Whew what a rough start to everything! Bad morning, meh day at work, very bad commute home. I'm tired and in pain, but I'm pushing forward. I had a glass of Stella Red and some jerky and a few pringles. I'm currently drinking a Real Sugar Pepsi.
I finished Born A Crime and am continuing with my "Tolkien Project" with the Silmarillion audiobook...I've realized that I've messed up the reading order, but I can't make myself care right now, because this is an audiobook, and the other is not and I don't think I can do ereader or paperback at this current moment. I'll fix it later when I'm in better shape mentally and physically. I'm really trying to continue with the positivity, but the negative me creeps out with little rants and offhand remarks. I'm a sarcastic Negative Nelly at heart, but I'm also a W.I.P. and ever evolving--thus the repeated attempts at being positive.
Hubby and I have appoints with the chiropractor for massages and adjustments this morning, so that's another break from reading. And I know I won't last much longer, but so be it! I think I may try The Princess Bride later today when I'm "better". I think I can use the whimsy.
This is like the worst update ever. I hope everyone is having a good readathon.