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Search tags: Sexual-Abuse
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url 2014-06-25 06:16
An Alleged Pedophile Will be Attending VidCon


This year at VidCon, you might not see a few familiar faces. Tom MilsomMike LombardoAlex DayLuke Conard, and many others will either not be there this year or will be very low key. This is because of the bravery of individuals who have come forward and talked about their experiences of abuse from these men.

There’s one name (that you probably wouldn’t recognize) that should also be on the list of no shows. But he’ll be there at VidCon this year. He’ll be there, in part, because I lacked the bravery of people like KristinaHayley G.ShannonOlga, and Rosi and publicly name my abuser.

His name is Stephen Purcell.

I first met Stephen in 2011. We connected through OK Cupid. In the process of getting to know Stephen, he shared with me many confessions. One of his first confessions was that, at 270 lbs, I was not his type. So why date me? As he also later confessed, he "wanted to use me for my connections".


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Source: uncultured.tumblr.com/post/89771412362/vidcon-attendees-beware-of-stephen-purcell-trigger
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url 2014-03-25 18:30
Youtube Abuse Recovery by TheGeekyBlonde

The BEST video response to recent Youtube/DFTBA sexual abuse scandal [click here and here for details], and it's not by John Green or Hank Green, but rather a 16 year old girl, youtuber and sexual abuse survivor. 


What's really interesting is how she points out that the sexism in the Youtube/DFTBA community is systemic, specifically citing how the venue for the "Women on Youtube" panel at VidCon (run by the Green brothers) has been progressively smaller each year. Resulting in last year where the panel was held on the lawn outside of the convention center. 


The video is worth your time to watch and will leave you thinking about what community leaders owe to the members of their communities. 

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url 2014-03-18 06:12
Sexual Abuse, Consent, and Losing Friends by Charlie McDonnell (Charlieissocoollike)

Yet another update in the YouTube Sexual Abuse Scandal. [for more info click here and here.]


Charlie McDonnell (aka Charlieissocoollike on YouTube) is was a close friend of Alex Day. He has posted about his reaction and feelings about the situation. While he says he had no knowledge of the abuse, he admits to being aware of Alex's cheating on his girlfriends and takes responsibility for his inaction.


 "I didn’t want to spoil mine and Alex’s friendship, or our living situation, and so I let it slide. I never want to be that person again."

I have to say his words leave Hank Green's flippant video in the dust if for no other reason but the statement below.


"To those who came forward with the accusations about sexual abuse and manipulation recently, I have a massive amount of respect for you. I can’t imagine the bravery that it must have taken, and I’m glad that some of you found the strength to speak out because of others doing the same. I still do not feel a real sense of closure from all of this, and I’m sure that feeling must be vastly worse for you right now. I really do hope the resolution that you deserve comes soon."


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url 2014-03-17 16:28
This Is Very Upsetting by Carrie Mesrobian

1) Being creative or artistic doesn’t preclude you being an asshole or being criminal. It’s just your JOB. See: Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Terry Richardson. If any of those dudes did what was alleged while working as janitors, would it make a difference? Making art, while we want to believe it’s all lofty and beyond reproach, is just a job like any other job. And you will find assholes, predators and criminals in any occupation.


2) Hank Green’s video, “Sex, Consent & Culture” is way too glib to be of much help when it comes to a) consent b) sexual abuse and its complicated cultural components. If you are not an authority on the matter, Hank, that’s understandable. But there are plenty of people who are authorities and can speak about these issues without deploying jokes or abstractions. Sit still and interview one of them in a video together, please. I’m glad Hank is ‘gathering resources’ but there is no reason rushing toward a topic where you can’t speak eloquently or with any kind of nuance (missiles? kitties? wtf?) is at all productive; in fact, I’d venture to say this approach is absolutely insulting and offensive, especially to survivors of rape and sexual assault. Summing up consent and sex in three minutes is a fool’s errand. Make it a series, with people who deeply understand these topics, and let them do the majority of the talking. Then maybe you’ll ‘change the world.’


3) Sex and romance and consent ARE incredibly complicated. That they could remain a ‘chase’ while still involving enthusiastic consent isn’t an impossibility for me. Sex is a negotiation like all the other millions of negotiations we enter into as humans. It just happens to be very high stakes and multi-faceted. Being flippant and simplistic doesn’t assist anyone in this matter. Talking about sex and romance and consent and sexual violence by using concrete examples and sharing our own personal stories, biases and limitations is what helps, not summing up the whole situation with a handful of trite generalizations.


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I cannot recommend this post enough. Go Read! 

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