Daniel Byrne has been sent by the Vatican's Office of Devil's Advocate (which has been disbanded but still unofficially works) to debunk Tim Trinity's voices and prophecies. Turns out that Tim Trinity is his uncle and raised him after his mother's death. There is a lot of bad blood between the two of them and Daniel wants badly to debunk his uncle. But Daniel is not sure the uncle is running a con this time. Not only does the Vatican want him debunked but so do the odds makers and mob in Las Vegas. He is ruining the betting. Who is after Tim and who will stop him? I liked this thriller. There was a lot of action and adventure. Daniel is a priest with a lot of questions. Tim was a con man but claims he now believes in God and his prophecies. Both have to decide what is the truth but they have to stay alive to find the answers for which they are searching. The characters are interesting. Daniel is pulled in different directions. Anger and hatred from the past. Questioning the existence of God. Questioning his bosses and others like them. Questioning if he made the right choice to go into the priesthood. Tim knows he ran a con when Daniel was with him as a boy. He can spot cons now as he sees other on the tent revival circuit. He tries to be honest but with him Daniel can never be sure. A good thriller that brings good secondary characters into the story to aid or hinder Daniel and Tim. New Orleans features prominently in the story as the answers are there to the past and the future. Well worth reading |