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text 2021-08-02 19:49
Trusted Christian Drug Rehab - Help From The Lord


Many of them do not realize that drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases, not weaknesses or character flaws. In fact, the AMA (or American Medical Association) recognizes alcoholism and drug addiction as long-term crippling diseases, which can be fatal. Substance abuse is also seen as evidence of other problems that can focus on abuse, other traumatic experiences, and chemical or emotional disorders.


For those Christians who doubt themselves, Christian drug rehab centers maybe your best option for recovery. These treatment facilities remind Christian addicts that God has no favorites. He willingly embraces all who honestly seek to live a righteous life. No matter what his past indiscretions have been, he can be forgiven and his sins washed away. The Lord can heal all people, regardless of their situation. adult and teen challenge Colorado Adult & Teen Challenge provides an effective faith-based solution to addiction, depression, anxiety, anger, and other life-controlling problems.

The Truth About Christian Drug Rehab

Christian drug rehab facilities are very successful in helping Christian addicts recover from their addictions. After leaving a Christian treatment center, patients can normally live a drug-free life. If you or a loved one believes in Christ but also has a drug problem, then you need to find a rehab center that supports your religious beliefs.


When other programs such as 12-step programs and cognitive therapies are unsuccessful, rehabilitation programs based on God's love succeed. The logic behind these programs is that the only cure for human suffering is the eternal love of God. Many Christian drug rehab facilities are run by specific religious groups such as Calvary Chapel, Salvation Army, and Saddleback Church.


Many religious treatment facilities will host meetings for codependent spouses and affected children, as they recognize that the Christian faith must be a part of everyone's life in the family for an addict to fully recover from their addiction. These rehab centers use both Christ and God as foundations for sober living and offer prayer groups, Bible study meetings, and other religious gatherings, in addition to more traditional detoxification and treatment methods.


In Christian drug rehab, an addict is surrounded by others like him, and this can be a huge advantage for someone who already feels out of place. The duo of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit is exactly what many people need to heal themselves.

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text 2021-01-04 03:25
2021 Reading Challenge

So...2020 was an absolute shitshow and we all know I did not finish my reading goal. I'm not even angry or disappointed. I'm proud that I made it through that dumpsterfire of a year in once piece and (partially) sane!


For 2021 it's more of the same, 52 books which breaks down to one book per week. As always, I make no promises to myself or anyone else; however, my goal is to get myself together. Last year was a disaster in just about every way possible. I allowed myself become so out of sorts and-- it was a mess; seriously not pretty. So it's back on track with journaling, organizing and scheduling. So I have hope that I will actually get to 52 (and beyond) this year.


Still attempting to finish the books I started in previous years:

  1. Twice Bitten
  2. Werewolves and Shape Shifters
  3. The Silmarillion
  4. Boys Will Be Boys
  5. Shattered Hourglass
  6. Legacy of the Jedi
  7. Young Bucks: Killing the Business from Backyards to the Big Leagues
  8. Dread Nation
  9. Deathless Divide (Dread Nation, Book 2)
series project

The Series Project continues:

The Chequey Files

     1 Stiletto

Day By Day: Armageddon

     2 Shattered Hourglass

     3 Grey Fox

     4 Ghost Run

Inheritance Series

     5 Brisingr

     6 Inheritance


*Star Wars

End of 2021 TBR

Tentative TBR

  1. The Princess Bride
  2. The Hate U Give
  3. Army of Darkness, Omnibus 2
  4. NOS4A2
  5. Six of Crows
  6. Black Hole Sun
  7. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
  8. Smoke & Mirrors
  9. The Martian
  10. You're Never Weird on the Internet
  11. The Legends of River Song
  12. The Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl
  13. The Gospel of Loki
  14. White Fragility
  15. Zoey Punches the Future on the Dick

Good luck to us all!

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url 2020-10-01 13:23
APPLE – Mega Announcement 2020

Apple going big as we look at the highlights from the launch event. Apple just teased a host of new gadgets along with a fitness service.

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text 2020-09-11 11:24
Lead Conversion System Squared How To Increase Blog Traffic

The greatest obstacle for newbies is utilizing social networks improperly. We have discussed the social networking sites. Deal to guest post for other networks in your area of expertise. Lead Conversion Squared Include your author resource box at the end of your post. Which socials media are generating people who remain the longest and view the most pages? Now you can allow your users to 'dislike' or 'like' a post.

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review 2020-07-28 19:28
Fair Warning
Fair Warning - Michael Connelly

This took me almost an hour to be able to post something. I just want to scream. Trying to add tags and all of that took me a really long time too. 


Interesting third book looking at the character of Jack McEvoy. Or as I started to call him, his own worst enemy. I honestly dithered about 3 or 4 stars, but ultimately gave it 4 stars because I thought this one had a lot of interesting sub-plots that I was glad to see Connelly tackle (privacy and DNA). But I was tempted to give it 3 stars because Jack is beyond annoying at this point with his constant need to be a jerk and awful to Rachel. Also it's kind of annoying that Jack will get some success and then we find him 10 years later down in his fortunes (again) due to mess he did (again). Also if you are a serial killer one wonders why anyone even goes near McEvoy.


"Fair Warning" finds Jack McEvoy 10 years later after the events in the second book. Readers know that he and Rachel Walling had plans to open their own agency after she finishes up with the FBI. Rachel was in a Harry Bosch book, a few years back, and I can't remember what book it was. She mentions at the time that she was with Jack though as an aside to Harry. So between that Bosch book and now, Jack and Rachel are once again done. We don't get the details, initially, but just go with your gut that Jack messed things up. When you read what happens you are going to go yep he messed things up. Shocker.


Jack is now working at a site called "Fair Warning" that deals with consumer warnings. It doesn't sound too exciting and you wonder if Jack misses the big stories that he used to chase down. When Jack is interviewed by the police due to his connection to a murder victim though, he starts to investigate the dead woman and finds a surprising connection between her getting her DNA tested to then being murdered. When Jack starts to identify more victims, he is put on the radar of three men. Jack also reaches out to his former lover, Rachel Walling in order to put together a profile of the killer. Connelly moves the story back and forth between Jack, two men, and the murderer.


Honestly Jack kind of sucks. I think that Rachel and other characters really drove this story for me. He stays selfish and doesn't trust anyone and constantly bleats about his story, his scoop, and wanting to ride along with the FBI or police. We do get into the rights of the media in this one which I do think is important now more than ever, but Jack once again kind of sucks so you want him to just be quiet after a while. He also messes so many things up that you are kind of exhausted by him.


The murder mystery and how it ties into DNA and privacy though I thought was cleverly done. I have to say that I have never done one of those DNA tests things and have zero plans to do so. There's way too many caveats and I am always surprised that the same people who want to yell about their freedom don't care they are giving up a lot of information to a random DNA site.


The ending leaves you with more questions than answers though. We have Jack moving into a new direction which honestly makes sense for him and for a lot of journalists these days. However, he still wants something more. With the ending I think we end up seeing a fourth book in this series.


The whole Fair Warning publication is apparently real so if readers for a need, they can click on it and see some stories.

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