COP OUT. BLOODY COP OUT. Seriously, what the hell was that ending? So we find out, along with Jesse, that Cassius is really just the other half of him. Not brothers, as everyone, including Jesse and Cassius, suspected. But the way it's written, it's not like Jesse is whole now that Cassius's energy glomps into Jesse; it's like Cassius is still himself, in Jesse, but Jesse is more complete, but also still himself. And I'm very confused at how that's supposed to work. The Key and the Catalyst. How are they "one" and yet were two separate boys? I mean, sure, it helps with explaining why both of them were missing key character traits and development, but it brings up so many more questions.
Besides that whole mess, there was the Savon deal. Though I didn't figure it out, I hated Savon as soon as he showed up, and I couldn't understand why Jesse didn't too. *sing-song* Guess who was right? [/spoiler]
So, as not only a book and the end of the series, the Skyship Academy series had great potential and a failure to launch properly. It's like...when you light a bottle rocket fuse and the fuse is quickly eaten away. You throw the bottle rocket high into the air and you hold your breath in glorious anticipation of the BANG and the sparks and....it's a dud. The bottle rocket only flies as high as your weak little arms could fling it. It plummets to the ground to land in a dejected mess, broken and worthless. Ah, but was it still worth lighting that rocket? Of course. So I'm not disappointed I read them; merely that they fell so achingly short of my expectations.