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Search tags: deweys-24-hour-readathon
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url 2018-07-17 23:39
#Readathon. Surprise! A Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon in July...

Source: iwww.24hourreadathon.com
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url 2018-04-28 17:07
#Readathon . Mini-Challenge: "Anthology of Interested"

Challenge asks what anthologies we'd like to see or see more of.


My post: Hilarious comeuppance. When we're all dying to see a character -- particularly a horrid ex, mean girl or boss -- get theirs. The clever, devious, funny, sarcastic, ironic, karmic whatever stories.

Source: sileldaowl.blogspot.com/2018/04/dewey-read-thon-mini-challenge.html
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url 2018-04-28 16:29
#readathon #RATbooksnack Mini-Challenge: A Book and a Snack

I'm inordinately proud of myself for saving some Girl Scout Cookies for the Readathon.


Source: thebookmonsters.com/deweys-readathon-challenge-a-book-and-a-snack-3
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url 2018-04-04 17:39
#readathon - Signups are open for Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon

Go to http://www.24hourreadathon.com/april-2018-reader-sign-ups/ to sign up.


Readathon takes place April 28.



I always have fun with this one.  But, even after more than a decade, that there is no hyphen between "24" and "Hour" still bugs me.  

Source: www.24hourreadathon.com/april-2018-reader-sign-ups
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url 2017-04-28 17:19

 From the post:  "Time for something special! Amanda from Fig and Thistle Books, and a long-time friend-of-the-thon, had a rad idea: an ALL-EVENT CHALLENGE! Here’s the scoop!


  • Each account is allowed to post 24 images using the #IGReadathon AND #FigThistleBooks hashtags.
  • At the end of the readathon, Amanda will use a random number generator to select a winner!
  • Prize: $15 book of your choice from the Book Depository. This challenge is international"


Source: www.24hourreadathon.com/?p=7089
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