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text 2018-11-02 21:53
My October 2018
Flugangst 7A - Audible Studios,Sebastian Fitzek,Simon Jäger
Broken House - Düstere Ahnung: Eine Story - Gillian Flynn,Christine Strüh
Ghachar Ghochar: Roman - Vivek Shanbhag,Daniel Schreiber
Flugangst 7A - 4.5 stars
Broken House - Düstere Ahnung - 4 stars
Ghachar Ghochar - 4 stars


Favorite book(s) of the month: Flugangst 7A


Books started this month but haven't finished yet: Power Women (close to finishing), Harry Potter (finished, rtc), Ohne Spur, Paheli, The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender


The struggle is real, people. THE STRUGGLE IS SO VERY REAL. Three books this month, a audiobook and two short stories finished. On the other hand, I didn't finish any of the books I started in september. And to make things worst, I started more books in october. I mean, what am I even thinking. Nothing apparently. October was just a terrible month for me. I have felt sick most of the month, so I didn't feel like doing anything. I have high hopes for november (I say and see myself already failing)

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review 2018-10-17 13:03
Broken House / The Grownup!!!
Broken House - Düstere Ahnung: Eine Story - Gillian Flynn,Christine Strüh

German and english review (spoilerfree)


Ich hatte keine Ahnung was ich von dem Buch erwarten soll. Es hatte gerade mal 62 Seiten und auf dem Buchrücken keine Inhaltsangabe. Trotzdem musste ich es unbedingt haben. Und bevor ich es dann zu lesen angefangen habe, habe ich auch garnicht erst im Internet geforscht, was in dem Buch nun auf mich warten wird. Und das war auch gut so.


Gillian Flynn (!!!) schafft es einfach immer wieder mich total mit ihren Schreibstil und ihren Geschichten zu begeistern (und zu verstören). Eigentlich wollte ich das Buch ja in einem Rutsch durchlesen, doch es war mitten in der Nacht und eigenartige Dinge sind in dem Buch passiert, bei dem ich Angsthase Tageslicht brauchte.


Es gab keine 5 Sterne von mir, weil ich ein Mensch bin, der nach einer Geschichte gerne alle Antworten auf die Fragen im Buch hat und die gab es hier nicht, weil es kein wirkliches Ende gab. Ansonsten war das Buch einfach großartig.




I had absolutely no idea what to expect from this book. It has about 62 pages and no summary on the back of the book. But I had to have it. And before I actually started reading it, I avoided reading up on it on the internet to figure out what this book would be about. And I'm so glad I did it like that.


Gillian Flynn (!!!) does it every damn time. She always amazes (and disturbes) me with her writing and her stories. Originally I planned on reading this book in one sitting, but it was the middle of the night and weird ass shit started to happen in the book, and because I'm the scaredy-cat I needed actual daylight to finish the story.


The only reason this didn't get a 5 star rating, is the fact that I'm the type of person that needs to have all the answers to all the questions at the end of the book, and I didn't get them cause there wasn't an actual ending to the story. Other than that, the book was awesome.

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review 2014-12-22 16:45
House Broken - Sonja Yoerg

I received an advanced copy through goodreads first. If this author writes like this in her next book, she will be big. This book falls in the contemporary women category in my opinion. It's based in three different points of view of 3 generations of women and there all very different. House broken also hits some hard topics and may not be for everyone. 

Helen has her secrets and reasons for the way she is. Her daughter Geneva never understood the way her mother raised her. And Ella has her own struggles and feels no one understands her. These women bring it all together and teach not everything is what it seems. This book with put it's claws in you and not let you go. This author has some talent and is going to become a best selling author one day. It's an enjoyable read.

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text 2014-12-22 16:44
House Broken - Sonja Yoerg

I received an advanced copy through goodreads first. If this author writes like this in her next book, she will be big. This book falls in the contemporary women category in my opinion. It's based in three different points of view of 3 generations of women and there all very different. House broken also hits some hard topics and may not be for everyone. 

Helen has her secrets and reasons for the way she is. Her daughter Geneva never understood the way her mother raised her. And Ella has her own struggles and feels no one understands her. These women bring it all together and teach not everything is what it seems. This book with put it's claws in you and not let you go. This author has some talent and is going to become a best selling author one day. It's an enjoyable read.

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review 2014-12-04 18:53
House Broken
House Broken - Sonja Yoerg

By Sonja Yoerg 

ISBN: 0451472136
Publisher: NAL Trade
Publication Date: 01/06/2015
Format: Other
My Rating: 5 Stars


A special thank you to the author and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Don’t be fooled by the adorable dog cover (loved the cover -hats off to the designer), as between the pages of Sonja Yoerg’s brilliantly written and remarkable character-driven debut novel, HOUSE BROKEN is an intense and compelling “grown-up adult novel.” Tackling highly-charged topics, and multi-generational dark family secrets and complexities, mixed with humor and wisdom, for a bittersweet “Must Read” of love and forgiveness!

Dr. Geneva Novak is a local veterinarian married to Tom for eighteen years, owner of a wood working shop (he comes from a large lovable supportive family), and they have two teenagers, Ella and Charlie. As the books moves on, we learn Ella and Charlie have secrets from their parents, as does their Nana.Trying to protect one does not always work in the big scheme of things.

Geneva, the youngest of a family of four Riley children, comes from a dysfunctional and mysterious family. Father, deceased; mother Helen is a raging alcoholic, and siblings – brother Dublin, (LA) they are close, Florence (NY), a little distant and removed, and Paris (Africa), totally estranged.

Yes, Helen named her four children after European cities to give them the sophistication lacking in their one-horse South Carolina town. However, to Geneva their names had come to represent their distance from their mother and one another, as she had not seen Paris in ten years and Florence rarely leaves Manhattan. Only she and Dublin phone and visit each other regularly as they were very close growing up.

As the book opens, Helen, now age sixty-five currently residing in California (having left the small SC town as too many bad memories); has just found herself in the middle of another fiasco driving drunk and involved in a car accident and needs care (she is trouble, and this is not the first time). Her mother is too old and too stubborn a dog to learn new tricks.

Her brother cannot take care of their mother as they have their hands full with an autistic child, and forget the older two sisters, so the burden falls upon Geneva. Needless to say, they are not close and never have been; however, possibly this may be the turning point to repair their mother-daughter relationship.

However, when she moves in with Geneva, new problems surface as Helen is like having a third problematic teenager. Underneath her nose, her two teens are involved in all sorts of illegal behavior which she seems blind to and her mother is front and center in the middle of all the trouble. (Definitely will keep you laughing in the midst of tragedy).

Told from the POV of three generations of women, Helen (Nana), Geneva (Mother), Ella (Daughter), switching back and forth from past to present; each with their own unique and gripping voice with insights and perspectives for life lessons and many takeaways well after the book ends.

I have so looked forward to reading HOUSE BROKEN, as enjoy connecting with Sonja Yoerg via Twitter, and Goodreads; however, had no idea the depth of this powerful well-written and thought-provoking debut novel. Trust me when I say, "it exceeded all expectations"; brilliantly written, a page-turner and one hard to put down (you will not be able to go to sleep until you finish). If is a debut, wow, cannot wait to see what comes next!

There is so much to say about this novel, as ideal for book clubs and discussions (included). Helen was my favorite intriguing character, as guess I can relate as a baby boomer, closer to her age; and grew up in the small town south. I loved the way the author developed this character, at first you do not sympathize with her; however, as she peels back a little more throughout the book, unveiling the heartfelt struggles, of Helen and her mysterious background. As an innocent and poor teen of sixteen being caught up in a big world for a better life; when she became a real woman, and in her own way, trying to protect her daughters and the guilt she lives with presently—you realize she and Louise had limited choices in a different time and era; however, interesting to explore the what ifs.

I loved the relation to dogs as not front and center, but always in the background with comparisons and analogies to the human characters, and their role in the plot, with faithful adorable companion Diesel (Geneva/Dublin), Argus/Paris connection, and Aldo/Eustace/Paris’ dark disturbed side.

Without saying too much, brilliant strategy with Yoerg’s twist using a willing participant (denial and brainwashed), versus the helpless victim, which added another dimension. And Louise, she made for a true down home southern connection and ally for Helen (two women; victims of a time in a man’s world, left powerless).

In summary, cannot wait to recommend riveting HOUSE BROKEN and this dynamic and talented writer, Sonja Yoergone you will want to follow for years to come! Thank you, for a remarkable and beautiful novel of loss, love, and forgiveness.

Fans of Eileen Goudge, Diane Chamberlain, and Jodi Picoultwill devour, and appreciate the author’s style—keeping the book real with flawed characters, without wrapping up neatly with a big bow. One you will not want to miss-Well done! Cannot wait for the next book, Middle of Somewhere, coming September 2015. 

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/1063176341
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