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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-02-16 06:13
A Husband for Hire
A Husband for Hire (The Heirs & Spares Series Book 1) - Patricia A. Knight

My reviews are honest & they contain spoilers. For more, follow me:

A Husband for Hire is Patricia A. Knight’s debut historical romance, though not her debut release. She was a  new-to-me author, so I didn’t know what to expect. But the blurb of the story intrigued me and I had to give this novel a try. Have to say, I’m glad I did.

A Husband for Hire tells us the story of a plain-looking and speaking spinster, who is also sole heir to her father’s big stud farm and other entailed properties. Lady Eleanor is the only daughter to the Earl of Rutledge is in a rather big dilemma. Their stud farm is one of the best around and the Crown has an eye on it. Eleanor being the only child has no way of stopping it when anything entailed reverts back to the Crown once the Earl passes away; which maybe sooner rather than later as both of her parents are quite elderly. Eleanor was quite a surprise at a later period in their life and both parents have devoted themselves to Eleanor’s care. The Earl has pretty much trained her to be more like a man (or you can say ‘tomboy-ish’?) with the education to go with it, so Eleanor can run the stud farm without any hitch at all. But now, both the Earl and the Countess’s health is failing. This leaves Eleanor to come to a rather drastic decision, something she never thought she’d have to resort to—husband hunting. No, make that husband purchasing, to make sure everything that belongs to the Rutledge Earldom remains within the family.

Eleanor is in her late 20s. She’s not an attractive woman by the Tonnish standard, being too tall and thin, so she remained unmarried. Plus her work around the farm and the horses quite kept her busy, something she takes immense pride in. And even though she’s got plenty of money to have been married earlier, she hasn’t. What I could garner from the beginning that she’d never even considered this possibility...until very recently. All she knows that she has to bribe or buy (or whatever it takes) to find a husband. That way, when her first son is born, she could petition to make him the heir to the Rutledge legacy to stop the Crown from grabbing what she and her father and their thousands of employees worked hard to achieve.  

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review 2017-03-06 14:51
BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Incident of Magic (Everlight #2) by Kris Michaels and Patricia A. Knight
Incident of Magic - Patricia A. Knight,Kris Michaels
Incident of Magic is the second book in the Everlight series. In this one, we start with Locke and Silk, a detective from Everlight, and a monk from Elysium, who are not getting on, to say the least. These two are coming at the same problem from opposite ends of the spectrum, and not communicating with each other. Hacinka and Kavaliro are sure they will work together, and put them in a situation where they HAVE to succeed or die. Locke does get injured, because he doesn't trust Silk, and it is during his recovery that they actually start talking to each other. The groundwork is laid, and these two become the latest hot couple. 
This book is as excellently written as the first book, full of sarcasm and humour. It was with great pleasure that I saw Hiro and Sable playing a part in this story too. Silk and Locke's relationship is different to theirs, and that makes it all the better! It's not just a carbon copy of Hiro and Sable, which so too happens, but instead is individual to these characters. 
Now, I can be an emotional wreck when I'm reading, but this book, jeez, this book made me cry when something happened to a character that up until then you hadn't actually heard much about! Yes, the reactions of one of the main characters had a bearing on that, but still... absolutely amazing. 
With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this is a stunner of a book, and highly recommended by me. Can't wait to continue with this series.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Source: archaeolibrarianologist.blogspot.de/2017/03/blog-tour-review-incident-of-magic.html
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review 2017-03-06 14:45
An Evidence of Magic (Everlight #1) by Kris Michaels & Patricia A. Knight
An Evidence of Magic - Patricia A. Knight,Kris Michaels
An Evidence of Magic starts off pretty gruesome! Someone is being murdered, you don't know who, but you do know they are looking for something. You realise pretty quickly that this story will have an inter-dimensional aspect to it, but that only adds to the enjoyment. Hiro is our Detective, hard-bitten, with a string of arrests behind him. However, he hasn't seen anything like this before. Knowing that the Mafia have a ruling hand in his department, he takes some evidence with him as he is determined to find whoever is doing this. After mistaking Sable for a suspect, Hiro is convinced by Sable that he is from another dimension. Quite simply, Sable takes him to Elysium so that Hiro can see with his own eyes. That works! Once these two get together, the story really starts going.
I loved the interplay between these two. Hiro is just hard-bitten enough to be 'gravelly', whilst Sable is his smooth opposite. Don't mistake smoothness for lack of power though! Sable packs a powerful punch. Hiro is grumpy, Sable is conciliatory. It would seem like these two are perfect opposites, and as such, they fit together seamlessly. The sex scenes with them are off the charts HOT, and yet they don't detract from the main story, which will keep you guessing until the end. 
Extremely well written, with a fast and smooth pace, there is humour and wit to spare, whilst still being gruesome in places, and full of action. As the first book in a new series, this was an excellent start, and I can't wait to read more. Definitely recommended by me.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Source: archaeolibrarianologist.blogspot.de/2017/03/blog-tour-review-incident-of-magic.html
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-10-30 01:43
I wanted to enjoy it but writing got in a way
An Evidence of Magic - Kris Michaels,Patricia A. Knight
An Evidence of Magic—69K M/M procedural crime romance in an alternate reality.
Forty-year-old, hard bitten, foul-mouthed, homicide detective, Hiro Santos, suspects the owner of the art studio committed the gory killing. Too bad. There are other things he'd like to do to the gorgeous young man than book him for murder. Worse, his sexy suspect is certifiable. The nutcase claims he's some kind of high wizard from an alternate reality and needs Hiro's help to save their worlds.
While the striking Sable Campion appears a youthful twenty-five, he’s endured over two-hundred lonely years as guardian of the portal between Everlight and Elysium. None of those centuries offered him any experience finding a vicious killer. That's where Hiro Santos comes in; but convincing the virile detective to trust Sable will take all his persuasive skills...and perhaps a bit of magic.
The magic they find in each other's arms will rock each of their realities.
Dear Kris Michaels and Patricia A. Knight,
When this book was recommended at Amazon m/m board by several of my book buddies, I thought it sounded exactly like my cup of tea – magic, mystery and m/m romance. It sounded like great ingredients for the story. Alas, I ended up quite disappointed.
The beginning was so good. Actually, the very beginning was quite gruesome – we get to witness a gruesome murder amongst the theft gone wrong, but then things get interesting. Hiro arrives to investigate the strange murder where victim’s body parts are left all over the place; there are no finger prints, no nothing. When Sable, the owner of the place arrives, unfortunately Hiro is attracted to him, but even more unfortunate is that he sounds like a perfect suspect for the murder.  When Hiro questions the suspect at the police station Sable is trying to establish his alibi by explaining that during the time of the murder he was at the fortieth floor of the building which does not have a fortieth floor and that he entered the building from the closet which is really an entrance from another dimension. Oh and Sable helpfully explains that he is a High Wizard in that other parallel reality and one of the gatekeepers for the entrances to this dimension.
Of course not surprisingly Hiro thinks his suspect is preparing for future insanity defense when he will be charged with murder.  Their initial conversations were really amusing. Surprise! Sable really is a high wizard from another dimension which looks almost exactly like Everlight, but not quite and Sable has truth gears placed on him so he cannot actually when he answers questions.
Sable also needs Hiro’s help to investigate the murder/s – somebody is killing the people who are charged with opening and closing the gates to Hiro’s reality and also somebody is hunting the members of the governing body in Sable’s reality and it looks like all these murders are connected.
Of course first Sable needs to convince Hiro that he is speaking the truth and eventually he manages to do so and he manages to convince Hiro to help him even if Hiro really dislikes the people who govern Ellisium.
I could not wait to see what happens next. What happened unfortunately was not just extremely fast attraction between the guys (I don’t mind fast attraction, why not, just please let them develop something more not as fast).   I am not sure whether it was a day or day and a half, but policeman and former suspect managed to go from – I don’t do relationships at all, I do relationships but I had been burned before – to oh YAY, our souls merged after sex (blinding white light) and we became husbands/life partners forever.  Okay then.
And I really disliked the flowery language when sex was described. Here, some examples for you to decide on your own whether you would like the writing.
"The hard, pebbled flesh bloomed into a beautiful red bud and the man shook under the attack of Hiro's teeth and lips ..." (this is only part of the sentence).
“He pushed back inside that glorious warmth and rotated his hips, catching Sable's prostate, sending a shiver through the man."
"He rocked repeatedly into the hot confines of his wizard, sending his essence deep inside his man."
“His husband turned his glorious chocolate gaze toward him and grunted.”
"His husband bit and held Sable's upper lip for a heartbeat before releasing him and meeting him in a tongue - tangled kiss of erotic demand."
The mystery itself was a little strange – the group of people which killer was a part of was correctly suggested almost from the start, and I understood the motivations, but because we were not given any clues about those people’s identities (we mostly knew them as a group), I felt that the killer was chosen at random if that makes sense. I just don’t see how the reader could have guessed it.
I guess Hiro’s revelation was supposed to come as a bigger surprise? I am not sure.
When I was deciding whether to get this one I was also tempted by the promise of complex world building. Well, as I said ingredients were there, but I do not think it was a success.
Grade C-.
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review 2015-05-15 13:23
Nommy Sci-Fi Erotica
Hers to Command - Patricia A. Knight

*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.


The planet of Verdantia has been invaded by a brutal species that has slowly taken more and more of the planet until there is only a small section around the capital protected by the sexual energy raised by the few remaining people qualified to maintain the shield. If something isn’t done and soon their world will fall and they will become extinct. Princess Fleur Constante is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn’t happen. But she needs the cooperation of her betrothed, Conte Camliel Aristos deTano. Ari has resisted the arranged marriage for years, but will he allow his stubbornness be the downfall of his beloved planet? With Doral, his aide de camp, at his side Ari decides that there are some things worth risking everything for.


Oh. My. This is a story that will grab ahold of you and not let go. The characters are larger than life, the plot is decent if a bit far-fetched at times, the steamy scenes are absolutely delicious and the emotions…oh, the emotions! So many feels! Be warned that this is a M/M/F sci-fi erotica. There is M/M action, but there are plenty of M/F and M/M/F scenes as well. And I will state that I did not find any of the scenes to be just about gratuitous sex shoved in to sex up the story. Everything has a purpose. I will most definitely be reading more books by Patricia Knight.  *fans self*



Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2015/05/hers-to-command.html
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