If you’re using YouTube to promote your business, you know how important it is to be found in search results. When someone searches for your niche, you want to be the first result that pops up, so they click on your video and enjoy it! SEO, or search engine optimization, plays an important role in making sure that your videos show up correctly in search results when people use Google or other search engines.
However, if one of them does not use YouTube SEO to help people find your videos, you're missing out on a big chunk of traffic. This is where SEO Dubai come in to help identify the right keywords for your video and make sure they show up in the search results. Since its inception, YouTube has been one of the most popular online venues for users to share and view videos. This article shows you how to find the right keywords for your videos and rank higher in YouTube’s search results.
Keyword Tool Overview
YouTube provides an easy way for you to find out how competitive a particular keyword is by simply typing it into their Keyword Tool and then clicking on Search for new keyword ideas. From there, you'll be able to see things like monthly search volume, global competition, and country-specific competition.
In addition, YouTube will also give you related keywords that are more specific based on similar words or phrases. This allows you more opportunities to get your message in front of potential viewers. Unfortunately, although YouTube's SEO is incredibly useful it doesn't provide a large amount of data such as estimated daily searches which would make it possible for you to do research on a much wider scale.
Finding Descriptive Words
Before we get into how you can find YouTube SEO keywords, let’s talk about what kind of words will help your video rank. While Google is getting smarter and smarter, YouTube SEO still relies on certain common phrases in videos, descriptions, and tags. With that in mind, it’s important that you choose a couple of descriptive words for your video.
You want these keywords to be broad enough that anyone searching for them on YouTube or Google would find your video relevant; but specific enough that there aren’t hundreds of results with your exact search phrase. Finding just a few descriptive words or phrases can really set you apart from your competition and make sure people are finding and watching your content instead of someone else’s.
Finding Popular But Irrelevant Words
It’s important to remember that not all popular words are necessarily relevant. YouTube, for example, has tens of thousands of how-to searches each month—but that doesn’t mean you should make a video about how to put on eye shadow or wash your car. Use more general terms and refine as you go along. The most effective keywords are ones people are actively searching for but haven’t yet found on YouTube.
Discovering Long Tail Keywords
It’s hard to know what search terms are going to bring people in. That’s why it’s a good idea to use a tool like Google AdWords or SEMRush when you first create your video, then look for keywords that relate closely with those you think might be good for your video.
Once you’ve established what kinds of terms might work best, check out Google Autocomplete—it lets you plug in variations of searches and see which ones provide a good amount of traffic. In Google Autocomplete, type Best ways into the search bar; then scroll down and click Autocomplete suggestions. This gives you insight into possible long-tail keywords relating specifically to your niche or industry.
By understanding how YouTube SEO works and using the right keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags, you can help ensure that your videos show up in search results for relevant queries.
Dubai SEO Agency can help you find the right keywords for your business and create videos that rank high on search engine results pages. Contact us today to learn more about our video marketing services!
Source: YouTube SEO: How to Find the Right Keywords For Your Videos