See, this is what happens every time I go against my instincts. When they tell me not to finish a book, I usually listen. But on those rare occasions when I decide to go against that, this happens. I waste my precious time on a story. Yup. I'm mad. I'm mad because there were things here that caught my attention and kept me reading, but then the outcome made it not worth it. Basically it should not have felt like a chore, and taken me this long to get through a book that is only 120 pages long.
I had plenty of problems with the execution of this story. From the way these two MC's related and spoke to one another, to the events that occurred in their journey till the end. There was some hotness here though. The beginning of their interludes were very awkward. But as the story progressed, the passion, heat and naughty bits you would expect to see; finally made themselves known.
What I did like was that the Vampires here, they aren't fluffed up like we've become so entralled with concerning these characters in others stories. They kill. To survive and sometimes for the fun of it. They are who they are and they don't apologize for it. It was refreshing for me to see this type of take on a Vampire that's fallen in love.
I can't say that I would recommend this read though. It's just not all that great.