Amelia Bedelia Unleashed by Herman Parish is a chapter book that follows a girl names Amelia Bedelia and she is trying to figure out what type of dog she wants to have. To solve her question, Amelia starts to help her friends walk their dogs and she tries to help one dog win a dog show. Through many ups and downs, Amelia finally finds the dog she wants and names it Finally. This book is great because it shows the struggle children and many people can have with differentiating between figurative and literal language and words with multiple meanings. An activity that would work with Amelia Bedelia Unleashed is having a discussion about the homonyms and finding those mentioned in the book and discovering the multiple meanings of the words. Students could create a foldable to help them remember these words. The Lexile level of Amelia Bedelia Unleashed is 580L (Grades 2 to 3).