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review 2021-11-22 18:03
Mopsik, który chciał zostać jednorożcem
Mopsik, który chciał zostać jednorożcem - Bella Swift

"Mopsik, który chciał zostać jednorożcem" Belli Swift to pierwsza część przygód uroczej Peggy - małego, dokazującego, ale bardzo kochanego mopsa. Książka skierowana jest do czytelników w wieku 6-8 lat, doskonale się sprawdzi jako wspólna lektura do poduszki, ale także jako pozycja do samodzielnego czytania. Duża czcionka i niewielki format książki ułatwia lekturę początkującemu czytelnikowi, dodatkowym ułatwieniem będzie podział na krótkie rozdziały. Wesołe ilustracje zaś urozmaicą czytelniczą przygodę. "Mopsik..." z pewnością przyniesie wiele radości dzieciom i ich opiekunom.
Autorka na pierwszoplanowego bohatera swojego opowiadania wybrała szczeniaka rasy mops, który jeszcze niewiele wie o świecie, ale jest pełen entuzjazmu i wiary w dobre zakończenia. Suczka Peggy niestety dość szybko przekona się, że pozory mylą i nie każdy chce być jej przyjacielem.
Dla Peggy los nie od razu okazuje się łaskawy. Trafia do domu Suzanne, która prowadzi eleganckie życie w mieście. Piesek czuje się samotny, nie ma się z kim bawić, a perfumy jej pani drażnią jej nosek. Beztroskie psoty małego szczeniaka okazują się nie do zaakceptowania dla Suzanne, która szybko pozbywa się modnej, ale uciążliwej zabawki i oddaje ją do schroniska.
Schronisko, w dodatku przepełnione, to zdecydowanie nieodpowiednie miejsce dla malucha. Na szczęście spędza tylko jedną noc. Nazajutrz pracownik przytuliska namawia pewną miłą rodzinę na stworzenie tymczasowego domu, dzięki czemu na okres Świąt suczka trafia do nowej rodziny. Musi ich przekonać i sprawić, że zdecydują się zostać jej opiekunami już na zawsze. Peggy całym swym psim sercem pragnie zostać z rodziną, mieć własną miskę, bombkę na choince, zdjęcia na lodówce i chodzić na radosne spacery. Z tej wielkiej potrzeby akceptacji wynikają zupełnie nieoczekiwane i zwariowane historie. W końcu Peggy przekona się jednak, że kocha się nie za coś, ale mimo wszystko.
Książki o zwierzakach uwrażliwiają, uczą empatii i kształtują wyobraźnię. Pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć naszych czworonożnych przyjaciół, a dzięki temu - sprawiają, że możemy otaczać je lepszą opieką i w dorosłym życiu walczyć o wyegzekwowanie ich praw.
Opowieść w świątecznym klimacie, pełna emocji i uczuć we wszystkich odcieniach. Co ważne i bardzo lubię, historia kończy się happy endem. To ciepła, miła, czuła książka, która nawet u mnie - dorosłej już baby - wywołała łzy wzruszenia. A skoro potrafi poruszyć coś w mojej wielowiekowej skorupie, to pomyślcie tylko, jak dobrze musi wpływać na dzieci. Ach i uczy jednej ważnej rzeczy, o której zawsze warto mówić - zwierzęta to odpowiedzialność. Nie można ich wziąć pod wpływem chwili, a potem porzucić, bo nie spełniają naszych oczekiwań.
Historia o mopsiku Peggy ma w sobie magię. Naprawdę polecam!!!!

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text 2021-02-10 13:48
Reasons why Swift is Preferred over Objective-C!

If you are willing to develop a futuristic iOS app for your target audience, then Swift should be your preferred choice. This is so because Swift iOS app development is cost-effective and requires less coding efforts as the language is intuitive, easier to learn, and comes with several advanced features and powerful tools. This modern programming language is going to survive for long due to the plethora of benefits that it offers, as compared to its old competitor, Objective-C.


Earlier, Objective-C was principally used for building iOS applications. However, it became out-dated slowly due to the lack of several useful features offered by other new-age programming languages. Apple Corp had worked on Objective-C improvements for almost 6 years and understood that a better language could be introduced for writing mobile applications. Due to such loopholes of Objective-C, Apple introduced an advanced language in 2014- Swift which had pioneering features to accelerate the iOS app development.


Swift is general-purpose, multi-paradigm, and compiled language. It is a fast, safe, and interactive language specially developed for iOS, macOS, Linux, tvOS, and watchOS. It soon superseded Objective-C and became the favorite of developers across the world. Several giants like LinkedIn, IBM, Facebook, Mozilla, Uber, etc. were already using Swift but now, even start-ups have started focussing on it.

In this blog, we will explore the key reasons why start-ups choose Swift for iOS app development instead of Objective-C.


Top Reasons why Start-ups Prefer Swift over Objective-C



Swift is quite successful today not only because it is feature-rich and well-structured, but also due to the huge support of millions of people, globally. Its independently managed conferences enhance the Swift community. Also, there are two main differences between Swift and Objective-C:


  • Swift isn’t a superset of C, so, it can freely make use of syntax constructs. This enables the implementation of custom operators.
  • Swift is not dynamically typed but it is statically typed, due to which it can take benefit of a number of recent advancements in the type systems.


Let us understand in detail about what more is there for start-ups to prefer Swift over Objective-C.


Open-Source and Fast-Growing Language


Swift is the fastest-growing open-source language and has great potential. It can be immediately accessible to anyone and start-ups can take advantage of this. Also, Swift can be applied across several platforms and backend infrastructure as well since it is open-source. It is also available on Linux and efforts are being made to bring it to Windows. Swift receives feedback from the iOS app development community to make improvements to get more structured. Comparatively, Objective-C isn’t an open-source language and also becoming out-dated gradually.


Less Coding Efforts and Less Prone to Errors


Swift is a functional programming language and allows passing functions as variables. It also allows manipulation of data and text strings. This lets the Swift developers develop generic code which reduces the coding efforts to a great extent. So, writing, reading, and modifying the code is easier in Swift which ensures better readability. Also, this language has smaller code lengths due to the use of a feature called- Type interface. This feature helps to avoid incorrect coding and provides less error-prone code.


When a null optional variable is used in Swift, a run-time crash is triggered instantaneously. Due to its consistent behavior, this crash forces the bug-fixing process and so, the bugs get fixed instantly. As a result, even the development time reduces.

However, in Objective-C, complete code needs to be written every time there is a change in the code. So, it needs extensive coding and has greater execution time.


Shorter Time-to-Market


Shorter time-to-market is a critical factor for start-ups. What they want is good-quality products in less time. Of course, they need to hire dedicated iOS app developers for this. But in addition, Swift has package managers that allow the developers to focus on the logic, push their packages for collaboration with others, and use different packages for quickly assembling the applications while significantly reducing the time-to-market.

Similarly, there are many other speed-based advantages that Swift offers over Objective-C apps while developing iOS apps due to which start-ups prefer Swift.


Highly Safe and Secure


Safety and security is a very important factor while developing mobile apps. Swift has an all-inclusive Security Framework having several APIs that handle authorization services, certificates, keys, trust policies, etc. Some APIs are also used to apply cryptography encryption to the messages. Also, as discussed earlier, the use of a nil optional variable makes the bug-fixing process easier and immediate.


Syntax in Swift forces the coders to write a clean and consistent code. It not only saves time but also supports the safety of the apps, though it may feel strict sometimes. The way Swift handles the bugs ensures safer applications as compared to Objective-C.


Needs less Maintenance


Swift for iOS app development is preferred by start-ups for one more significant reason. This programming language doesn’t have any legacy code and so, needs lesser maintenance as compared to Objective-C. Unlike Swift, Objective-C depends on C for its evolution. In C, iOS app developers need to maintain and manage two separate code files- (.h) header file and (.m) implementation file, for better efficiency and building time of the app. The same legacy is carried forward by Objective-C, which can be cumbersome to manage at times. In the case of Swift, only one single file- (.swift) needs to be maintained, making the overall maintenance quite easier.


Has a Bright Future


Swift is a well-designed and well-organized programming language. It provides an

enhanced development process along with some excellent features which simplify the developers’ task.


Though Swift has emerged just a couple of years ago, yet it has made a tremendous evolution. Undoubtedly, Objective-C won’t vanish from the market but it has definitely started losing ground ever since Swift came into the picture. Also, it is evident from the conferences held by Apple and its software releases that Apple is going to develop Swift with some amazing features. So, we can expect several upgrades of Swift in iOS app development in the future.


Key Takeaways:


Swift and Objective-C are the two most high-end Apple programming languages. However, Swift supersedes Objective-C in many ways. It is clean, expressive, and intuitive as compared to Objective-C. Also, when it comes to cost-savings, developing a Swift app for your business is the apt choice. So, in this competitive business world, it is advisable for start-ups to opt for Swift and hire Swift app developers for building powerful, immersive, and profitable iOS applications.


To know more about our other core technologies, refer to links below


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review 2020-03-29 16:33
Swift Series Collection by: Leslie Pike
Swift Series Collection - Leslie Pike




Fun is a fashion statement and the Swifts prove themselves up to the task. The chase is on and Pike knows that's only half the fun. Atticus and Charlotte. January and Brick. Bristol and Sawyer. Six couples who are determined to keep their heads in the game. Even at the cost of their heart. FABULOUS!


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review 2020-03-26 12:54
Dark Voyage
Dark Voyage - Helen Susan Swift

by Helen Susan Swift


Two people are out on a pleasurable boating trip on the North Sea when storm clouds suddenly move in and turn the sea violent. As if that weren't enough to ruin their day, things take a strange turn.


This is a ghost ship story with a few weird turns. It did stretch believability in some places, but was overall an interesting read. My one complaint is some lazy writing where one of the main characters would 'just feel' what she was meant to do or that a ghost wanted her to do something.


The majority of the story is told through the voice of a doctor who had been on the ghost ship and what happened to the rest of the crew. There are some triggers here. It was a sealing ship and animal lovers like myself may find some passages difficult, though it isn't gratuitous gore. Just the thought of a sailing expedition whose purpose is to slaughter animals, including baby animals, is enough to be upsetting.


The writing is excellent and the supernatural aspects of the story are very well done. The beginning and end sequences felt rather rushed, but the bulk of the story, told by the doctor's journal, made for a very good read.

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url 2020-02-01 09:16
Lirik Taylor Swift - Only the Young Terjemahan dan Arti Lagu

Lirik Lagu dan Terjemahan Taylor Swift - Only the Young lengkap dengan Arti Lirik dan Makna Lagu ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

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