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Search tags: Series-All-Good-Things
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review 2014-02-10 13:49
Unbound (All Good Things #1) by Georgia Bell
Unbound - Georgia Bell
Unbound tackles an interesting aspect of an immortal's life.  What happens when you get tired of living?  Eaden has reached the point where he is looking for a way out of life, his key to doing this is Rachel - but Rachel isn't just a means to an end to him - he has followed her and watched her since the day she was born.  He knows just about everything there is to know about her - and she has noticed him as well.  This is their story - of how a mortal can mean so much to an immortal.
I enjoyed the world Georgia Bell created.  It was full of mystrey and magic living hidden right alongside our everyday world.  Rachel is just a little crazy (but not in a really bad crazy way) - a death in her family has made her grow up for too quickly.  She seems to be the perfect match to quiet and somewhat brooding Eaden.  They were so much fun to watch at the beginning as they really got to know each other for the first time.
As the book moved along we got into a little more action as we realize Rachel is even more special than we thought at first.  She is wanted by many and Eadon will do anything to protect her from harm.  While the characters were well written, I found I had a hard time connecting to the story at first.  Once they meet the witches things took a turn for the better - I think hearing how they fit into the old legends was one of my favorite parts.
*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*


Source: hotofftheshelves.blogspot.com/2014/02/review-unbound-by-georgia-bell.html
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