Title: A Cowboy's Midnight Kiss: Romancing Griffin Stone
Author: Victoria Vane
Publisher: Vane Publishing LLC
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"A Cowboy's Midnight Kiss: Romancing Griffin Stone" by Victoria Vane
My Thoughts..
What all will happen when a divorced Cassidy Cantrell best friend ask her to go on holiday at a Ski Resort with her and there she meets one delicious treat of meeting a cowboy Griffin Stone? Well, be ready for a wonderful captivating read with lots of banter with lots of flirtatious and playful humor with a little sadness thrown in. I loved the characters along with Cassidy, Cassidy's best friend Liz and daughter Mandy, Griffin and his sweet nephew. What will happen as Cassidy finds Griff one whole package...'caring, sexy, funny and smart?' What is up with Cassidy's ex when he blackmails her? Now that Cassidy has been with Griffin who has also been in a bad relationship [being jilted] will she choose to stay with him or will she go back to her ex who is trying to get her back? To find out what all it is about you will have to pick up "A Cowboy's Midnight Kiss: Romancing Griffin Stone" to see how well this author delivers to the readers a wonderful HEA. .
If you are wanting a short, sweet romantic novella then you have come to the right place to enjoy this read.
Shep's just your average all-American cowboy. He runs his own ranch and rides the occasional saddle bronc. Nothing special there. Unless you look too closely at his boyfriend.
Descended from a long line of Native American mustang shifters, Charlie "Hoss" Running Horse is anything but average.
When Coyote takes a shine to Shep, he decides that Hoss has got to go. With the theft of the medicine horseshoe that allows Hoss to shift from mustang to human, Coyote sets his evil plan to have his way with Shep in motion.
Will Shep be able to save Hoss before it's too late? Or will Coyote's plan come to fruition?