It's Sunday and for some reason found myself in desperate need for some decent procrastination. I know my boss will give me utter appheaval later- but hey the pleasures of working for yourself an all that, right? I'll deal with the aftermath and self-loathing later.
You probably wondering if all that rambling has any point, well it kinda does. Let me just get to said point. So: here I am finding myself with "time" on my hands and shock and horror not really in the mood for trolling the world wide web, so what to do is the question. Well, actually not quite. What to read is the question... so I found myself writing a to-read list of book to read for the next 4weeks.
For some reason lists is my go to thingy. I am one of those people who write loads of them for everything. You name it. I probably have a list. Shopping- check. Work- check. Household chores - check. To call - check. Blog- check. email - check. And they all get written on a piece of paper with pencil. I order after writing them randomly with little circled numbers added in front and I tick things gleefully off, when they are done.
All of those have sublists, by the way. I am obsessive after all.
So I obviously write book lists as well. Let me give you a run down on the books sublist:
I have an ARC list, a to read-list, a to-buy list, a hardcopy-shopping-list, a series-list and now I have a brand spanking new: What to read this month list....
here we go. The ones on top are the ARCs I have- and hopefully will read in the next 4 weeks
And here are the books I have pre-ordered or bought and am planning to read :
The list is in no particular order...
Now my procrastination time satisfyingly spent, I am just wondering:
What should I read?