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text 2015-08-12 16:50
[REVIEW] The Copper Horse: Pride by K.A. Merikan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Recommended to Kynthos-the-Archer by: ARC
Recommended for: All human-equine fans, especial those who wish for proper plot to go with their wank material.
Read from February 22 to March 30, 2015
Say yes to Uniporn! Freaking love the sweet surrender and the firm hand.
In comparison to the first book, Pride has upped the humiliation and degradation scale another notch, or rather several notches. Ahem.. that breeding scene was so intense I am melting alongside Copper in that stable under the watchful voyeuristic eyes of the ponies' masters. It's freaking hot! My ereader was smoking up my room. I was so aroused I wish for a pet of my own to go down on me while I watch that intense scene again and again. It could possibly be the highlight of the book really.
Copper is not an honest horse like he always claims to be. He is manipulative, cowardly, greedy and rather self-centered. Yet I couldn't help but to like him. His weak points makes him all the more real and interesting. He does have some likable traits as well and deep down inside he isn't a bad guy. He is just a regular underprivileged guy seeking for better things in life. Actually he is quite endearingly sweet in nature. Pleasing others seems to come naturally to him. Copper is a submissive down to the bones and a total happy bottom. An inborn mare instead of the stallion his master was grooming him to be. I think his hole would cheerfully suck any dicks as long as it makes his beloved master happy. That's how devoted and a good pet horse he is. He is a joy to be ridden and ridden hard would be his best reward for he is truly not fit to be the rider himself.
In Pride, Copper is no longer as self-conflicted as he was when he was first forced into the role of an animal, a mere pet to fulfill another man's dark desire. Copper has learned to appreciate his new lifestyle as a pampered pet and the biggest problem he has now is keeping his sexual disposition of a stud-loving horse a secret from the his master and the household. He fears of being thrown back to the derelict district where he had came from should his master finds out that he was being taken for a ride like a fool. Thing is, it is getting tougher hiding his secrets the more smitten he was by Eric his beautiful master. Would he be able to throw away the last shred of his protective layer in risk of losing his pride as a man? Discarding his remnant of humanity? Embracing his new identity makes him feels loved, alive and freer that without his shackles. It would make his beloved master very happy yet his pride would die along with Reuben the man he once was. Is Eric worthy his love? The Eric that has been and still could be cruel and harsh to him whenever things does not go his way. Still, Copper sees hope when he caught glimpses of Eric's tenderness. One thing for sure, Eric is very fond of his new pet horse and Copper has gained confidence that his precious head is not going to be displayed on the wall of that creepy dining room.
There are times when I felt that Copper is ready to wear a skirt and paint his nails in pretty rainbow colours. Yet I could not not like him. In a way his girlish side makes him all the more adorable even for a buffy guy like him. What I truly feel about Copper? Well I think he makes a damn fine pet horse. He's not going to be able to play stud horse for you but he is one that you'll love to cuddle with and watch him getting fucked hard by a studly stallion. Or you could just do it yourself and make him squeal for you. How delightful!
It is nice that this time around I could get to know Eric better rather than just watching him from a distance, puzzling over what makes him tick. I could feel Eric's loneliness and understands why he did what he did to fill that deep void left by his first stallion's premature departure and the sacrifices he had to make being a member of the ruthless Dal crime family. In a sense Eric is more fleshed out in Pride and that is good move or else he is just another face in the crowd.
While I must confess that there are certain parts that is rather baffling to me which mostly concerns Eric's action towards Copper. One involves his choice of atonement of the wrongs he did to his poor pet. The other I think best to save it since it is tough to avoid being a spoiler.
Overall, Pride is a bloody damn good human-equine erotica which also comes complete with engaging plots to get you glued to your ereader while you are vigorously beating the meat or polishing the pearl in frenzy.
Absolutely adored this book cover. The picture captures Copper in full equine fineries during a debauchery party at his master's mansion.
Title:The Copper Horse: Pride - Volume 2 in the ponyplay erotic romance trilogy: The Copper Horse
Author: K.A. Merikan
Publication Date: March 17th, 2015
Publisher: Acerbi&Villani ltd.
Type: Novel (90,000 words)
Genre: M/M dark erotic romance, BDSM
1907, twenty years into the zombie Plague
After being kidnapped into slavery by a powerful crime family member - Erik Dal, Reuben is slowly adjusting to his new life. He is now Copper, Erik’s proud stallion, serving in any way his master might require - from pulling a cart, to pleasures in the bedroom. But his journey has only begun, and as he becomes increasingly attached to Erik, his devotion will be evaluated. From getting bred by another owner’s human stallion to Erik marking him forever, each of Reuben’s decisions makes him more of a pet and less of a human.
Becoming Erik’s horse isn’t just about getting pampered, wearing hooves and tack, or providing the master with pleasure. It becomes a violent game of prize and punishment, but when Reuben understands he too has leverage - Erik’s attachment to him - he becomes an active player in the negotiations of his stay at the mansion. But with his master’s grand annual birthday party approaching, his loyalty will be tested like never before, and the tasks he is to perform might prove too much.
Themes: class differences, slavery, steampunk, alternative lifestyle, Victorian, master/servant, captivity, ponyplay, heavy kink, organized crime, violence, power exchange
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★|| AMAZON ||★
* Reviewed on August 12th, 2015
**The ARC was graciously provided by the author.**
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review 2014-05-01 16:04
[REVIEW] Beautiful by Liliaeth
Beautiful - Liliaeth

Beautiful by liliaeth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Read on April 22, 2014 — I own a copy, read count: 1


I am so torn on the rating. Liliaeth is a creative storyteller and her fanfics are compelling but most of it touches a taboo subject I am not keen on.

Truthfully this story is very addictive and the events is like a train wreck you couldn't look away. Because of this, I have to give this a 4 stars despite the sensitive subject within that I am not comfortable with. If only it does not have an underage MC it would have scored 4.5 to 5 stars. I have to ignore the stated age of the MC and go with the adult Dean as per the TV series for my own comfort.

What could I say? Petplay when done right is like crack to me. I am a total sucker for it.

Title: Beautiful
Author: liliaeth
Publication Date: February 12th, 2012
Type: Fanfiction of the Supernatural TV Series, 28,235 words (Completed fanfic)
Genre: M/M Erotica Fiction
Characters: Dean Winchester / Sam Winchester / John Winchester / other original characters

Noncon, Kidnapped, Petplay, Human Kittens, Master-Slave, Sex Slaves, Slavery, Confinement, Brainwashing, Drugging, Bodymodication, B-Mod, Violence

(spoiler show)

Donahue is your rich eccentric business man, with a love for cats, it’s just that his cats used to walk on two feet. One day when he decides to add another cat to his collection, his attention falls on Dean.

Beautiful by liliaeth

* Reviewed on May 1st, 2014


View all my reviews

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/904545266
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review 2014-04-22 13:42
[REVIEW] Saddled (A Briarwood Agency Story) by Lyn Gala

Juicy Ponyplay story. Please bring extra panties!


Short but packs a punch! Smoking hot! The creative breaking and taming of a new human stallion was SO delicious to read. Absolutely thrilling and it makes my body tingles delightfully akin to having mini-orgasms. Now this is what I called ponyplay erotica.


What makes this extra delicious was the dubious consent that comes with the right mixture of consent cum noncon elements in it. I relish the sweet struggles by the protagonist between obedience and his instinct to fight what was forced upon him even knowing beforehand what he had signed up for in the first place. John's master allowed him his instict although he effectively controlled John's autonomy. John really had no idea this task would be much harder than it sounds on the call sheet for he would have to surrender himself entirely to the devious manipulation of a knowledgeable horse trainer.


Breaking a wild stallion was the sexual heights Davis seek for when he place his order with the Agency. I would say Davis got very lucky when the agency sent John to him as per his stated requirements; someone new to ponyplay and he got even luckier as John was a virgin bottom. Would he be able to tame this new stallion enough to slide his cock in for the pleasure of the beast's submission?


I like how John's mind is holding him in place besides his restrictive pony gears. He had to yield no matter how humiliating it was to be treated like a real horse and then ridden like one (pun intended). By allowing John his instinct to fight, the sexual tension was all the more intense. Because of it, taming him was a much sweeter challenge.


The author is very good at creating and sustaining the sexual tension between the characters and surrounds it with a fitting atmosphere. I don't even need the actual sex scenes to get excited, the training part was sufficient to make me change my panties. Freaking love the wicked preparations and the trainings Davis subjected John to. Mmmm... yummylicious!


I feel so wicked for loving all the sufferings John gone through. Davis dirty talking made me shudder with pleasure. And I freaking adored that devious bridle with a U-bracket bit in John's mouth although I still wonders how it looks like and how it works.


A big humongous thank you to Ms. Gala for writing and sharing this arousing story. I would love to read more of such stories in the future. It certainly was better than money could buy.




I could understand why the author does not wish to list this story on Goodreads. There are readers who would rate it low just because of its length despite knowing it is supposed to be a short story. This is regardless if the story delivered the right impact perfectly. Some just don't bother to give due consideration on the execution of the storyline and its theme. Even I find this most frustrating and unfair.


I don't exactly believe in judging a story by its length as I have seen many short ones that are much better than those lengthy ones. As long as the story delivers its theme and premise perfectly and manages to make a deep impression then it is a good story in my opinion and well deserving to be praised. Unless of course if it was an overpriced short story book with no word count disclosure. Some of these book even failed to make the story worthy of its price tag. Now these are the ones most deserving to be penalized. 



Saddled by Lyn Gala



Title: Saddled (A Briarwood Agency Story)

Author: Lyn Gala

Publication Date: October 10th, 2013

Publisher: Unpublished Free Short Story

Type: Short Story, 10K words (approximate)

Genre: M/M Erotica, Contemporary Fiction

Main Characters:

John (MC aka Wild Stallion) and Davis (the rich guy who had ordered for someone to play pony for him)

(spoiler show)


ponyplay, horse training, horse trainer, stables, horse tacks, bridle, harness, spreader bar, bondage glove, prostitution, rich guy, master and pet, wild stallion, anal sex, light whipping, bondage, restraints, gag, butt plug, anal fingering, anal play

(spoiler show)


Author's Note:

I’m the first to admit that sometimes I’m in a mood for erotica. I don’t want a whole lot of plot… just enough for me to keep my imagination happy. When these moods hit, I’m often vulnerable to those 2.99 short stories that promise happy, kinky fun. And I’ve written about how often I find myself disappointed. Often. Today I was trying to find inspiration for my writing and I went looking. It was not a good day, so I decided that instead I would do a little writing. Mind you, I should have been working on my contracted story, but sometimes the muse wants what she wants.




WHERE TO READ THIS: ★|| Lyn Gala's Blog ||★




* Reviewed on April 22nd, 2014




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