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text 2014-10-08 00:13
End of the Summer Wrap Up and October TBR.
Catch a Falling Star - Kim Culbertson
Lola and the Boy Next Door - Stephanie Perkins
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins
The Break-Up Artist - Philip Siegel
The Murder Complex - Lindsay Cummings
Open Road Summer - Emery Lord

So I decided to do a end of  the summer wrap up instead of a September wrap up because I'm about 100% sure I only read one book in September. I know I know it's bad but to be far school started and I had a project I saved for last minute. Ugh. I'm ashamed too. But everyone does it. After all it is summer. Okay as for the books I read in summer.


Anna and the French kiss.

Omg this book is so cute and perfect for the summer. The romance and setting is so well written.

Lola and the Boy Next Door.

(only book I read in September)

After reading Anna I just had to read lola. Lola does not disappoint.

Murder Complex

Th...s...this book messes with your mind. But in a good way.

Open road summer

This was the perfect book at the perfect time because I was also traveling across the U.S. Which made me love it 10x more.

Breakup artist

It has a strong plot line and idea but for me it was extremely predictable.

Catch a falling star.

This book was really good, it's Chiquita unique at the same time.


I think I know why I only read one book in September. It's because I didn't have Isla and the happily ever after. Sob T-T. I should have taken advantage of my summer because I'm never going to end up reading a book if my school has this much testing a week. Literally everyday of the week I have at least one test. This has been happening for two weeks now. I NEED SLEEP.


October TBR.

Since its a trend going around bookbloggers and booktuber I'm going to try to read some horror but mostly fantasy because that's me. FYI the trend is that October is a themed month where u have to read some horror. But I'm baby and I can't read horror. If I do I'm going to crap my pants.

Throne of glass by Sarah J Mass

AAAASSSSSASSSIANS !!!!! what more do I have to say.

Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

I'm so excited for this there's so much hype around this book.

End game: the calling by James Frey & Nils Johnson-Shelton

I'm so excited for this book the plot and everything is so epic but I heard bad things about the author.

I'm just going to try it anyways.

Trail by fire by Josephine angelini.

The plot just seems so epic.Plus parallel dimensions.

Anna dressed in blood by Kendare Blake 

this is the horror book for October because i can't and don't do horror anything.


I'm probably going to stick to my tbr. Though I doubt that I'm going to ever finish all of it. If I do ( highly unlikely) I might read books like fan girl or the jewel. Who knows. Only those who are fortune tellers. If you are one can you tell me if I got a 100 on any of my tests..... I though so.


*reviews for this will be up soon. When they are, I will link them as titles. 

Baaiiii have a great day, evening, or night. How would I possibly know.

well that ought to give you nightmares. Night mares are not intended, it was just a fun Halloween photo. 

(Hey, you have to admit its beautiful and creds to the talented person who made it.)


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text 2014-10-04 20:53
September Wrap Up

So I only read 3 books this month, which kind of disappoints me because I thought I was going to be able to read more...  I've just been in kind of a reading slump for the past couple of weeks, but I'm hoping to get out of in this month!


August Wrap Up


READ: Monday1st

Boy Proof- Cecil Castellucci {4/5 Stars}

~I read this novel in a day. It was amazing.  I haven't read anything by this author before, nor had I ever heard her name before.  I was unsure going into it because I hadn't heard of her or this book.  But it has a blurb by John Green! Soo.... This book was so much more than I expected!

READ: Thursday 11th

To All the Boys I've Loved Before- Jenny Han {5/5 Stars}

~The first novel in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before trilogy or maybe duology...? Series? I'm really not sure.  What I am sure of is that I loved this book to death! I could relate to the main character so well, and the story was beautifully written! I have a full review of it here >(To All the Boys I've Loved Before Full Length Review)

READ: Tuesday 16th

We Were Liars- E. Lockhart {4/5 Stars}

~This is the third book I've read by E. Lockhart, so I wasn't surprised by the writing style, but that isn't to say that I didn't enjoy it. Because I did! This book was just a roller coaster ride and I really did like it.  A few things threw me off though and made it so I couldn't give it 5/5 starts.  I don't want to say to much and spoil it, so here's my spoiler review> (We Were Liars Full Length Spoiler Review)


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text 2014-10-01 01:30
September Wrap-Up


This month I managed to read 17 books including one audio-book and two novellas.    Here's the breakdown for the month:


A Hero for the People: Stories of the Brazilian Backlands by Arthur Powers: A surprising collection of short stories ranging from thrillers to heart-warming episodes. Review.


Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyme:  Part fairy tale retelling, part historical fiction, part racial relations, but not all that I was hoping for.  Review.


La Belle Creole by Alina Garcia LaPuerta:  Non-fiction about the life of Comtesse Merlin, a Cuban Countess in France in the 19th century..  Review. 


Chronicle of Steele: Raven Episodes Two and Three by Pauline Creeden: An episodic steam-punk novella about a female assassin.  Reviews. 


Edwin: High King of Britain by Edoardo Albert: Historical fiction about the first Kings of Britain in the 600's. Review.


Coral and Bone by Tiffany Daune:  YA Fantasy with mermaids and sirens.  Review.


The Story of Land and Sea by Katy Simpson Smith:  Historical fiction during the Revolutionary War that focuses on grief and loss.  Review.


Mrs. Lincoln's Rival by Jennifer Chiaverini:  Historical Fiction about Kate Chase, daughter of Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln's US Treasury Secretary.  Review. 


I Shall Be Near to You by Erin Lindsay McCabe: Civil War era historical fiction about a women who fights side by side with her husband dressed as a man.  Review. 


Oogy by Lary Levin: A memoir about a family and their adopted dog, a previously abused Dogo Argentino.  Review. 


Spy Island by Sophie Schiller: WWI spy thriller set in the Danish West Indies. Review. 


Mistress of Fortune and Mistress of Lies by Holly West: Historical mysteries, Lady Isabelle Wilde is one of King Charles' many mistresses and is privy to many secrets.  Review book one, Review book two. 


The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter:  Magic, adventure and a lost princess in an alternate England.  Review. 


Dark Aemilia by Sally O'Reilly: Historical Fiction about Shakespeare's supposed Dark Lady...Review. 


Stranger at Sunset by Eden Baylee: Psychological thriller at a Jamaican hotel resort.  Review.  


Another great month of reading for me!

My favorite reads were I Shall be Near to You and The Story of Land and Sea. 

Not so favorite read was Mrs. Lincoln's Rival.  

Have you read any of these or are you planning on reading any of these? 


Next month I have a few good horror/ thriller reads lined up including: Fissure FreeThe Girl Who Came Back to Life, and School of Deaths. 




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