Easily one of my favorite books of 2014. The Hook Up is everything I didn’t know I needed.
I am from middle of nowhere Football USA South Louisiana. I grew up with Friday night football games, and nachos, and swooning over the all the boys on the sidelines with my friends. My gym class in high school was spent panting the field for the games coming up that week.
For as long as I remember, every Saturday, Sunday and Monday has been dedicated to football at my house. Half of my closet is college football t-shirts. I went to college is a college town where Blue and Gold or Purple and Gold were the main colors of everyone on any campus. We bleed football down here.
And yet, all I know about football is that The Patriots are cheaters and that Payton Manning is a God (according to my mom, anyways). I know the very basics, but the only time I’ll sit down to watch a game is the Super Bowl, and that’s just for the commercials and half-time performance.
Anna Jones is a real, multi-dimensional, true southern girl. I instantly related to Anna in a disturbingly wrong way. I get where she is coming from with the thinking. Her inner monologue about not being good enough is also my inner monologue sometimes. I think there are way too many of us that feel that same way and I wish that wasn’t a fact.
“I’m not going to say it was love at first sight. No, it was more like oh, hell-yes-please, I’ll have that. With a helping of right-the-fuck-now on the side.” –Anna Jones, everyone.
Drew Baylor.
Every quiet girls dirty dream.
Star quarterback and sweetheart.
Good Lord, I was ready for the dick jock act, but what I got was borderline perfection.
This book was funny, y’all. It’s cheeky. The banter between Jones and Baylor is my favorite thing at the moment.
It’s hot. Like holy hell, can we Blue’s Clues this shit and I can jump into this scene?
It’s real. They deal with issues that we all deal with. Indecisiveness about the future and the inevitable.
Drew and his boys were THE BEST! I died laughing most of the time and flat out grinned any other time. (So happy Gray is getting his own story!)
Most of all, The Hook Up made me want this sort of thing. This kind of relationship. A relationship at all. When a book makes me question my singledom, that’s when I know it’s made a mark on me.
“I am so gone on him. I want to dance in place. I want to run and hide.” Shit, y'all. I want that!
The Hook Up is interesting and funny and sweet. The dual pov takes us into the mind of both Baylor and Jones. It’s everything you need.