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review 2014-05-01 16:04
[REVIEW] Beautiful by Liliaeth
Beautiful - Liliaeth

Beautiful by liliaeth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Read on April 22, 2014 — I own a copy, read count: 1


I am so torn on the rating. Liliaeth is a creative storyteller and her fanfics are compelling but most of it touches a taboo subject I am not keen on.

Truthfully this story is very addictive and the events is like a train wreck you couldn't look away. Because of this, I have to give this a 4 stars despite the sensitive subject within that I am not comfortable with. If only it does not have an underage MC it would have scored 4.5 to 5 stars. I have to ignore the stated age of the MC and go with the adult Dean as per the TV series for my own comfort.

What could I say? Petplay when done right is like crack to me. I am a total sucker for it.

Title: Beautiful
Author: liliaeth
Publication Date: February 12th, 2012
Type: Fanfiction of the Supernatural TV Series, 28,235 words (Completed fanfic)
Genre: M/M Erotica Fiction
Characters: Dean Winchester / Sam Winchester / John Winchester / other original characters

Noncon, Kidnapped, Petplay, Human Kittens, Master-Slave, Sex Slaves, Slavery, Confinement, Brainwashing, Drugging, Bodymodication, B-Mod, Violence

(spoiler show)

Donahue is your rich eccentric business man, with a love for cats, it’s just that his cats used to walk on two feet. One day when he decides to add another cat to his collection, his attention falls on Dean.

Beautiful by liliaeth

* Reviewed on May 1st, 2014


View all my reviews

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/904545266
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