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text 2018-12-15 19:13
Seduced: A Historical Western Romance (Into The Wild Book 1) Molly O'Keefe Free!
Seduced (Into The Wild Book 1) - Molly O'Keefe

Melody Hurst’s days as a Southern belle are over. Now she’s widowed and alone in the foothills of the Rockies, struggling to make a life in a dangerous world. She’s determined to secure a future by marrying – but love is out of the question.

Cole Baywood has turned bounty hunter after serving in the horrors of the Civil War, but the ghosts of the men and women he’s killed still haunt him. He’s drawn to the beautiful widow trying to seduce him, only the darkness in his soul forces him to reject her. Is it possible that Melody’s touch can heal the demons of his past? And how can he convince a woman who has lost so much to risk her heart?

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review 2018-02-08 04:33
Hot with some sneaky raw emotion
Bad Neighbor - Molly O'Keefe

"Pretending is easier for you, isn’t it?” It stung, it stung deep and hard where a lot of my secret stuff lived. The things I didn’t like to acknowledge about myself. The things that kept my life so small. So small it felt like a jail. The fucking book tour. Simon. Jesse. Wanting more, taking less.


The first half of this gave me some strong Willing Victim by Cara McKenna vibes because of the awkward, shy, and doesn't quite have the confidence to know or address her sexual needs heroine and tough, man of few words, underground fighter hero. There is not quite as much kink, as the focus isn't on sexually finding yourself while falling in love but the heroine and hero had some hot moments.


I was wearing fucking glasses. Who wears glasses to your neighbor’s orgy?


Funny heroines who feel out of their depth with heroes who are living their best sexual life are a delight to read and I quite enjoyed how this hero read the heroine's signals and didn't let her wriggle out of what she wanted.


“I don’t do that kind of thing. On the regular.”

“No shit,” he laughed, but it wasn’t joyful. Or kind, really.

“Why…why are you being mean?”

“Because I am fucking mean. What did you expect?”

“Okay,” I said and stood up on shaky legs. “This was a mistake.”

“Running away?” he asked. “How am I not surprised?”

“You’re being awful. Am I supposed to just stay here and take it?”



“I’m sorry I’m a dick,” he whispered, his breath washing my lips, my face. Covering me in his scent. I swallowed back the words I’m sorry I’m so sensitive because I was tired of being that girl. The girl who made the people who hurt her feel better for having hurt her. I said instead, like I was in a movie: “Make it up to me.”



Stunned that in letting him know how badly he’d hurt me, I actually felt better. I felt stronger. I didn’t have to swallow down every pain every person visited upon me. I could hold my head up and let people know I was here. That my feelings mattered. That I mattered. I’d never done that before.


Also quite enjoyed how the heroine being awkward and shy didn't stop her from standing up for herself. 


“I don’t want to stop fighting. I just…” These were things I never said. Never even thought.

“I get it,” she whispered. “You just want a little more for yourself.”

That was it. Exactly.

“It hurts sometimes,” she said, “trying to have more.”


The family drama with the heroine always taking care of her sister and the hero trying to pay off his father's debts with losing connection with his older brother added some serious emotional depth. These were two very deep characters with emotional baggage trying to fight and find their way in the world. The heroine worrying about her twin sister who was on the run from a dangerous guy, who in a very too contrived twist, turned out to be the hero's brother, and the hero hating the life he felt he had to live. This was sexy, deep, emotional, dark, and humorous, a good read that had me curious and searching out the sister and brother's story but moved a bit quick and had some very too coincidence moments.

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text 2018-02-06 18:16
Reading Update: 40%
Bad Neighbor - Molly O'Keefe

Getting serious Willing Victim by Cara McKenna vibes from this one

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review 2017-11-12 00:00
Everything I Left Unsaid
Everything I Left Unsaid - Molly O'Keefe G-D cliffhanger.
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review 2017-02-21 03:02
Wait For It - Molly O'Keefe

Damn....I didn't think Molly O'Keefe could make Blake a good guy, but she did.

Blake Edwards has spent his life cleaning up his brother Phil's messes.  When Blake finds out that Phil actually has a wife and supposed kids he goes to confront her and offers to pay her off to never hear from her again.  Blake's mom has been through enough because of Phil, and she doesn't need some white trash making her life worse.  A year later when Blake runs into Tiffany at Dylan and Annie's place he is not happy.  What he doesn't realize at first is that Tiffany is running because of Phil.  After Tiff leaves, Blake has a bad feeling and goes to find her.  When he realize that she is not the white trash he thought she was, he feels guilty and wants to help her and "fix" another of Phil's messes.

Tiffany is scared of Phil because of the abuse he has inflicted on her in the past.  She has finally decided this has to stop and she wants to serve Phil divorce papers.  Blake wants to help her since he wasn't so helpful a year ago.  Tiffany reluctantly accepts his help.  Their time together sparks an interest that Tiffany hasn't felt in a long time.  I loved how Blake was able to help her find her O again! ;)

Slowly Tiffany and Blake had to relearn how to trust someone and also how to stand up to Phil.  I loved their final confrontation with Phil!  It was awesome!  I also loved how Tiffany and Blake slowly realized their commitment to each other.  For two people to have such underlying issues, it would have been wrong to quickly be together.  It was interesting in the beginning when they were just using each other, but then I loved when it shifted into something more.  I just adored how Blake was with Tiffany's kids.  Those kids were just adorable.  I also really enjoyed the interaction with Margaret and the rest of their family.

Overall, this was a wonderful and surprising story.  I actually ended up really liking Blake!  I'm sad to see this series end....great 5 star series with each book!

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