When I first got this title my initial exited was tempered by the fact I'd not before seen such a mess of an ARC. There were random numbers everywhere and broken lines. I contacted Netgalley and a little bit jokingly asked them if AC releases their ARCs like their games, half finished and full of glitches. It however turned out that it was not easy to solve this problem, but since I really wanted to read it at that time, and my Kobo was still having troubles, I decided to just go with it. And it turned out it wasn't so bad after all.
I haven't played the newest game yet, so I can't comment on how much the book follows the game. From what I understood though, the game mainly focusses on the Frye siblings, whereas Henry Green, or The Ghost plays a bigger role in the book. (This was one of the things I really noticed when I read my first AC novel, Renaissance, where literally every little task is translated into the book. Even the stupid get to know the controls ones like carrying crates, very excitement, much wow).
I couldn't resist Victorian England in combination with AC. I just couldn't. Even though reading AC books to me really feels like a guilty pleasure. (However less with this book, it felt more like a real story, possibly because I have not yet played the game). I found it highly enjoyable, even though the writing is not the best. The Ghost was an interesting character. I certainly plan to read the rest of the series as snackbooks.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!