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review 2022-02-15 04:44
The Gift of the Ladybug - Carole Amber

Mr. and Mrs. Horse want a colt. Finally a baby comes but it is a ladybug. They have no idea how to care for a ladybug so they go to the doctor who explains the difference between horses and ladybugs. The horses are sad but their little ladybug tells them it is okay. When they realize he is right, they enjoy life with him.


This is adorable. The drawings are perfect for the story. I liked the horses and how they took care to learn about the ladybug. They shed tears when they realized what they expected was not what they got but then they saw the bright side and turned their tears to smiles and living.


At the end of the book is the story that was the inspiration for this book. It is beautiful and is shown through the story.

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review 2020-06-04 17:44
Book #895 - 360,886 Pages Read
Dragonfly in Amber - Diana Gabaldon
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review 2020-04-28 12:05
TOUR, REVIEW & #GIVEAWAY - Winning Her (Perfect Stats #1) by Amber Malloy
Winning Her (Perfect Stats #1) - Amber Malloy

@GoddessFish, @Archaeolibrary, #Sports, #Romance, 3 out of 5 (good)

Winning Her is the first book in the Perfect Stats series and we focus on Bane and Dahl, both African-Americans and successful in their own ways. Bane is frustrated because he is blocked by the owner and the coach at the club he works for and constantly feels like he needs to be prepared for the chop. Dahl is an award-winning chef with plenty of TV shows and books behind her. At this point, she is helping her cousin with her restaurant in a vain attempt to keep it afloat.

Now, hold onto your hats, because there is LOT that goes on in this book. I'm still not actually sure when Bane crosses the line of wanting to get back at his ex-wife and just wanting her. I'm also not sure about a lot of went on in this book simply because there is so much. You have all the intrigue of the sports world, the cooking/baking world, drop-beat cousins, cheating cousins, a stalker nanny, (another) ex-wife and her anchor job, and a custody case - to name just a few 'themes' in this story. Due to this, it took me a while to get into it because I just couldn't figure out what was going on!

Once I got into it, I did enjoy the story but I had to work at it. I thoroughly enjoyed the ending and would love to know more about Warner. As for Bane and Dahl, I liked them but found the whole thing a bit too confusing for my tastes.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/post/winning-her-perfect-stats-1-by-amber-malloy
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text 2020-04-13 16:55
Amber Heard a le plus beau visage dans le monde

La beauté est-elle un concept subjectif ? Peut-être. Selon un chirurgien plasticien basé à Londres, il y a des équations mathématiques et irréfutables qu’on peut utiliser pour déterminer si un visage est beau. Et le plus beau visage dans le monde est, en fonction des résultats de ces équations est celui d’Amber Heard. L'ancienne Mme Depp est classée la première dans un classement de beauté basé sur un principe ancien que l'histoire de l'art, celui de la section d'or.

Aussi appelé Constant de Phidias, ou divine proportion, le nombre d'or est le rapport entre une partie et le tout. Appliqué à de nombreuses disciplines, y compris les arts pour trouver les proportions exactes des chiffres, il a été utilisé par le Dr Julian De Silva, chirurgien esthétique du visage à Londres, pour analyser les visages des célébrités. Grâce à une cartographie numérique basée sur la section d'or, un calcul des distances, des proportions, des tailles et des symétries sur les visages, il a pu formuler une sorte de «régime de perfection». Grâce à des algorithmes et des logiciels créés spécifiquement, le chirurgien voulait révéler le «secret» de la beauté selon la science.

Le classement selon le nombre d’or

Il en ressort que le visage le plus proche de la perfection parmi ceux analysés est celui d’Amber Heard. Son visage répond aux critères établis à 91,85%. Parmi les diverses caractéristiques physiques, son nez serait la perfection absolue. Excellent rapport du front haut, la taille de la lèvre, la distance et la forme des yeux, et la géométrie de tous ces traits. Dans la deuxième place dans le classement de Dr De Silva, on trouve Kim Kardashian, suivie par Kate Moss, Emily Ratajkowski à la quatrième place, Kendall Jenner à la cinquième. Après, dans l'ordre : Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson, Selena Gomez, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lawrence.

Photo kim kardashian

Amber Heard a récemment joué dans les nouvelles en raison de sa séparation orageuse de Johnny Depp, a le plus beau visage dans le monde, et le nez parfait. La beauté du nez est calculée par la mesure de sa longueur, le point le plus large, la distance entre les sourcils. Celle des yeux est plutôt une question de distance entre eux, l'ouverture, la taille et la position par rapport au reste du visage. Pour répondre à ces exigences, il est tout d'abord Scarlett Johansson. 

Au lieu de cela, il calcule le centre, la distance entre le nez et la largeur de l'embouchure pour définir les plus belles lèvres. Alors, qui, selon les calculs de M. De Silva ? Non, pas Angelina Jolie, car la distance entre la bouche et les mâchoires ne sont pas harmonieux, selon la section d'or.

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review 2020-03-08 00:28
The Amber Fury
The Amber Fury - Natalie Haynes

We’re all responsible for our actions, and that includes me. In retrospect, I did everything wrong, almost from the moment I arrived in Edinburgh. I was weak, thoughtless and self-centred. I believed I was helping them, or at least I persuaded myself that I was. But the undeniable truth is that if I had made even the slightest effort to look outwards at these children, instead of inwards, I could have changed everything that happened. No-one was destined to die at this point.

Wow. Now, this book was not perfect and there are some aspects that made no sense, such as why an inexperienced teacher would be allowed to teach drama to teenagers with a history of violence without being given either their case files/histories or any training whatsoever on how to deal with certain behaviours or ensure security, is clearly beyond me. Or that the class never actually read any texts in class, which was really weird.


HOWEVER, this book made up for this in many other aspects. 

The plot was fresh to me. I could not predict how this was going to go. The characters were fully fleshed out, and the characters' inner conflicts were really well portrayed. 


What I loved best, tho, was that this story was not a re-telling of a Greek classic as the books blurb may have suggested. Instead, Haynes used the plot of Alex, a theatre director, teaching juvenile delinquents about Greek drama as a way to ask whether certain themes and issues addressed in Greek drama are still relevant today and how they would be assessed today. 

I thought this book was, despite its light tone of voice, really quite complex and really though-provoking, and all the while Haynes built up a plot that would climax in something that we, as the reader, know is going to happen, but we don't know what this is and when it will occur.

The Amber Fury was smart and thrilling and I loved it. I certainly also want to read Haynes' other books.

Even if you have no control over your life, you should live like you have a choice.




Previous reading updates:

Reading progress update: I've read 176 out of 298 pages.

Reading progress update: I've read 148 out of 298 pages.

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