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text 2019-02-15 09:00
Friday Reads - February 15, 2019
The Preacher's Promise - Piper Huguley
What Lies Behind Us (The World War 2 Sisters Book 1) - Sierra Rose
The Genius of Birds - Jennifer Ackerman

It's the middle of the month and my reading has slowed down due to real life. My daughter turned 6, we went to see Alien Ant Farm and P.O.D. at a free concert on base (thank you USO/Armed Forces Entertainment!), my husband put the paperwork in for his last re-enlistment (5 more years!), and Valentine's Day added into the normal week has me exhausted. 


I still have to finish last week's short book pick The Preacher's Promise and my short book for this week is What Lies Behind Us. I am still in chapter 3 of The Genius of Birds for my science reading - it's interesting content delivered via ASMIR (and I am reading the print version). So I hope to get something done by the end the holiday weekend (made longer by a no school day today), but I am not getting my hopes up too high.


I hope you had a good Valentine's Day and for my fellow Americans, have a good Presidents' Day weekend. My son turns 8 on Monday, so I am going back into birthday mode. May your reading be all 5 stars!



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review 2017-07-06 18:15
American Queen by Sierra Simone
American Queen - Sierra Simone,Stephanie Rose

I guess I'm giving this book a 2 1/2.  

This author likes to jam a lot of stuff into her books and into her heroines and this story is no exception. She also likes to set up preposterous plot lines and run with them. I said this about her book Priest but it totally fits here too:

“This story is not based in any sort of reality. If you know that going in you’ll likely be okay. But I make no guarantees.”

Unfortunately, for me at least, I had a hard time doing that. I simply could not suspend my disbelief enough to get past the fact that this book is about a 3-way relationship featuring the President of the United States. Yessirree, you read that right. And, as if that weren’t weird and disturbing enough, one of the members of this lusty triangle just so happens to be the Vice President. I kid you not. Seriously, though, any other position of power would’ve worked better for me at this point in time than those two. Granted this book was written before an over-stuffed, pumpkin head took over the US but it is very unfortunate that every time someone says Mr. President or Mr. Vice President in this story that I can only picture the current two running our country.

Ok, say you can throw reality out the window better than I, what you’ll find here is a story about three people who lustlove each other but for many reasons, aren’t open and clear about their feelings which causes no end of angst and punishing kisses and eventually much kinky sex. The third caught up in this mess is Greer. She is the most beautiful girl in the world and that’s all there really is to her. She is submissive, a little naïve, adores edgy sex and is a little bit of a door-mat when it comes to dealing with certain people (her bitchy cousin, especially). She wasn’t my most favorite heroine and I’ll just leave it at that.

I listened to this book as an unabridged audiobook. I may not have finished it otherwise. Narrator Stephanie Rose is great as Greer. There’s a slight sexy innocence to her voice that works well here. She voices the guys decently, if a little robotically here and there but she’s not too bad. I’ve definitely heard much worse! 

Heads up, there is a wee bit of this which a lot of people do not like in their threesomes (I am not one of them).



(spoiler show)

Also thrown into this convoluted sexy stew for reasons unknown, we have several things that left me shaking my head:

*A man named Merlin who can apparently see the future!
*An otherwise virginal heroine who at 15 starts writing super porny letters to a soldier she kissed once. 
*Greer’s cousin makes a major pass at Greer’s man (one of them, anyway) and it’s all but ignored.
*There is sex with a half-sister (this happens off screen so don’t get too excited!) 
*A past marriage that happens out of the blue and makes no sense at all to me.
*And then there’s the killing blow: We have ourselves a genuine and terribly frustrating cliff-hanger!

People LOVE this book so much that writing this review makes me feel like a crab. But at least my cat loves me.



I received a copy of this audiobook from Tantor Media. I hope they don’t regret it!


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review 2015-11-08 01:28
Love hurts
The Boss's Son - Part 2 (An Office Romance) (My Office Romance) - Sierra Rose

This is book # 2 in The Boss's Son, a 3 part series.  I recommend reading it in order for better grasp of the story and full understanding.  I always advise readers to read in order the author intended.


Britt and Jack's story continues in this 2nd part.  Jack has gone to Hong Kong to train and Britt has had to stay and wait on him.  She is afraid since distance can be a factor for most couples to break up.


Jack is sure Britt is who he wants.  He fell pretty hard for her and is trying everything to make it work.  He calls and text her all the time.


Britt has just had a bad breakup before meeting Jack.  She is also stressed out on him being her bosses son.  She is afraid of how it will look to others so she keeps a secret, even from her best friend.


This story has a lot of humor and the characters are fun to read.  Britt not telling her best friend leads to hijinx.  The one thing that bugged me in this story was Britt making Jack feel last and dating others when she was "with" him.  Overall I liked it though.  I give this story a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC was given by Hurricane Readers Book Reviews in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2015-10-27 03:39
The Billionaire Saga continues
The Billionaire's Fake Girlfriend - Part 2 (The Billionaire Saga) - Sierra Rose

This is part two in The Billionaire Saga, a three part series.  I always remind my readers, to get the most from a story that is in a series - please read in the order the author intended.  This is for best enjoyment and understanding of the story as a whole.


Rebecca and Marcus continue the charade in this book.  Only this time, it is not just a potential client they have to convince.  This is Rebecca's family.  Her mother and brother come to "help" the wedding planning along.  


Marcus is still agreeable about paying for her time, as he still has a client on the hook he is trying to catch.  He finds her family fascinating and funny.  They love him also.


Rebecca, meanwhile, is starting to feel the deep pangs of guilt.  She is close to her family, for the most part, and hates lying to them.  She also knows if she tells her mom the truth she will hit the roof.


Marcus and Rebecca are also getting closer.  They have come to know one another and this makes "faking it' in public and for others, much easier.  Only now, they have feelings invested as well.  


I found this to be even better than the first installment.  The author brings you to such laughter and then throws in some surprises for you.  I really cannot wait to see what the next book will bring!  I give this story a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC copy was given by Hurricane Readers Book Reviews and its author, in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2015-10-14 07:59
Fake it till you make it
The Billionaire's Fake Girlfriend - Part 1 (Contemporary Romance) (The Billionaire Saga) - Sierra Rose

Rebecca White and Marcus Taylor have a run in at a coffee shop.  They do not officially "meet" until she is at his party in a professional capacity.  She tells one of the screeching leeches that she is the billionaire's girlfriend, and he goes along with it.


They have quite a bit of fun in front of the cameras with their little secret.  She came along at a perfect time, when Marcus needed Rebecca.  So it is official.  She has to come out of her comfort zone.


Marcus, for all that is going on seems to enjoy her company.  On the premise that they have to spend time together for it to be believed, he is over at her apartment.  They are going to events together, flying to glamorous places together, etc.


Rebecca is not sure what her take on this is going to be.  Right now it is fun.  The best acting job she has ever given.  But is it really acting?  If she enjoys his kisses, and wants more - is it still all for the job?


This is such a super start for the series!  In grand style, I laughed and laughed and enjoyed myself with all the banter, sexy times, and offhand thoughts.  I cannot wait for the next installment!!  I literally could NOT put this one down!  Total keeper, it gets the 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC was given by Hurricane Readers Book Reviews and its author in exchange for an honest review.

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