Damien's father was killed by an incubus. He hated all incubi/succubi. Imagine his surprise when he met Ginger! I thought they were a good fit. Well paced.
Outskirts never die…
After narrowly escaping death, Holly is back on the streets in a quest to find the elusive pico. Discovering what’s on the quantum drive—the same one the outskirts had been willing to kill for—is priority number one. Daze is recovering, and forgiving the kid was easier than she thought it would be. The cranky outskirt is another story.
It doesn’t take Holly long to discover that Tandor’s crew hasn’t been obliterated, and are actively seeking retribution. They’re recruiting Northerners, but she’s found one who’s willing to spill. It’s a good thing, too, since things are starting to get strange. On the hunt, she stumbles on an old man dressed in a burial cloth, and witnesses a seeker wandering the streets where it shouldn’t be.
But after a friend gets caught up in the fray, Holly’s hand is forced. She has to act fast to procure the information she needs. But what she learns is harrowing. The outskirts aren’t just taking over the city—they’re infecting people with Plush, and the quantum drive may hold the only key. In order to save lives, she’s must find that pico. The only problem is, it might be too late...
Holly and crew are at it again. Danger’s Vice starts right where Danger’s Halo ends. It takes us straight back into the world and dangers Holly and crew are still facing. You won’t know what happens next as Holly’s life and her crews lives are put in danger again for the notorious pico.
Tandor maybe out of the picture, but some of his crew aren’t and it doesn’t take long for Holly and her crew to realize that their is a threat not just to them, but the people in their city. The stakes are higher, especially since they have a chance to learn what’s on the quantum drive and discover the secrets it holds.
Theirs a lot going on in Danger’s Vice. We get a bit more on Holly’s crew, Case, and her retainer Daze who starts to play a more prominent role in her life and the crew’s. Their is no shortage of danger, adventure, mystery, and situations that will put you on edge.
I’m loving this new futuristic sci-fi series by Ms. Carlson. It’s full of action, adventure, and mystery. I’m looking fowled to Holly’s next adventure.
Rated: 4 Stars
*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Amanda Carlson with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.
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Challenge(s): Pick Your Genre (UF) New Release (2017)
Holly Danger’s current assignment, gleaned from a set of foggy instructions and a handful of coin stuffed into a slot, is pick up a street kid who’s about to terminate himself by jumping off a cliff. And, as a rule, she doesn’t turn down currency. Her job as a salvager keeps her fed and clothed above the norm, which isn’t saying much.
The norm in this city is a scrape-by existence in a post-apocalyptic world, where the rain never stops, food is always scarce, and the elite have deserted the ranks in search of something better. Picking up this urchin won’t take much time, even if he’s located outside city limits. Her craft is fast, her weapons deadly, and her tech has been optimized as well as it can be for a climate clogged with iron dust.
But things take a big turn when she decides to become the boy’s guardian instead of hand him over. Outskirts have descended on the city, and their plans don’t include playing nice. When her crew is backed against a graphene wall, it’s a good thing her Gem is primed and ready to go. It’s almost as deadly as she is…
Their is a lot to enjoy in this new Sci-Fi Fantasy series by Amanda Carlson.
Ms. Carlson is departing from her usual genre and diving into something new. She has brought her characters and world to life. Her writing engrosses the reader from the beginning and keeps you hooked until the end.
The story is set in a post-apocalyptic / Star Trek type world. A meteorite hit earth and life was pretty much killed off. Only a handful of humans are serving, well struggling to survive. It’s a dangers and hazardous place to live.
Holly our lead character is pretty awesome. I liked her. She’s resourceful, has a good head on her shoulders, and has made a living for herself as a scavenger. As a scavenger she salvages items to barter for anything she may need. She tends to not trust anyone and expects the worst. With her past, what little we get, and the world as it is, I can see why she expects the worst and trust is a no no.
I absolutely loved the part where it’s reveled on how Holly gets her name Holly Danger. Though Holly is alone in the world, with her mother gone, she has managed to find people, her crew, and let them into her life. They have, in away, become a family.
The book was a little slow at first since we are getting introduced to a new type of world, but things pick up and we are on a another fast-paced adventure with mystery and danger heading for Holly and her crew.
I had a delightful time with Holly and her friends. The plot is interesting and will continue into the next, so I can’t wait to see what is next for our gang.
Rated: 4 Stars
*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Amanda Carlson with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.
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Challenge(s): New To Me (Series) New Release (2017)
I was born and raised in Northern Indiana. I’m an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!
*I received this book from the author or publisher in exchange for an honest review.
We pick up right where FREED left off. Phoebe and her family and friends are returning to Asgard for her trial, and Fin's. For what? Phoebe faces the goddess mother of Baldur for her part in his death. Fin faces judgement for escaping where he was held captive. Phoebe knows she did nothing wrong and definitely didn't kill Baldur. However the justice system at Asgard is very different than she was expecting. But Phoebe has influences from high powers on her side. She makes a deal that if she can bring Baldur back from Hel's side in Helheim, she and Fin will be allowed back into Asgard. But the path isn't as smooth as she hopes.
Amanda is known for writing books that keep moving forward with action. Exiled is no different. Phoebe has many obstacles to face before she gets to where she wants to be. And things don't always go as one plans or hopes.
Phoebe has some adventures with Fin, but there are many long moments she's without Fin. What I enjoy about this is she stands on her own and figures things out herself. Phoebe is growing stronger in her decisions and choices in this new world of gods and goddesses she's in. She needs to be able to function on her own, and she's learning to do just that. Phoebe retains her kindness towards others as she goes on her adventures. Well, with those who are kind to her too. There are a few new character we are introduced to. These characters are important with their individual destinies crossing with Phoebe's. You know with the gods, destiny is always a driving force and it's seen here.
Phoebe's family grows. Phoebe meets her grandmother. A formidable woman who lead the valkarie's in her time in service. Phoebe meets her father! He is like two different people - her father then the man that rules strong. But he has influences in the way of things as well. Somethings were put into motion years before Phoebe was born.
An old god appears in this book and is one Phoebe finds to be a strong adversary. Loki. Loki wants her for a very special reason. But can she out run him and complete what she needs to save herself? Then maybe she can talk to those that can help take care of Loki. And what about the three hags? They are still after her, and turning all of Asgard against her.
Phoebe's time in Helheim is very neat. I like that Hel is not as terrible a goddess as we could have seen. She's... different and seems as she's neglected or forgotten by others with her looks and being down here. Hel is tough and has to rule as she does, but Phoebe keeps working at her and at the souls down here. Oh! In mentioning the souls, there is one Phoebe gets help from. Interesting character. I really liked the connection with this soul.
At the end of the book we learn a bit about Phoebe's friend, Sam, while being in Asgard. She's a strong, fun character but there is more to her than we all suspected! You'll have to read to learn that, and I'm hoping to get all these details in book(s) to come!
I enjoyed this journey with Phoebe. Her time in Helheim was a great time. She has grown as a Valkarie and in her own abilities.