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text 2018-01-21 21:49
Book Review for Where My Heart Lies by Angela Marie
Where My Heart Lies (Spawn of Chaos MC Book 1) - Angela Marie

    Title: Where My Heart Lies
Series: A Spawn of Chaos Novel
Author: Angela Marie
Genre: MC Romance 
Release Date:  January 10, 2018
Reviewed by: Angels With Attitude Book Reviews



You know you’ve hit rock bottom when you fall down and can’t be bothered to get back up.
My entire life had been one endless beating, and I’d reached breaking point.
I was done.
Until a letter gave me the strength I’d been missing.
Those precious words gave me enough courage to dust myself off, to try one more time.
In that moment I realized something.
I wasn’t done.
Not even close.
And I had an entire family I didn’t even know existed standing at my back.
You know you’ve hit rock bottom when putting powder up your nose is the only way to make it through the day.
My life took a wrong turn, so I poisoned my body in an attempt to escape.
I was done.
Until I found salvation on the back of a bike.
With nothing but the open road and the wind in my face, I found the courage to live.
In that moment I realized something.
I wasn’t done.
Not even close.
And my family might not be blood, but they were standing at my back.
Great start to a brand new series!We loved it from cover to cover.I will say although I loved it I am so pissed the way the story ended. OMG I hate cliffhangers and this one had one of the biggest ones that I have read so far.For me this is what turns me off from a author.I am the type who loves to read series and once I finish up my current story I am diving right into the next one.I was so engrossed and into the story that when things are finally getting really good the story just ended and oh I was so mad that I didn't get to see the outcome.
I thought that this was really a endearing and touching story of two opposites that are attracted to one another and two really messed up people who's past followed them right into their adult life that is still effecting their every day lives.Some other reviewers believe that It took forever to get to the romance part of the book and was slow going to this point but, for me I was okay with it as Nicola's whole childhood was awful and then once she finally escapes that life she gets involved with a sociopath with cult beliefs that becomes a stalker and abuser.For me she just needed that time to heal and gain some of her confidence she lost along the way.But, one thing she never lost was her fire and sense of humor as she made me laugh so many times throughout the story and not only that I loved when she got her back up she turned into a fire breathing dragon. LOL
I always pick a favorite character and mine is going to be Nicola.I loved her from the very beginning.I thought her to be smart,sexy kind, fiery,had a great sense of humor and determined to overcome a past that would have left most people broken.I loved how she spoke her mind and through it all she remained so innocent in more ways then one.
My favorite quote by her would have to be telling
Irish "Make like a tree and leaf" LOL I laugh anytime I think about that quote and the chuckle & smile that it brought to Irish's face.
For me this romance reminds me how the cat plays with the mouse before the kill.Also Nicola's ex boyfriend reminded me so much of the movie Sleeping with the Enemy with Julia Roberts.The chemistry and attraction was always there from the very beginning between Irish and Nicola.Irish's protective instincts took over at just  one look at her. Omg!I loved how flustered that this love them and leave them kind of guy was laid low but a itty bitty girl he hadn't even spoken to yet.I just love seeing the player being brought down by a innocent.I loved chuckling and smiling all the way though the story.
I have to say that I did love Irish.I loved his smiles and cockiness .I loved the bad boy in him and those sizzling looks of his.I sensed his loneliness and this hardened  jaded biker had a side of him that he never lets anyone see yet we got a glimpse of the lonely boy who just wanted someone to love him and truly be his and his alone.I think I was a little bit in love with Irish myself .My heart broke for him as he finally has what he always wanted within his reach for the taking but, pushes the one and only thing away that truly brought him any happiness in a very long time.I loved how he was willing to put Nicola's happiness before his own and was willing to love her from afar.I kept falling even more...
This story for me had really fun and engaging characters that made you laugh as well as cry.I have to say that I loved the sensual dance that went on between this couple as the sparks and chemistry were always between them and you new when Irish let go of all the reasons why  they couldn't be together it was going to be explosive and hot as hell and he didn't disappoint.I just loved how he was when he was around Nicola almost as if he was a totally different person yet still as deadly.
I think that the author did an amazing job for her first debut novel and we are so looking forward to the conclusion of this story.I am hoping that this author plans to turn this into a series as I would so love to see some of those other love-able brothers of Irish's be brought to their knees as they were so enjoyable to read about and they all had a wicked sense of humor.
5 stars from us
Prologue - Nicola, 9 years old
The house is dark and eerily quiet as we make our way toward the front of the residence where the ‘formal living room’, as Mrs. Smith likes to call it, is located.  I have no idea what it looks like inside, as the door is always firmly shut. Mrs. Smith pointed it out to me when she showed me around on my first day here and told me that the room was strictly off limits. Stepping inside or even opening the door earned you an immediate punishment.

I’ve come to learn that within these walls, all it takes is a wrong word to earn you a punishment. Or in my case, speaking to the wrong person.

How was I to know that I couldn’t speak to the beautiful lady with the black hair and green eyes wearing the black vest over her brightly colored blouse? She was friendly. Mrs. Smith was very angry when she saw the two of us talking. She sent me inside with an angry rebuff and told me to wait for her in the kitchen. Talking to a stranger earned me a night in the punishment box.

The nightly curfew of eight o’clock has come and gone, meaning all the other children are in bed. Tucked under their covers, lying on a comfortable mattress, cozy and warm, waiting for sleep to carry them off to dreamland. I hear Mr. Smith’s shuffled footsteps upstairs, going from room to room and switching off the last of the upstairs lights, bathing the house in darkness.

I hate the dark, only because I'm afraid of what I can’t see, making falling asleep difficult for me. Every bump and creak startles me, and my overactive imagination conjures up frightening pictures which leaves me shaking in my bed. Voicing those fears gets you nothing, and especially not much-needed comfort. The Smiths don’t believe in such things. 

“Hurry up,” Mrs. Smith hisses, pushing me to walk faster. “We don’t have all night.”

I want nothing more than to drag my feet, draw this out as much as I can, but I know that it will only be delaying the inevitable.

The closer I get to the room, which houses the punishment box, the sicker my tummy feels. Suddenly we’re there. 

Mrs. Smith flicks on the light switch, bathing the room in light. The walls are unadorned, painted a stark white color, the floors dark polished wood. The smell of the lavender-scented beeswax used on the floors lingers in the air. Thick white curtains that are closed cover the large window, making the room cold, dark, and foreboding.

Directly in front of the drawn drapes sits a large wooden chest. The dark wood of the box is rough and weathered, the intricate design that was painted on it eons ago faded.

The faint odor of bleach pours out when Mrs. Smith opens the lid. The smell makes my stomach turn even further, as well as making my nose burn and my eyes water. The box doesn’t look very big, and I wonder how I’m going to lie in there the whole night.

Mrs. Smith gives me a push toward it, clearly wanting me to get in. Climbing into that thing is the last thing I want to do, but a glare from Mrs. Smith forces me to do so, and quickly.

“You’re not to move from here till morning, not even to go to the toilet. A word of warning—if you wet yourself, you’re going to have to lie in it all night, and come morning, you’re going to be scrubbing the inside of that thing. With bleach. Leaving the box means another night of punishment. Is that understood?”

I just nod and try to hold the tears I can feel burning the backs of my eyes. I lie on my side and seconds later the lid slams shut, plunging me into darkness.

The crash of the lid echoes in the small space and right through my body, causing me to shake. I’ve just gone from a brightly lit room to total darkness in a matter of seconds. I raise my hands to the front of my face, but I can’t see them. I try again and again, but the result is the same. I begin to panic, bile slowly rising from my stomach. I beat at the roof of the box with my tiny fists, my voice small and sobbing at first, growing louder with each passing second as I beg to be let out. A swift kick to the box silences me. I wrap my arms around my belly as my breath comes out in rasps.

“Shut up,” Mrs. Smith shushes. “You’ll wake up the whole house with your screaming. If you do, you’ll be spending another night in there.”

Another night?

I cringe, my muscles tensing, my body going rigid. I hold my breath to stop myself from whimpering out loud, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. Silence fills the box. I hear Mrs. Smith’s footsteps as she walks out the room, turning off the overhead light, the click of the door shutting letting me know that I’m alone.

I take a deep breath before curling into a ball, pulling my nightshirt over my legs. Despite it being the middle of summer, the temperature sticky and humid outside, it’s cold within the confines of the box. I can’t stop shivering. I lie as still as I can, my small hands clapped firmly over my ears.

After a little while, my hip starts to hurt from lying in a fetal position on the bare wood. I try to find another comfortable position, but I don’t think there is one inside this box. It’s meant to be uncomfortable; it’s a punishment, after all.

One night within its confines is supposed to make you grateful for everything the Smiths do for you on a daily basis. They’re the ones who took me in when nobody else wanted me. They provided me with a roof over my head and three meals a day. They provided the clothes I have on my back and even the opportunity to go to school and learn.

The last thing I feel is grateful.

I would trade it all in to be back in the small trailer I called home. To feel my momma’s arms around me as she read me a bedtime story. I would even gladly eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the rest of my life, if it meant that Momma would make them in her own special way.

The older children had warned me that the punishment box could be frightening the first time, but it would get easier each time. I don’t think that’s even possible.

I’m scared.

Terrified of the endless darkness that surrounds me.

My eyes are closed tight, my arms wrapped around my still trembling body. My chest feels tight, and breathing in and out has become difficult. A wave of dizziness hits me, leaving my whole body weak. My heart is beating so fast, almost like it wants to jump right out of my chest.

I try my hardest to conjure my mother’s image in my mind. I want her beautiful face to comfort me, her voice to whisper soothing words to calm me, her arms to wrap around me and hold me close.  

Momma, I miss you so much!

I allow the tears I’ve been holding in just minutes ago to fall freely. Here in this box, I allow myself to cry knowing that I won’t have to explain my tears to anyone. Won’t have to risk punishment for mentioning my mother. Mentioning her name within the walls of this house has been forbidden. I’ve been told to forget about her existence and the life I had with her. But how do I do that when I miss her every day?

According to the Smiths, I’ve been given a second chance at redemption, by God and his earthly church. A chance to have my mind, body, and soul cleansed of the evil that flows through it. That’s why I was brought to the Smiths. They are going to make sure that by the time they’re done with me I am good and pure. Ready to serve in whatever capacity I’m needed within the church. The woman who birthed me and the biker scum who fathered me will be nothing but a distant memory.
Angela Marie was born and raised in South Africa, but now calls the sunshine state of Queenland, Australia home. A wife and mother to two almost teenagers she loves nothing more than to curl up on the couch at the end of a busy day with her husband and an action movie.

Her love of read and writing started from a very young age and she loves nothing more than dreaming amazing stories with interesting and diverse characters which she can't wait to share you with.

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review 2018-01-19 04:32
Book Review for Rough and Real by Hayley Faiman
Rough & Real (Notorious Devils Book 7) - Hayley Faiman,Pink Ink Designs,Ellie McLove
Title: Rough and Real
Series: Notorious Devils #7
Author: Hayley Faiman
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: January 22, 2018
Reviewed by: Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars from Us
Kindle Copy
Ivy Gaines has loved one man in her lifetime. After fifteen years of marriage and three kids, reality hasn’t changed that—but sometimes love isn’t enough.
West “Camo” Gaines has never wanted anyone the way he wants his wife, but the Notorious Devils’ club life has opened his eyes and awakened a desire he knows he can’t explore with the mother of his children.
Lies, misunderstanding, betrayal and silence are the bitter pills they swallow daily as the marriage they thought would last forever begins to unravel. It isn’t until club rivalries threaten to shatter their entire world that they realize how much they have to fight for.
When things get rough and real, they’re forced to remember just how deep their love goes.
I am really going to miss this series......
This was one hot read from cover to cover and we loved it and it had a superb ending to a great series!We are hoping this author has another MC series in store for us in the near future.
This story had everything a MC romance needs to make it exciting and enticing and super hot along with having a amazing cast of characters present and past.This was  such a touching romance story that you could not help but feel
emotional about its characters and their marriageable problems.I am sure a lot of married couples like myself have gone where Ivy and West have gone so I was really able to relate to them.I loved how Ivy took charge of her life and decided to make changes to her benefit and hers alone. West aka Camo on the other hand I just wanted to smack up side of the head for the mistakes he continued to make regarding his treatment of Ivy and that of his kids.
I always pick a favorite character as my top favorite and mine is going to be Ivy.I loved everything about Ivy and her character for the onset of the story.I found Ivy to be strong and independent,intelligent,kind, caring,I loved how she loved so fiercely both her kids and husband.I loved how she was determined to make a happy life with or without West.I loved no matter what trouble she and West were experiencing and even his blatant disregard for her she never stop loving him.My heart just broke for Ivy and how she was treated and how she must have felt defeated and depressed knowing sometimes love just isn't enough.
West aka Camo really pissed me off.I have to stay I was all the way team Ivy.West could have avoided  so such much pain and suffering that he had caused Ivy if he had just trusted her enough to talk to her about how he was feeling regarding his heart along with how he needed something more from their current sex life.What really ticked me off about West is how he constantly did everything to make Ivy feel like shit yet kept having sex with her and constantly reminding her she belonged to him all the while he planned on leaving her.How messed up is he? I have to say that I liked West as a character up to this point but, this current story my feelings
 toward him were not ones of like and I want to say as the story progressed he did not redeem himself in my eyes.
This story was engrossing from the onset of the story and had you get emotionally attached
  to its characters.I loved being on Ivy and West's journey and it just proves to you what the say is true sometimes love is not enough and their story could have ended way differently then it did.Ivy and West's problems were not easy ones to overcome its just that Ivy was willing to at least explore sexually that gave their marriage a chance at all.I have to say that my heart went out to Ivy more than once in this story and  I wanted to be right along side of her sheeding tears for her and with her.
Regardless of the trouble this couple were
experiencing they were hot is hell together in and out of the bedroom and the sparks and chemistry was always there and the love they shared with one another quite evident .This is something a couple hopes to achieve or maintain after so many years together and yet feeling the way West did for his wife he was willing to through what that had away in a heartbeat yet, others only
dream of what he already had!!
I have to make a special mention of Soar throughout this story as we saw just how much Soar has grown over this series as he was in a similar situation with his marriage and was offering marital advice was just to funny.Unlike West Soar redeemed himself in my eyes.
Although his advice was genuine kind and based on his past experience trying to get West to listen to him was impossible.
Soar the ex drug addict man whore who cheated on his wife their entire marriage is now a reformed man giving marriage advice.I loved it!Priceless.....
I love when you can connect with the characters that you read about and I was able to do that with this cast of characters as we love them and even those we love to hate.For me when that happens I know I am going to love
the  story I am reading and I did just that.A page turner for sure.The author created a special and a  emotional story for us to read and created and amazing ending to a series that we have grown to love and we are really are going to miss the characters that this author had created for us.One thing that is great about owning books is that you can bring them out and re-read them anytime you want to revisit your favorite characters over and over again.
A recommend read to all! Each and every story I have read by this author we have loved and we hope that whatever this author decides to create is another series for us to fall in love with all over again.One of the things I love about this author is the way she interacts with her fans
and the way she takes an interest in them as much as she can.We love that about her and we hope she continues to Wow us with the stories she creates.
5 stars from us
Be sure to check out the other stories in this series!

32 years young... born and raised in California, did a stint in Oregon only to return to the Golden State. Lived that life a while until the Lone Star State called to us, Hill Country, Texas is where we call home, where our boots rest and loving that country life. Living the life with one bearded power pole climbing husband, two little boys that are full of energy and drive us crazy plus a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.

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review 2018-01-11 22:28
Book Review for The Hail You Say by Lani Lynn Vale
Hail No (Hail Raisers Book 1) - Lani Lynn Vale
Title: The Hail You Say
Series: Hail Raisers #5
Author: Lani Lynn Vale
Genre:  Romantic Suspense
Release Date: January 11, 2018
Reviewed by: Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars

iScream Book Blog - “I have such a weakness for damaged, broken, bad boys and his story really has me tied in knots.”
A Small Girl, Her Man, and her Books - “GAH! Just when i think i've figured out my favourite Lani Lynn Vale novel, she releases another book that makes me rethink the whole thing.”
Cat’s Guilty Pleasures - “It had just the right amount of heartache and heartwarming moments.”

Get out!
He yelled those words at the love of his life twelve years ago, and to this day, Reed Hail regrets them. He’s always been the type of person to speak before he thinks, and apologies have never come easy.
It’s been over a decade since she was his, and he stubbornly thinks that he can keep on living without her. 
He couldn’t be more wrong.
The last thing he needs is her vagina anywhere near his exam table. But nobody ever asks him what he wants.
Maybe he should’ve gone into the auto-recovery business after all.
I hate you.
Krisney Shaw would take those words back in a heartbeat if she could. In fact, she would take back everything.
Never meeting him would be the perfect place to start. The memory of Reed Hail haunts her—morning, noon, and night. Then, to add insult to injury, she has to see him being happy while she’s breaking a little more inside every single day.
Reed Hail is her worst nightmare because she’s constantly reminded of exactly what she’s missing—the other half of her soul.
Just when she thinks things can’t get worse, she’s sees his sexy, bearded face over the top of her paper gown, and she’s lost all over again.
Don’t ever let me go.
Both Reed and Krisney are determined to avoid each other. They do a great job of it, too…not.
One ill-timed gynecological exam changes everything. One single second in time shows Reed what he’s missing—literally and figuratively—and suddenly he’s back at square one.
The only problem with being back at square one? He won’t be able to leave her a second time.
Especially since the first time around he didn’t have a child with her to consider.

Reed and Krisney there story....

Another great tale by this amazing author.I have to say that I really don't read a lot of second chance romances like this one but, I really should as I liked seeing how old loves find there way back to one another.For me this was a really sad story that caused two people who where clearly soul-mates to separate due to someone else's actions who caused a family loss,pain and suffering.

I always pick a favorite character in a story that I am currently reading and mine this time around is going to be Krisney. Why you ask ?There where just so many things that I loved about her character.I found her to be smart,sassy,sexy,determined and some one loved with her whole heart.funny and someone who emotionally suffered much yet never left her broken just more determined and furiously independent.I loved how once she gave her heart to Reed there was no turning back for her he was her one true love and always would be.She tried to move on but, the heart wants what it wants and she chose to stay true to Reed even though they were apart and no future for one another.If Krisney was not  able to have the one she wanted she chose to go it alone and take comfort in her memories.This just proves that once you find your soul-mate there is truly no room for another in your heart foolish or not but, I found it quite endearing.

Reed Hail on the other hand I had mixed feelings about his character.Reed was the type of character that you love and dislike at the same time.I love how fiercely he loves Krisney in the now and always.Even though he loves her this much he continues to break her heart even after all these years.You understand why he felt the need to give her up in the first place but, as the story progresses we learn that he never truly gave her up just continued to love her behind the scenes yet refuses to create a life together now even after 12 years have passed.Reed was just a frustrating character that you just wanted to smack him upside of his head and tell him what a fool he was as so many never even have a taste of what he had with Krisney.It took almost losing the women he loved since high school and his family to see was right in front of him all along and now its too late....

I really enjoyed the story and its character especially when a couple love so fiercely and I loved being on Reed and Krisney's finding their way back to one another.The chemistry this couple had toward one another was fierce  and loving and hot as hell.When this couple were in a room together you felt the heat and sizzle.

My favorite scene who have to be Reeds confession of  his love for Krisney in the hospital and it somewhat redeemed himself in my eyes.

My final thoughts

I loved both characters from the onset and no matter what their obstacles were there was no doubt they belonged together and they were and always had been the perfect soul-mate for one another.They had me rooting for their happiness throughout the entire story hoping that the dreams that they once had would become a reality.Even though I enjoyed these characters at the same time I felt they were a bit disconnected .I am not sure this is the correct word but, this is why I feel that way.This story had a tragic event that caused this couple to split and come between them but ,It was Reed's words that sent her away .When fate brings them together again their first meeting is explosive and you clearly see that the love they once shared was still there.Even though Reed is back in Krisney's life he  still remains emotionally detached from her but not physically.He loves her still yet is still determined not to have a future with her,yet can't stay away and  it is clearly hurting Krisney in the process.When the time has finally runs out and its to late for them now he wants a future with her.My favorite scene is where I should have been crying up a storm but,I was not.This was the type of story that should have tugged at your heart strings in a big way and it did in some ways because you felt their loneliness and sadness they both experienced but, I never felt myself well up and cry or feel like crying and this story had more than one opportunity to make you do that.I guess what I am saying that I wished that the story had moved me to tears at some point throughout the story.This is just something I felt was missing for me that is all and that does not mean that it still wasn't a great story as I did enjoy it very much.

I loved that Dante made and appearance with Mary and that he is taking the steps to come out of the darkness and into the light again and perhaps we will get to here his story very soon.

Another enjoyable read and we are so enjoying this series and would recommend it and any other books by this author as all the ones we have read so far have been great reads.

And Oh! I love that Rafe still remains a mystery....

5 stars from us

Routine. Just routine.

Yeah, right.


I knew this was going to be bad. I knew that I was about to do one of the stupidest things in the world.

Yet, that didn't stop me from entering the infirmary.
Every year we were required to see the doctor for an annual health evaluation. Mine was due two months ago, and I'd purposefully gotten out of it.
I'd tried to get out of this one, too. However, my superior looked at me, grinned that evil grin of hers, and told me in no uncertain terms if I didn't do it, I'd be relegated to desk duty for the foreseeable future.
She knew I hated desk duty.
Talking to people wasn’t my forte.
And now I was here.
Going into the one place that I knew I shouldn't be going.
The clinic in town was normally off limits.
The clinic near the base had an older than dirt male doctor that I was fairly sure was a pervert who kept working because he didn't get to see pussy that young anymore.
However, knowing that the old doc was off on the weekends, and Reed volunteered there for all the ladies that didn’t want to risk it with the pervert doc, led me to where I was today.
Where I knew he was.
Shit. Damn. Fuck.
I’d gone to Germany to get away from him. He’d been assigned to the same base within a month of my arrival.
It might’ve been a coincidence, but I knew it probably wasn’t.
He did it on purpose. Just to watch me squirm.
I swung open the glass door, waved at the secretary who I knew but whose name I couldn't remember, and signed in.
"He's running about thirty minutes behind," the secretary said as she took my information. "I'll tell the ladies that you're here, though. You can go on back. The nurse will put you in a room.”
Of course he was, because the motherfucker liked to talk.


I walked back, met the nurse, and she guided me into a room.
“Here’s the paper gown. You can go ahead and change here behind the screen.” The nurse smiled. “The part goes in the front.”
I refrained from flipping her off.
I knew which fucking part went in the front. I wasn’t a dumbass.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
I waited until she was completely out of the room before I changed, making sure the screen was completely covering every square inch of my body before I stripped my shirt off.
My pants went next, then my bra, and my underwear.
After slipping on the stupid gown—part in front—I folded the clothes precisely in on themselves, making sure that my underwear and bra were neatly tucked into my shirt before rolling my pants around the shirt.
I did not want him to see my underthings.
No sir-ree.
He was already going to see my breasts and vagina today. I didn’t want him to see that I wore the sexy underthings for some stupid reason.
Growling to myself, I picked up my phone and blasted off a text to my best friend.
She was probably asleep, but she’d answer when she woke up.
Somebody needed to be witness to this train wreck.
Might as well be Hennessy.

Hail No (Hail Raisers #1) - AVAILABLE NOW
Go To Hail (Hail Raisers #2) - AVAILABLE NOW
Burn in Hail (Hail Raisers #3) - AVAILABLE NOW
What the Hail (Hail Raisers #4) - AVAILABLE NOW
Hail Mary (Hail Raisers #6) - PREORDER 2/9
I’m a married mother of three. My kids are all under 5, so I can assure you that they are a handful. I’ve been with my paramedic husband now for ten years, and we’ve produced three offspring that are nothing like us. I live in the greatest state in the world, Texas.
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text 2018-01-04 18:11
Cover Reveal & Giveaway for Landslide by AR Hadley
Title: Landslide
Series: The South Beach Connection Book 1
Author: A.R. Hadley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 1, 2018
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber

Cover Images: Robert Villalta and Yoann Boyer
One summer has the power to change everything.
One night, one choice, can alter life’s trajectory — cause the heart’s debris to slip and slide down the mountain. 
After graduating college, rising photographer Annie Baxter relocates to South Beach, Florida.
A new start.
A chance to leave behind her anxiety, her grief, and prepare her photographs for display in an art gallery. Annie is determined to mend her heart in the sand and breathe, commune with the stars and beach and old friends. 
Then Cal Prescott steps in front of her lens — a man twenty years her senior. An understated, sexy puzzle who may not wish to be solved. Cal is quiet. Strong. Eyes like the tides. Coming in, going out. Pulling her under.
They meet at a party.
The chemistry cannot be denied. 
But they only have the summer. 
One unforgettable connection. 
But every June, July, and August must come to an end.
Something shot up Annie’s spine. Fire. Or the fear of acknowledging someone could see her there. Someone could distinguish her from all the other snowflakes and fingerprints. The fire and fear made a knot in her belly, and she began to perspire. She glanced left, then right, playing with the necklace, noticing things in the room no one else did — symmetry and angles and imperfection — until she couldn’t help but notice him again. His eyes engulfed her. Had they ever left her face? Clearly, the man looked at her, or was it through her? Either way, he could see beyond her stupid trick mirror. He wasn't staring. But he saw her. No boy had ever sized her up with an audaciousness she hadn’t thought existed, and this was no boy — he was a man.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A.R. Hadley writes imperfectly perfect sentences by the light of her iPhone.
She loves her husband.
Her children.
And Cary Grant.
She annoys those darling little children by quoting lines from Back to the Future, but despite her knowledge of eighties and nineties pop culture, she was actually meant to live alongside the Lost Generation after the Great War and write a mediocre novel while drinking absinthe with Hemingway. Instead, find her sipping sweet tea with extra lemons on her porch as she weaves fictional tales of love and angst amid reality.
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review 2017-10-19 09:45
Surfing with Snakes & Dragons- Roger J. Couture


We read in the minds of characters, which are all by degree, hedonistic, narcissistic, masochistic, and deeply psychologically introverted. That doesn’t mean that they are necessarily uncaring and detached from others, far from it. But deep exploration of subject character is so much the essence of these individualistic snakes and dragons. All the characters are flawed, troubled by the direction of their lives, and struggling between living for the moment and their worldly, practical, daily responsibilities, by concern for their own well-being and that of others. None of the main characters are uncaring of others, but they are all certainly self-absorbed. Perhaps most of us are, perhaps that is the message?

Couture quite probably exposes more of the conflicts in himself than those of others through these stories, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t also extremely observant of how others see their worlds. He writes in a highly descriptive, word-rich, and psychologically penetrating style. At times he borders on repetitive description and on says too much about what has surely already been deduced by any fully engaged reader, but he writes with such poetry, such cadence, that the overflow of description can easily be forgiven. Ultimately, nothing is decided, but every consideration is explored, possibility is left hanging, food for thought. Life is drawn to the extreme, to the fear, to toy with danger, and to them contemplate what it is that makes people repeat behaviour again and again. Couture writes with particular conviction about what it is to be a dedicated surfer, clearly a sometime overriding passion in his own life. But there is much more here, beyond the draw of the pounding sea. However, I recommend mixing the eight reads, as, for me, we start with rather too much abundant surf. There is connectivity between each story, characters spilling from one to the other, but these are truly independent constructions that can be shuffled like the cards in a single suit.

The poems at the start of each story acted as mood setters for the rich poetry of prose inside. A lot of this book is an exploration of the ‘adrenaline’ in life, in sport, in personal relationships, and at times raises one’s own hormonal beat, but this isn’t writing for the lover of the pacey thriller. This is writing for the lover of literature, for the lover of detail, for the contemplative, for those that like to enjoy the journey of an adventure rather than necessarily the climb to peak tension and final relieving climax. If one likes descriptive writing, and the analysis of what makes people tic, then this series of stories is for you. I might call these essays on the waves in life rather than stories with firmly placed beginnings or any definitive endings.


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