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video 2018-10-01 18:46
The Smoke Thieves - Sally Green
Eternal Dawn - Rebecca Maizel
Wonder Woman: Warbringer - Leigh Bardugo

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text 2015-09-30 15:43
September Books

Work has been slow this month. The downside? Less money. The upside? More reading! Some reviews are still to come. 


Golden Age: A novel (Last Hundred Years: a Family Saga) - Jane Smiley The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World - Andrea Wulf Sorcerer to the Crown - Zen Cho St. Paul: The Apostle We Love to Hate (Icons) - Karen Armstrong

 Indexing - Seanan McGuire Founding Grammars: How Early America's War Over Words Shaped Today's Language - Rosemarie Ostler Brinshore: A sequel to 'Emma and Elizabeth', inspired by Jane Austen's unfinished manuscripts, 'The Watsons' and 'Sanditon'. (The Watson Novels Book 2) - Ann Mychal The Making of Home: The 500-Year Story of How Our Houses Became Homes - Judith Flanders

   The Chess Queen Enigma: A Stoker & Holmes Novel (Stoker & Holmes Novels) - Colleen Gleason The Witch of Lime Street: Seance, Seduction, and Houdini in the Spirit World - David Jaher The Moonspinners - Mary Stewart Wilkie Collins: A Brief Life - Peter Ackroyd

  A Calculated Life - Anne Charnock Farthing - Jo WaltonMost Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War - Steve Sheinkin Lady Byron and Her Daughters - Julia Markus


Golden Age: A novel (Last Hundred Years: a Family Saga)
by Jane Smiley
Source: jaylia3.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/september-books
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