The first pages of The Witches of Eileanan described a secret tree house, which should be so safe, I felt like packing my bags and moving up there right away. To find the entrance up in the trees already seemed practically impossible, then getting in required a trick and once inside, the rooms go all the way down to the bottom again. I'd like to sleep there. Now.
So as I was reading this with the thought of "I'm so going to give this 5 stars/oh my god, this is amazing", I became slightly disappointed when the impenetrable treehouse turned out to be quite penetrable after all. In fact, it didn't even take a full chapter to be destroyed almost entirely.
This whole "Phew, we're safe now...Oh no, foiled again!"-thing was a recurring theme throughout the entire book. It sometimes felt like watching a 'Revolution'-episode, where people get captured, escape, get captured again etc., etc. No wonder it got cancelled recently. Don't get me wrong, it's good for a story when not all things go according to plan. There wouldn't be much excitement left now would there? In this book, however, I feel like it's sometimes a bit too much. Like a wild goose chase that never ends.
This, and the sometimes overly complicated political aspects of the world the story takes place in, made me drop my rating from 5 stars to 3.5. I'd love to give it 4 stars because I truly DID enjoy it. Yet, then I think of other books I've given 4 stars to, and they're just better. Period. While 3 stars, on the other hand, would sell this book short.
I'm anxious to start the second book in the series as this one abruptly ended with a cliffhanger. Small note for the next one: I hope it includes a freaking MAP! Since there's a lot of traveling going on plus the depicting of other nations/tribes/races with their accompanying regions, it would sure help giving a better estimation of the actual distances.