Argh! I hate it when this happens…When I love the first book in the series and then the second ruins all the good feels. All the feels.
I can’t even say I disliked the heroine. I didn’t. I didn’t like her, I didn’t dislike her, I felt nothing. And that’s the worse feeling of all. While Lou and her story were interesting, lively, funny, sexy, a little chaotic and funky, and gave the reader a glimpse (albeit not a full one, since the story was told from the heroine’s third-person POV) into the hero’s psyche and what made him tick, Rory’s story was all about Rory. About her gun shop (since I don’t understand or share the American fascination with everything gun related, my eyes glazed over every time the shop or the merchandise was mentioned), her windows-related paranoia, her bunker, her overall paranoia, her unconventional childhood, her social ineptitude...Blah blah blah. I suppose the reader is supposed to feel sympathy for the girl, but I simply didn’t care. It wasn’t endearing, it was simply annoying.
And since it was all about Rory and her (not-in-a-good-way) craziness, everything else suffered. The hero (he simply existed, catering to her Rory-ness), the story (slow, dull, and hole-y—Why did they target Rory’s shop, when she simply sold them everything they wanted? Why did no one look into the late-listed evidence/evidence tampering?), the overall murder arc was barely touched upon, the annoying characters (the deputy who I’m certain is crooked, the unfriendly fellow firefighter who I’m sure was the one to nick the pendant) became even more annoying thanks to the general un-appeal of the story...I won’t even mention the romance, because...What romance? The hero and heroine getting together and finally knocking boots was merely another plot device with no feeling, no depth, nothing.
I was seriously considering DNF-ing this one, but my stubborn streak kicked in and I wanted to see if the story got better. I wanted it to get better. Alas, I didn’t get my wish.