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review 2022-05-28 03:25
One Perfect Night - Bella Andre

Colbie and her friends are at Lake Tahoe for a skiing vacation. She's not as accomplished a skier as they are, so she sends them off to enjoy themselves on the harder slopes. As she starts toward the easy slope, she avoids a little girl and falls in the snow. She is unable to get up without the help of the most handsome man she has ever seen. Turns out he was a ski instructor and teaches her how to ski. When he wants to spend more time with her, she leaves. Both think of each other and manage to find each other back home in Seattle. Do they take the chance to learn more of each other? Does Colbie run away again?


I liked this story. I felt happy reading about Colbie and Noah. They are sweet together. She has been hurt in the past but Noah senses how fast he can go with her. His intuition helps Colbie feel safe. I hope they have more than one perfect night. This was way too short.

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review 2021-12-21 13:36
Book review - Cinder Bella ('Tis the Season Book 3) by Kathleen Shoop
Cinder Bella ('Tis the Season Book 3) - Kathleen Shoop

Book review - Cinder Bella ('Tis the Season Book 3) by Kathleen Shoop 


She never had anything.

He lost everything.

Together they create a Christmas to remember.

December, 1893--Shadyside, Pennyslvania .


"A heartwarming story that will have you overflowing with festive spirit. Kathleen's heartfelt story transports you back in time to a harsh winter in Pennyslvania, in the midst of a financial crash, and depression, that serves as a reminder that the magic of Christmas can be felt, regardless of what you have in life. Bella is the centre of the story, her positive love of everything in life is quite contagious, and is joined by a group of people from all walks of life who find themselves in dire need of help and support, they have absolutely nothing yet have everything they could have wanted.


Bella asks does riches in life involve money, are they important? I think you will find the answer among these pages, for sure!"


Our rating 'A heartwarming' 5 stars


Available now:

Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Cinder-Bella-Tis-Season-Book-ebook/dp/B09L3LY2TD  Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Cinder-Bella-Season-kathleen-shoop/dp/B09KN657P7  .


Bella Darling lives in a cozy barn at Maple Grove, an estate owned by industrialist Archibald Westminster. The Westminster family is stranded overseas and have sent word to relieve all employees of their duties except Margaret, the pregnant maid, James the butler, and Bella. Content with borrowed books and a toasty home festooned with pine boughs and cinnamon sticks, she coaxes the old hens to lay eggs--extraordinary eggs. Bella yearns for just one thing—someone to share her life with. Always inventive, she has a plan for that. She just needs the right egg into the hands of the right man.


Bartholomew Baines, a Harvard-educated banker, is reeling in the aftermath of his bank's collapse. With his friends and fiancé ostracizing him for what he thought was an act of generosity, he is penniless and alone. A kind woman welcomes him into her boarding house under conditions that he reluctantly accepts. Completely undone by his current, lowly position, and by the motley crew of fellow boarders who view him as one of them, Bartholomew wrestles with how to rebuild.


With the special eggs as the impetus, the first meeting between Bella and Bartholomew gives each the wrong idea about the other. And when the boarding house burns down a week before Christmas it’s Bella who is there to lend a hand. She, Margaret, and James invite the homeless group to stay at the estate through the holidays. But as Christmas draws closer, eviction papers arrive. Maple Grove is being foreclosed upon. Can Bella work her magic and save their Christmas? Is the growing attraction between Bella and Bartholomew enough for them to see past their differences? Only time will tell and only if time doesn’t run out before they all have the Christmas of their lives.

Source: beckvalleybooks.blogspot.com/2021/12/book-review-cinder-bella-tis-season.html
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review 2021-11-22 18:03
Mopsik, który chciał zostać jednorożcem
Mopsik, który chciał zostać jednorożcem - Bella Swift

"Mopsik, który chciał zostać jednorożcem" Belli Swift to pierwsza część przygód uroczej Peggy - małego, dokazującego, ale bardzo kochanego mopsa. Książka skierowana jest do czytelników w wieku 6-8 lat, doskonale się sprawdzi jako wspólna lektura do poduszki, ale także jako pozycja do samodzielnego czytania. Duża czcionka i niewielki format książki ułatwia lekturę początkującemu czytelnikowi, dodatkowym ułatwieniem będzie podział na krótkie rozdziały. Wesołe ilustracje zaś urozmaicą czytelniczą przygodę. "Mopsik..." z pewnością przyniesie wiele radości dzieciom i ich opiekunom.
Autorka na pierwszoplanowego bohatera swojego opowiadania wybrała szczeniaka rasy mops, który jeszcze niewiele wie o świecie, ale jest pełen entuzjazmu i wiary w dobre zakończenia. Suczka Peggy niestety dość szybko przekona się, że pozory mylą i nie każdy chce być jej przyjacielem.
Dla Peggy los nie od razu okazuje się łaskawy. Trafia do domu Suzanne, która prowadzi eleganckie życie w mieście. Piesek czuje się samotny, nie ma się z kim bawić, a perfumy jej pani drażnią jej nosek. Beztroskie psoty małego szczeniaka okazują się nie do zaakceptowania dla Suzanne, która szybko pozbywa się modnej, ale uciążliwej zabawki i oddaje ją do schroniska.
Schronisko, w dodatku przepełnione, to zdecydowanie nieodpowiednie miejsce dla malucha. Na szczęście spędza tylko jedną noc. Nazajutrz pracownik przytuliska namawia pewną miłą rodzinę na stworzenie tymczasowego domu, dzięki czemu na okres Świąt suczka trafia do nowej rodziny. Musi ich przekonać i sprawić, że zdecydują się zostać jej opiekunami już na zawsze. Peggy całym swym psim sercem pragnie zostać z rodziną, mieć własną miskę, bombkę na choince, zdjęcia na lodówce i chodzić na radosne spacery. Z tej wielkiej potrzeby akceptacji wynikają zupełnie nieoczekiwane i zwariowane historie. W końcu Peggy przekona się jednak, że kocha się nie za coś, ale mimo wszystko.
Książki o zwierzakach uwrażliwiają, uczą empatii i kształtują wyobraźnię. Pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć naszych czworonożnych przyjaciół, a dzięki temu - sprawiają, że możemy otaczać je lepszą opieką i w dorosłym życiu walczyć o wyegzekwowanie ich praw.
Opowieść w świątecznym klimacie, pełna emocji i uczuć we wszystkich odcieniach. Co ważne i bardzo lubię, historia kończy się happy endem. To ciepła, miła, czuła książka, która nawet u mnie - dorosłej już baby - wywołała łzy wzruszenia. A skoro potrafi poruszyć coś w mojej wielowiekowej skorupie, to pomyślcie tylko, jak dobrze musi wpływać na dzieci. Ach i uczy jednej ważnej rzeczy, o której zawsze warto mówić - zwierzęta to odpowiedzialność. Nie można ich wziąć pod wpływem chwili, a potem porzucić, bo nie spełniają naszych oczekiwań.
Historia o mopsiku Peggy ma w sobie magię. Naprawdę polecam!!!!

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text 2020-03-13 10:13
Do You Make These Simple Mistakes In Luxe Bella Cream?

Luxe Bella Cream :- http://totalketopills.com/luxe-bella-cream/

The sufficiency of anything would rely on the fixings that are utilized. Luxe Bella Cream utilizes the going with fixings: This fixing is generally utilized as a bit of different sound skin things. Hyaluronic dangerous is known to inundate the skin. It can in addition drive increase the dampness levels in the skin.



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review 2020-02-01 18:38
The Vanished Bride
The Vanished Bride - Bella Ellis

[I received a copy through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.]

I don’t read much cosy mysteries in general, so this was bit of a change of pace for me. Overall, I found it an entertaining read, although it didn’t exactly suck me in like I would’ve hoped. I’m not not entirely sure what, since the style was good, and easily shows that the author is very enthusiastic about the Brontë sisters and their lives (from what I know of them, their background was spot on).

Some of the attitudes/conversations were a little too ‘modern’ in terms of feminist ideas to fully emulate a 19th-century style, but I didn’t find this too jarring, and I enjoyed seeing how the sisters navigated the mystery while having to make the outside world believe they were simple, meek, “angel of the home” parson’s daughters, so as not to attract unwanted attention (and, in turn, be confined or labelled “undignified”).

I did have my ideas about what had really transpired when it came to the murder. That said, they remained hypotheses until well into the story, since the clues were unveiled gradually enough for this to happen. And some of the details were clearly not what would’ve come to mind first. The story also has a few easter eggs that one may or may not find over the top (the “wife in the attic” motif, for instance); personally, I tend to like cameos in general, and having read the Brontë sisters’ novels, I liked seeing those here.

Possibly what didn’t win me over were the sisters’ personalities. I found it a little difficult to tell who was who (without having to refer to the names at the beginning of each chapter). It was strange, for they all had very defining traits (Charlotte as the romantic one, Emily as the “wild” one, and so on), and yet I found it difficult to really tell at the same time.

Conclusion: 3 stars

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