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text 2018-12-17 20:02
I got the reverse “Pretty Woman” treatment at Barnes & Noble on Sunday.
(BTW, in Pretty Woman, shopkeepers kicks her out because she looks poor and they say she can’t afford to shop there so she spends her money elsewhere and then goes back to the first shop to gloat.)
(spoiler show)
We had a horrible customer service experience with B&N and a cashier who is going to be referred to as “man.” (Edit: Descriptive term! Previously said "old man" but someone said that was an offensive descriptive term, which wasn't my intention.)
We got an email from Barnes & Nobles; the subject said “ALL” manga & graphic novels buy 2 get 3rd free. The key word here is it said “ALL!” So we went and got what we wanted and it wouldn't ring up. The man said the signs only said the deal was for DC & Marvel & Image graphic novels. (The signs did say this.) But since we got the email that said "ALL" I asked to speak to a manager so I could show them the proof and figure out why it wasn’t working.
Man: *talking on radio* Can you come back here, these people still want to "ARGUE" about the manga.
What the heck? Is that something you say when we've shown you proof? Not only was his words rude, his tone of voice and body language was the rudest I've ever experienced at B&N or anywhere.
The manager comes back says that the coupon might be online only and was trying to brush this whole thing off. Barnes & Nobles, shouldn’t your employees know what your deals are? The man was standing around just rolling his eyes and had a "told you so" look on his face.
Me: Considering the email subject says "ALL" B&N and most places are usually the type to honor things like this. My husband and I were ready to say the subject title was bad wording on the company's part, but these two people did not seem to want to help us at all.
I studied the mail further and saw toward the end, it said "all manga buy 2 get 3rd free" and there was another part that said the thing about the DC & Marvel & Image. So the two deals probably could not be mixed, which makes the subject line even more misleading.
I told the man this. We put the graphic novel back and got another manga instead. He rung it up and it worked. Wow, look at that! If they had known what their own deals were, this whole thing could have been fixed in two seconds, but instead the man is calling us a liar and neither seem to care about honoring what the email from their company says. We weren’t even going to complain about the “All” subject line anymore and just buy the manga.
We had two books that are larger than normal manga, but they were manga. They were special editions.
Man: Are you sure this is a manga, it only works with manga...
Me: (Thinking) yeah, it only works with manga and you only know this because I told you and your signs do not tell anyone about this deal!! (I’m really frustrated and I have social anxiety and sensory problems, so I’m almost at my “meltdown” point.)
Me: Yes, they are manga. We're 100% sure.
Man: Well, we'll just see if it works.
He's still scoffing and talking in a rude voice.
Man: Oh, it worked....
He sounded shocked and mad that he was wrong and we were right.
In the rudest voice, he ends this experience with this gem.
Man: Oh, that is still really expensive!
I swear, he is looking at us, judging us for spending money at his store. It doesn't matter if it cost $5 or $500, who says something like that to a paying customer? We just saved around $50. So, he's basically saying "why did you go to so much trouble to save money when the price is still expensive?"
For the record, the price was not expensive to us. We bought 6 books. 2 were free, we had our membership discount, plus a 20% off 1 item coupon. In total there were 15 manga, because of bindups. It is the holiday season; we don't normally buy this much at once. Not that it was the man's business, but this is how we do xmas/gifts for each other. And any gift cards or xmas money goes on books as well.
That man made me almost say forget it and go find the books used and cheaper on Amazon. I even had the "Pretty Woman" scene in my head. I'd walk into B&B with all my Amazon packages and say, "you made a mistake!" I call this a reverse “Pretty Woman” moment because in his head, we must be rich people who waste money on book, so we’re too rich to shop at his store and maybe we should take our business elsewhere.
Oh, and he throws everything into a bag all willy nilly. 6 heavy books, 1 bag. He doesn't bother to put them in neatly. He practically shoves the bag at us and we had to fix the bag and inspect the damage. I was too tired to say anything at this point, so we left. No major damage done, except some scuffed corners.
I hope to not have to check out with that man again. :(
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text 2017-09-29 13:00
Noble's Song by Vicki Green


Title: Noble's Song
Author: Vicki Green
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 25, 2017


A song can tell a thousand stories
And break a million hearts

When you have next to nothing, it’s easier to be appreciative of what little you do have.

Noble Lewis grew up with meager means yet her heart couldn’t be purer. The day she lost her mama was the day she set out on her own, leaving behind the only place she’d ever known to find her place in the vast world.

Her mama always told her to follow her heart, let it guide her. Her gentle and selfless nature is the one thing that her mama gave her but is she really prepared for what lies ahead?

Purchase Links
Free in Kindle Unlimited
“You see, Noble – I’m bad news around here. You deserve to be with someone who’s in better regard in town. Someone you can be proud to be with.”
Reaching up, I cup his handsome face. “Don’t you see you’re better than what you think you are? No one’s perfect, Merrick. Lots of people have hard lives. You’ve been nothing but kind and caring to me. And your mama? You’ve just told me you’ll do anything for her and you have.” I smile and rub my thumb across his cheek. “I am proud of you, Merrick.”
His eyes stare into mine and my breath hitches at the intensity. Slowly, he moves toward me, his hand taking my arm. “I’m gonna kiss you now if that’s okay.” I swallow hard and barely nod when his lips press against mine. I’ve never had a boy – or a man – kiss me before. It’s not like kissing Mama at all. It lingers. Makes shivers run through me. My lips tingle. It’s…. beautiful. It’s not as long as I’d like, left me wanting more, but he pulls back slightly and presses his forehead against mine.
My eyes remain closed, and I still feel those tingles on my lips. “That was the most perfect kiss,” I whisper.


Author Bio
Best selling Author of Romance and Romance Suspense, Vicki lives in Kansas with her husband and two boys as well as their 3 dogs that rule their house. She loves spending time with her family and furbabies as well as reading.

Look for more exciting romance adventures in the future.
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review 2016-05-30 05:30
Demon Duke (S.J. Frost)
Demon Duke (Paranormal Nobles Book 2) - S.J. Frost

3.75 stars rounded up

Demon Duke was the sequel to Vampire Prince; I read the first edition a couple of years ago and had wanted to read more about Sal and his witchy poo (cute endearment!!). I was happy when I saw this book finally being available.

Calvin (the witchy poo) is in need of help of 'miracle' to cure his older brother, Nathan. So he decides to make a deal with Sal, since Sal promises that he can do that. Of course, it isn't really simple because Nathan is not exactly in favor of demons ^^

Sometimes, all I want is to read something easy, fun, and light on angst factor. Demon Duke definitely fell into that category. Also, it was able to elevate my reading mood -- I laughed several times over, thanks to the antics of these characters. The part where Nathan practically cock-blocked his brother, and threw holy water to Sal example *I'm still grinning!*.

See, I felt like I got some blah reads over the past few days, so I was really entertained with this one. Yes, it was predictable, and it got rather mushy, but books that could make me laugh got my stamp of approval.

While it was light, there was still a big action near the end when Sal's life was being threaten by another demon. But Calvin showed everyone that he was a bad-ass witch, and everything went happily ever after for our demon and his witchy poo.

Now I wonder who will be next in the road to forever love. With new characters being introduced (Nathan and the demon prince, Sy) as well as old faces (Basil and Malcolm), my mind is making possibilities: Nathan and Basil? Nathan and Malcolm? Basil and Sy? Well, hopefully it will be another fun ride.

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text 2015-05-02 02:18
The Marquess By Patricia Rice 99 cents
The Marquess (Regency Nobles Series, Book 2) - Patricia Rice

Scarred in a duel over a feckless female, Gavin Lawrence leaves America to take up his new duty as Marquess of Effingham, vowing to never again care for another woman. 

But lurking in the Marquess's crumbling manor is a young woman in terrible danger. 

The self-sufficient daughter of a soldier, Dillian Whitnell hides her injured cousin in the secret passages of Arinmede Manor following an attempt on their lives. 

Trapped by the Marquess's unexpected arrival, Dillian tries to convince Gavin she's a ghost while planning their escape. 

As their hide-and-seek game leads to increasingly close encounters, Gavin's irritation turns to intrigue, and intrigue into forbidden passion while the real villain stalks them both. 

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2015-01-30 16:17
The Engineered Throne
The Engineered Throne - Megan Derr

Dropped at 39%.

This started off as a very compelling and interesting read. There is quite a bit of world building involved in this story and the characters are full of personality. I loved a lot about the characters, the banter between them, the way Derr showed the closeness between them and the intricacies in their relationships. It was also nice that before we see Vellem get to Tallideth, before he ever meets his betrothed Prince Perdith, we are able to become acquainted with Vellem and get to know his own character, outside of the relationship. This better shows how his character is changed upon coming to Tallideth and how all the events there shape him.

Vellem is an engineer and a soldier first and foremost, he’s certainly no politician (which makes him much more relatable for me, personally, since I’m also no politician, although I know a bit more than even Vellem here which makes me feel pretty good). So he knows how to navigate a battlefield and how to protect himself and how to use caution when rational is needed over rashness and acting boldly (although sometimes he does allow himself to be ruled by emotion, but don’t we all?). Unfortunately, there really isn’t much action in the first third of the story despite how it makes you think, almost crave for there to be more action, a touch more suspense and intrigue. Vellem himself may not be particularly politically savvy, but he gradually comes to understand all the true implications his betrothal and marriage bring him as a foreigner marrying a prince, even if he is the fifth prince. But although Vellem is still learning and coming into a full understanding of his new position and life, this doesn’t excuse him from some important mistakes, mistakes that as a soldier and with some common sense he could rather easily avoid. I don't have any proof as I haven't gotten far enough to have the theory confirmed, but I suspect that this poor decision making on Vellem's part (sorta combined with someone else, but..) for keeping some guy around and not following through on the proper questioning is something that provides more conflict for the plot and I'm just not happy with that.

There are quite a few editing errors strewn about and some time jumps that could have been improved with at least a few more paragraphs for the transition (ex. the time jump from the journey across the mountains to suddenly arriving in Tallideth and getting off a ship. I can assume nothing important transpired during this time - have to, really - but it would be nice to not have those events simply bypassed beyond a single sentence describing the remainder of the journey as “uneventful past a bit of rain at the start”). And then there's what happens when Vellem gets to Tallideth: some more action that gives the plot more of a push, but very little of Vellem and Perdith's relationship. And while it makes sense that there wouldn't be any romance so soon upon finally meeting and that the two would be rather awkward around each other while they both try to find their footing, it still would have been nice to have a little more of the fledgling romance I'd been looking forward to getting. Unfortunately, due to events

the entire royal family is among 2thousand other deaths that occur during a celebration for the the union between both Vellem and Perdith and their two nations when multiple bombs go off, leaving Perdith injured and apparently in a coma that they don't know if he'll wake up from, ever, and Vellem the only person left to rule in everyone's place while he must now deal with facing a war

(spoiler show)

the romance just doesn't happen, at least not by 39%.

I haven’t been in much of a book reading mood lately, veering more toward the side of fanfiction (I guess since with fanfic I already know the characters, or at least the originals the fics are based on, so I don’t have to try and see if I like the new ones I’m reading about), but this one was still difficult to get into after a while. I found myself putting it down for hours at a time, a day, and being fine and almost having to make myself pick it back up, reminding myself that I was currently reading it as part of a challenge and that there were yet more to read after completing this one. But once I did start reading again I would be fine for a while, reading a few chapters and putting it down for a bit again, as you can see by my status updates.
In the end I don’t know how to feel about this one. There was a lot I liked and enough I felt put off by that a specific rating doesn’t come automatically to me. This certainly isn’t my favorite my Megan Derr but as I already know her from her stories Deceived of Deceived and Other Tales(back when it was available for free online on her website alongside other stories, but I think it all got taken down?) and Blood in the Water this isn’t a story to put me off reading her again. Actually I think since the two I've already read are both shorts, while this was quite a long novel, that the story length difference also had something to do with my level of enjoyment. So this story is getting 3stars from me but I don’t see that as a bad thing.

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