Larry Broutman wants to make sure that the amazing stories of Chicagoans from the past are not lost to time. Through his striking photographs of their final resting places and accompany text, Broutman has documented the journeys of Chicago’s heroes, villains, and everyday folks in his book, Chicago Eternal. This newly released coffee table book of photography has already attracted plenty of media attention. Larry Broutman recently made appearances on Chicago Tonight and the WGN-TV Morning News. He did interviews on WGN Radio’s After Hours with Rick Kogan, WDCB-90.9 FM’s The Arts Section, and WGN Radio’s Steve Cochran Show.

Check out his television and radio interviews to learn why Broutman chose cemeteries for his subject matter, how the ultimate Cubs fan can eternally be a part of Wrigley Field, Al Capone’s surprising graveyard neighbors, which are the most photographed tombstones in town and why, and many more fascinating historic tales.
Chicago Tonight: “A Tombstone Tour of Chicago”
WGN-TV Morning News: “Larry Broutman Talks About "Chicago Eternal"
WGN Radio After Hours with Rick Kogan: “Rick Kogan Chats with Author Larry Broutman”
WDCB-90.9 FM The Arts Section “New Book Captures Beauty of Chicago-Area Cemeteries”
Steve Cochran Show, WGN Radio: “Chicago Eternal / Larry Broutman Interview”
Purchase Chicago Eternal at: