This haul looks bigger than it is, as the first 4 are the only new books I received this week.
The last 6 are 'upgrades' - hardcovers I bought to replace paperbacks, during the Memorial Day sale at BetterWorldBooks.
I have to say I was mightily disappointed with BWB this go around. I think I have a fairly open mind about what they consider a 'good' book, and I expect their books to be just a little less nice than used books elsewhere with equivalent ratings. But when our order arrived... ugh! The box was well packed and jostling wasn't possible during the very long transit, but it looks like when they packed the box, they shoved the books in without any care - several the of the book jackets are wrinkled or ripped - all suspiciously in the same way, in the same area of the book (the bottoms).
We also got two without any jackets at all, which irritates me, but I can't swear the listing didn't say 'no jacket' so I'm willing to believe I wasn't paying close enough attention.
Ah well, c'est la vie.
Total new books: 4
Total books read: 3
Total physical TBR: 215
Happy weekend everyone!