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text 2023-07-03 05:07
Safe and Effective Alternatives to Chemical Cleaning Products



Embrace a Healthier, Greener Approach to Cleaning with Safe Alternatives

Why switch from chemical cleaners to safer alternatives?

In today's environmentally conscious world, many people try to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle. One area where this shift is particularly beneficial is in our cleaning routines. Traditional chemical cleaning products often contain harsh ingredients that put your health and the environment at risk. That poses health risks to people and the environment. You can create a clean and healthy living environment by switching to safer alternatives without compromising effectiveness. Let's delve into why it's time to make the switch.


Section 1: The Hazards of Chemical Cleaners

Understanding the Risks


Chemical cleaners, while effective in their cleaning power, could pose a negative impact on your health and the environment. These products often contain toxic substances such as ammonia, bleach, and phthalates, which can cause respiratory problems, and skin irritations and even contribute to long-term health issues. Additionally, the chemicals in these cleaners can contaminate our water systems, harm aquatic life, and contribute to air pollution. A safer approach to cleaning is necessary.

Section 2: The Safest Way to Clean

Exploring Natural and Non-Toxic Alternatives


Fortunately, a wide array of safe and effective alternatives to chemical cleaning products can achieve the same level of cleanliness without the associated risks. Here are some options to consider:


Vinegar and Baking Soda: A Dynamic Duo

Vinegar and baking soda, when combined, create a powerful cleaning agent that can tackle various household cleaning tasks. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and deodoriser while baking soda helps scrub dirt and grime away. This dynamic duo proves its efficacy in maintaining a clean home, from kitchen surfaces to bathroom fixtures.

The Power of Citrus

Citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges, possess natural cleaning properties. The acidic nature of citrus helps dissolve stains, remove grease, and freshen up surfaces. Mixing water and lemon juice is one of the best alternatives to commercial cleaners for stainless steel appliances, countertops, and cutting boards. They leave behind a refreshing scent.

Harnessing the Magic of Essential Oils

Essential oils not only provide pleasing aromas but also possess antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, and lavender oil are popular choices for natural cleaning. Adding drops of essential oil to water can create a refreshing and effective cleaning solution for floors, windows, and other surfaces.


Hydrogen Peroxide: An Oxidising Agent

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective alternative for disinfecting surfaces and removing stains. It has powerful antibacterial properties and can sanitise countertops, cutting boards, and bathroom fixtures. Mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with water in a spray bottle.


Natural Scrubbing Agents

Natural scrubbing agents such as salt, baking soda, and borax can be your allies for tough stains and grime. These abrasives help remove stubborn dirt without the need for harsh chemicals. Add baking soda or salt to the surface, scrub gently, and watch the grime disappear.

Section 3: Preventing Risk from Chemicals

How to Avoid or Minimise Exposure

While switching to safer cleaning alternatives is a great step, taking precautions to avoid or minimise exposure to harmful chemicals is also essential. Here are some additional tips to consider:

Choose Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products

Opt for cleaning products that are labelled as environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and biodegradable. Look for certifications like EcoLogo or Green Seal, ensuring the products meet specific environmental standards.

Make Your DIY Cleaners

Another way to avoid chemicals is by making your DIY cleaning solutions using simple ingredients in your pantry. For example, a mixture of vinegar, water, and drops of essential oil can help create an all-purpose cleaner for various surfaces in your home. Baking soda and water form a paste that can scrub sinks, tubs, and tiles. By making your cleaners, you have full control over the ingredients. It also allows you to customise the scents to your liking.

Practice Proper Dilution

When using concentrated cleaning products, following the instructions for dilution is crucial. Overusing or using products at higher concentrations than recommended can increase the risk of chemical exposure. Diluting the cleaning solutions appropriately ensures effective cleaning while minimising potential hazards.

Store Chemicals Safely

If you still have some chemical cleaning products at home, storing them properly is essential to prevent accidents and minimise exposure. Keep them on a high shelf or locked cabinet or a high shelf out of reach of children and pets. Ensure that the containers are tightly closed to avoid leaks or spills.

Use Protective Gear

When handling any cleaning products, including safer alternatives, wearing protective gear such as gloves and goggles is a good practice. So your kids and pets can't reach them. This provides an extra layer of protection against direct contact with the cleaning solutions and reduces the risk of skin irritation or eye damage.

Reduce Plastic Waste with Sustainable Cleaning Tools

In addition to switching to safer cleaning alternatives, it's essential to consider the tools and accessories you use during your cleaning routine. Many traditional cleaning tools, such as single-use wipes, plastic scrub brushes, and disposable mop heads, add to the ocean's and landfills' waste. By opting for sustainable alternatives, you can further minimise your environmental impact. Replace disposable wipes with washable microfiber cloths or reusable cotton cloths. Choose biodegradable or compostable scrub brushes from natural materials like bamboo or coconut fibres. Consider investing in a high-quality, reusable mop with washable pads. These sustainable choices reduce plastic waste and provide long-term cost savings.

By incorporating sustainable cleaning tools into your routine, you align your cleaning practices with an eco-friendly mindset, reducing the overall environmental footprint of your cleaning efforts.


By switching from chemical cleaners to safe alternatives, you protect your health and add to a cleaner and greener environment. Chemical cleaning products pose various risks to our well-being and the planet, from harmful health effects to water pollution. Fortunately, natural and non-toxic alternatives, such as vinegar, baking soda, citrus fruits, essential oils, and hydrogen peroxide, offer effective cleaning solutions without the associated hazards.

In addition to using these safe alternatives, it's important to take preventive measures to minimise exposure to chemicals. Choosing environmentally friendly cleaning products, making your DIY cleaners, practising proper dilution, storing chemicals safely, and using protective gear are all steps towards safer cleaning practices.

Take a step towards using safer alternatives today and experience the benefits of a healthier home and a cleaner environment. By embracing these alternatives, you can clean with confidence, knowing that you are safeguarding your well-being and playing your part in preserving the planet for future generations.

© FastKlean

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text 2022-09-08 08:00
A Guide on Making Vinegar Cleaning Solutions at Home



Anyone who feels passionate about green cleaning would agree that white distilled vinegar is one of the most effective eco-friendly cleaning ingredients with numerous applications around the house. From killing germs in the bathroom to eliminating carpet stains, white vinegar helps you to deal with many cleaning jobs healthily. Check on these amazing cleaning solutions based on white vinegar and try them at home for naturally cleaned surfaces:

Mix vinegar and water
Take an empty spray bottle and fill it with equal amounts of white distilled vinegar and water. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients. That’s all – your eco-friendly multipurpose cleaning solution is ready. Spray the cleaner on the bathroom tiles to get rid of soap scum. Banish hard water stains with your mixture or use it to remove germs in the toilet bowl. You can take advantage of this vinegar cleaner in the kitchen to tackle greasy stains on the countertop or refresh the stovetop.

Try undiluted vinegar
Hard water deposits, as well as soap scum, could be difficult to remove, especially when it comes to old stains. If you are faced with this problem, just use white vinegar poured into a spray bottle without mixing it with water. Spray the affected surfaces and let the vinegar sit for at least 10 minutes. Then scrub with a stiff brush and rinse thoroughly with water. Try this eco-friendly cleaning hack to eliminate soap scum from the shower door and walls. If necessary, repeat several times until deposits vanish completely.

Upgrade with lemon juice
Another effective eco-friendly cleaning ingredient is lemon juice and you can add it to your 50/50 white vinegar and water solution to make it even more powerful. Mix two cups of water with one part white vinegar and one part lemon juice in a spray bottle. Apply this homemade cleaning remedy in the kitchen or in the bathroom to get rid of dangerous germs and bacteria.

Use for carpet cleaning
Carpeted floors are extremely prone to staining, that’s why you need a reliable cleaning solution to keep the carpets in outstanding condition. In a spray bottle, mix equal parts of water and white vinegar, but this time add a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Spray the mixture on the stained area of the carpet and allow it to sit for a few minutes. After that, you should gently blot the residue with a sponge and let the carpet dry completely.

Clean the microwave

Greasy food stains in the microwave or food leaks in the oven can be green cleaned with a mixture of equal proportions of white vinegar and water. Pour both ingredients into an appropriate bowl and place it in the oven or the microwave – both appliances will get squeaky clean once the mixture starts to boil. Allow vinegar steam to loosen up tough stains and wipe clean with a clean damp towel. White vinegar will take care of not just stains in the appliances, but unpleasant odours will be eliminated too.

Unclog the drain
To unclog the drain naturally you can benefit from two of the most notorious ingredients used for green cleaning – white vinegar and baking soda. Start by pouring half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by the same amount of white vinegar. The fizzing you will notice shouldn’t bother you, as this is a normal reaction to mixing these two ingredients. Once the fizzing stops, pour hot water down the drain or let the hot water from the faucet run for a minute or two. The combination of baking soda and white vinegar will banish the clog, together with unwanted smells and germs.

Cleaning with white vinegar is an essential part of the green cleaning concept. Make the most of these recipes for a sparkly clean home, free from toxic cleaning products.

© FastKlean


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text 2022-01-15 08:59
Eco-friendly Cleaning Tips Even Your Children can Follow



House cleaning is an important task. Therefore, we have some eco-friendly cleaning tips that even your children can follow.


With eco-friendly cleaning tips, you can protect your environment. In other words, we all should play our role through green living. Green products can help save energy and reduce the pollution level. These products benefit the environment and improve human health.


The good news is that it's possible to use eco-friendly products and keep your house clean at the same time. Although hiring a commercial cleaning company can help you take care of household tasks, you can use some tips to do it yourself.


Here are 14 eco-friendly cleaning tips. If you follow these tips, you can achieve your house cleaning goals and stay on top of toxic waste.

Fly repellent solution


With a DIY fruit fly repellent, you can keep those annoying fruit flies away from your home. Here is how you can make it: Get a mason bowel and fill it with an equal amount of dish soap and apple cider vinegar. Put some holes in brown paper and wrap it around the bowel.


The smell of this mixture will attract fruit flies. They will hover over the bowel and get in one by one. But they won't be able to get out due to the soap inside.

Organic cloth diapers


If you have a toddler, you may need to change their diaper several times a day. But the problem is that ready-made diapers are not good for the environment. Most of them end up in local landfills.


If you are looking for an organic alternative, you can try organic cloth diapers. You can wash and reuse them several times. But if you can't take the hassle of cleaning these diapers, you can opt for disposable or biodegradable products.

Vinegar to eliminate germs


Most homeowners use vinegar almost every day. You may have this solution in your kitchen already. The thing is that distilled vinegar is on the list of green cleaning products. With this solution, you can eliminate common germs without any trouble.


You can make this solution yourself. Just mix equal parts of water and white vinegar. Once the mixture is ready, pour it into a spray bottle. With this mixture, you can break down grease on various surfaces in your home.

Lemon juice to polish wooden floors


You can make vinegar more effective by mixing lemon juice in it. This type of mixture is ideal for polishing wood floors. Just mix half a cup of fresh lemon juice with one full cup of olive oil. Shake the container until the mixture is all set.


Besides, undiluted lemon juice can also remove stains from your bathroom tiles, carpets, and kitchen tables.

Go for plants


You can place some real plants in your house rather than use artificial air fresheners daily. Some types of plants emit fragrance and purify the air in your home. For instance, you can go for Spider Plants, Peace Lilies, and English Ivies. They can help you achieve this purpose.


Apart from air purification, these plants can make your house look more beautiful.

Reusable shopping bags


Reusable shopping bags can help reduce plastic waste. You can choose from different designs, colours and sizes. They are easy to carry and you can keep them in your car locker.

Old newspapers


Use old newspapers to wipe down surfaces, such as mirrors and windows. They can prove a good alternative to paper towels. Plus, they don't leave bits of lint or streakers behind.

Refrigerator Cleaner


Use a water and vinegar solution to clean your fridge. However, if you want to use the stainless exterior, you should use undiluted vinegar. Diluted vinegar may leave behind streaks on the exterior.

Garbage disposal cleaner


You can use a few citrus peels or a squeezed half of lemon to clean your garbage disposal cleaner. As an alternative, you can add a cup of white vinegar and half a cup of baking soda along with water. After a while, you can rinse it.

Toilet bowl cleaner


Make a mixture of one cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of baking soda. Once the mixture is ready, pour it into your sink and scrub and rinse after a few minutes. Besides, you can achieve the same results with a mixture of lemon juice and borax. Apply vinegar to rust stains and brush using baking soda after 10 to 12 hours.

Carpet stain remover


Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle and spray it on carpet stains. After a few minutes, use lukewarm soapy water and a sponge or brush to remove the stains.


Cornstarch can help remove fresh grease stains. After spraying, wait for at least 15 minutes and then suck it up with a vacuum cleaner.

Stovetop cleaner


Use vinegar spray or soapy water to clean glass or ceramic stoves. If there are stubborn stains, apply soapy water and baking soda to the area and then cover it up with a damp towel for 30 minutes.


After half an hour, remove the cover and use a damp piece of rag to wipe it down. You may use a silicone spatula to separate food from the stove.

Oven Cleaner


You can make an organic over cleaner using a mixture of an equal amount of water, baking soda and salt. After the mixture turns into a thick paste, apply it to the inside of your oven. After 10 to 12 hours, use a spoon to remove the paste and wipe it down. If you notice stubborn stains, use a ball of fine steel wool to rub and remove them.

Window Cleaner


A mixture of two teaspoons of white vinegar and a quarter of lukewarm water makes an ideal window cleaner. Get a black and white old newspaper, soak it in the mixture and clean the windows with it.


Ideally, you should clean your windows in the evening. Cleaning when the sun is shining on them will leave behind streaks. And don't use an extremely strong solution as it may etch the glass and reduce the shine.


London Domestic Cleaners can help you professionally clean your house. It’s one of the best cleaning companies out there.


 © London Domestic Cleaners





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text 2021-11-30 17:13
Cleaning the Eco-friendly Way at Home - Tips You Can Use Today


If you want to go green, you can cut down on the chemicals while doing your dishes and washing laundry. It can help you protect the environment and save plenty of money. In this article, we have shared some tips for you to clean the eco-friendly way at home. With these green cleaning tips, you will be able to avoid harsh chemicals and save daily. Read on to find out more.


Use multi-purpose products whenever possible


First of all, you should use a multi-purpose product if possible. The beauty of these products is that they can deliver great results on a wide range of fabrics and surfaces as they are effective. Plus, they can help eliminate bad odours as well.


If you have some stains on your carpet, you can use these products to remove stains even before washing them in the washing machine. You can use these products to refresh your sofas, mattresses, hats, and caps, just name of you.


Reuse those old toothbrushes


Another trick is to use your old toothbrushes. You don't need to throw away your old nail brushes or toothbrushes. The thing is that they can be really useful if you are trying to clean awkward areas. For example, if you want to clean your water bottle dispensers, you can use these old toothbrushes. Similarly, you can use these old toothbrushes for cleaning the soles of your shoes.


Reuse your kitchen towel


Your kitchen towel can also be recycled. Since you cannot reuse an old towel that is made from virgin wood pulp, we suggest that you switch to a reusable kitchen towel. Generally, they are made from other materials such as bamboo. These towels can be reused several times.


Invest in baking soda


Baking soda is a multipurpose product as it is made from a lot of multipurpose ingredients. You can use baking soda to make your toilet bowl shine once again. What you need to do is put one cup of baking soda into your toilet bowl and let it sit for 60 minutes. Before flushing, you should add an equal amount of white vinegar. After one hour, you should flush it to wash away all types of stains and discolouration.


If your fridge smells bad, baking soda is your friend. All you need to do is remove the lid of the box of baking soda and put it on the backside of your fridge. Baking soda can absorb all of the stinks and needs to be replaced every 3 months.


Besides, you may want to make it a habit to solve through your pantry and refrigerator, check the expiry dates of every box, and remove bad food. Finally, you may want to organize everything in your refrigerator. Clean all of the bins and shelves and wipe down surfaces with a multi-purpose spray.


Upcycle waste paper and magazines


If you have a pile of old magazines and newspapers in your home, you can upcycle them instead of recycling them. You can check out some do-it-yourself tutorials on YouTube to make a lot of interesting things out of old newspapers. For example, you can turn old newspapers into baskets of different shapes. It will be a fun activity in your spare time.


Reuse your plastic bottles


Although it may be difficult for most homeowners, you can reuse old bottles of plastic. For example, you can fill these bottles with soil, put some seeds in them, and then place them in your garden.


 Alternatively, you can use these plastic bottles for some small plants. In the fall, you can put the cuttings of your favourite flower plants in these soil-filled bottles. They will serve as a type of plastic pots or seed containers for your mini greenhouse. You can also grow your favourite fruits or vegetables in these containers.


Use plants to get rid of pests


Are you tired of those tiny creatures lurking around your house? If so, you can get rid of them using the strategic placement of plants. This will help you use plants in place of chemicals to clean your house while protecting the environment.


If you want to protect your house against spiders, you can pour a couple of drops of citronella oil into your essential oil burner. Alternatively, you can burn a couple of citronella-scented candles if you are available in your area.


On the other hand, mice cannot stand spearmint or peppermint. All you need to do is place a couple of pots with peppermint around the places where are you spot mice in your house. As an alternative, you can dip a few balls of cotton wool and insert them into the cracks and holes of these rodents.

So, you can try out these 7 eco-friendly cleaning tips to protect your home and environment at the same time.

© London Domestic Cleaners




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text 2021-11-04 06:15
An Eco-friendly Approach to Home Cleaning with Lemons


One of how you can be more environmentally-friendly oriented is to employ better and greener home cleaning solutions. You don’t need to always rely on harsh chemicals, which contain questionable ingredients. You could just as easily clean with lemons. This citrus fruit holds a great many benefits, not just from a culinary perspective, but also a cleaning one. In this guide, you will find 10 things you can do with lemons, to make your home a cleaner and fresher place. Let’s begin: 

Remove the smell of vinegar – if you are an avid eco-friendly enthusiast, you probably know that vinegar is one of the most used cleaning solutions for this kind of approach. The only negative side is that it has a strong lingering smell. Good thing that lemons come to the rescue, by providing a fresh scent that you will love. Simply add some lemon juice to your vinegar solution when you are doing your cleaning rounds and you will feel the difference. 

Cleaning glass surfaces – when you mix lemon juice and vinegar, you get a fantastic solution for cleaning glass surfaces. This is a DIY solution, which you can get by mixing 1 tbsp. white vinegar, 2 tbsp. lemon juice and a cup of warm water in a spray bottle. Spray directly on the glass, and use a squeegee to get a gleaming surface.

A degreaser solution – one of the best uses of lemon juice is to utilise its acidic properties for some degreasing action. The next time you want to address some pans, or your stovetop, mix half a cup of lemon juice and half a cup of vinegar. Spritz the mix onto the grease and watch it melt away.

Scrub your dishes – if you have had a feast in your home, and your dishes are all stained, you don’t need to bother with endless scrubbing. Instead, you can cut a lemon in half, dip it in some salt, and use that to scrub the mess away from the dishes. The added abrasiveness from the salt along with the acidic properties of the lemon will easily make short work of any accumulation of food debris. 

Clean the microwave oven – another great use of lemons lies with cleaning your microwave oven. If you have had an accident with food inside, or just want a nice routine clean, you can rely on a few lemons to get the job done. Slice two lemons in half, and toss them in a microwave-safe bowl of water. Heat it on a high setting and let it steam inside the oven for a few minutes. The steam will soften up the gunk. And while it cannot clean it on its own, you can easily wipe it with a sponge.

Deal away with stains – if you are looking for a natural bleaching agent, look no further than lime and lemon juice. It is a perfect ingredient for addressing stains. For example, if your favourite shirt has deodorant or sweat stains, you can launder it with some lemon juice in the tray. It also does well against rust stains. 

Deal with ants – if ants often find their way inside your kitchen, you can try lemon peels. Simply slice a few lemon peels and place them in a pot. Add vinegar until they are covered. Heat that mixture and leave it like that overnight. Once you have done that, you will strain the liquid and spray it in the areas ants are coming from. You likely won’t see them again. 

Lemons are a powerful ally in your eco-friendly cleaning arsenal, and you should use them whenever you can. 


© FastKlean

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