I was lucky enough to meet this author at the time he was publishing his first book 'Under the Tree' in 2013 and although it was primarily a children's book, not my usual genre! - I am always drawn to read a book when I have met the author. I'm glad I did. As a previously unpublished author I was sceptical of his plans to write a further 9 books in a series he calls 'The Northland Tales' as experience suggests that most would-be authors do not even ever finish one!
I shouldn't have doubted him because earlier this year the second in the series 'The Fairey Flag' hit the shelves.
Much longer, darker and more suitable for adults as well as children I found it hugely engaging and Michael T. Ashgillian was honing his craft.
Now I have just finished the third in the series 'Fimbul: The Awakening of the Wolf' which takes the story on further and once again the writing gets better, not that it was too shabby in the first place!
I no longer doubt that Ashgillian will go on to complete another 7 books (I understand the 4th is close to completion) - and I, for one, will be waiting to follow the developing stories from 'The Northland Tales' as they arrive. Highly recommended.