch lesen muss. Vom Schreibstil und der Erzählweise her ist Mind Games der Reihe sehr ähnlich, was mir sehr gut gefallen hat.

Bei der Geschichte selbst hatte ich allerdings einige Schwierigkeiten.

Zuerst hatte ich das Gefühl, dass alles nur so vor sich herplätschert und ich war nicht wirklich gefesselt, weswegen ich nur schleppend vorankam. Das ging ungefähr bis zur Hälfte so.

Erst, als Luna auf diese Insel soll, hat mich das Buch gepackt und da wurde es richtig, richtig gut. Immer wieder tauchten Fragen oder Ereignisse auf, die man unbedingt beantwortet haben wollte. Doch als man merkte, dass es aufgrund der Seitenanzahl langsam dem Ende zugeht, war ich etwas verwirrt. Und wie ich es ahnte, kam das Ende echt schlagartig. Da hätte man noch ein bisschen rausholen können.

So, wie das Ende war, hätte ich nicht damit gerechnet und muss gestehen, dass ich etwas unzufrieden bin. Warum möchte ich nicht verraten, denn dann würde ich wohl ordentlich spoilern.


Ich war hin und hergerissen, ob ich Mind Games 3 oder 4 Sterne geben soll. Aber da ich dann doch über einige Seiten hin so sehr gefesselt war und damit positiv überrascht wurde, möchte ich knappe 4 geben.

Außerdem gefällt mir das Cover sehr gut. Es ist mal was anderes und dieses Farbspiel ist einfach klasse und passend. Der Schreibstil hat mir bereits in den anderen Büchern gefallen und da die Autorin diesem treu geblieben ist, bin ich natürlich sehr zufrieden.

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