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text 2016-12-12 21:09
Henery Press Year End Sale - $5 Paperbacks
Board Stiff - Kendel Lynn
Swan Dive (An Elliott Lisbon Mystery) (Volume 3) - Kendel Lynn
The Semester of Our Discontent - Cynthia Kuhn
Finding Sky - Susan O'Brien
Writes of Passage - Margaret Maron,Laurie R. King,Hank Phillippi Ryan
Deadly Assets (An Allison Campbell Mystery Book 2) - Wendy Tyson
Dying Brand - Wendy Tyson
Guaranteed to Bleed - Julie Mulhern
From The Sideline (The Wake-Up Series) (Volume 2) - Amy Avanzino
Scheduled to Die (A Carter Mays Mystery #2) - Alan Cupp

This came through my email yesterday and I thought I'd pass it along to my USA friends who might be interested.  Henery Press produces some great cozy mysteries.  Of this batch I can recommend highly Board Stiff - Kendel LynnSwan Dive - Kendel Lynn    and The Semester of Our Discontent - Cynthia Kuhn.  


From the email:

Pick up these eleven titles in trade paperback for only $5 each on Club Hen House. Use promo code YEAR END from now until December 31. Hurry before time runs out! Click HERE to shop.
Hope your holidays are merry and bright!
(The 11th book is:) 
When Lies Crumble (A Carter Mays Mystery Book 1) - Alan Cupp 
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review 2014-12-11 18:52
Die grausame Wahrheit der politischen Elite!
[(The Other Woman)] [Author: Hank Phillippi Ryan] published on (September, 2012) - Hank Phillippi Ryan



Eine Reihe an grausamen Mordserien erschüttert die Einwohner Massachusetts. In den Medien und in der Bevölkerung wird von dem Brückenkiller gesprochen, der anscheinend wahllos junge Frauen auswählt und sie vergewaltigt und misshandelt in einer Art Selbstmordszenario von den Brücken stürzt. Lange Zeit tappt der junge Detektiv Jake Brogan im Dunkeln, doch unverhofft kommt gerade von der Person der entscheidende Hinweis im zu Gute, von der er es am aller wenigsten erwartet hat - Jane Ryland, einer jungen und aufstrebenden Reporterin, die kurz vor der Wahl hinter ein dunkles und schmutziges Geheimnis der makellosen Fassade des Spitzenkandidat stößt!

Doch Welches Geheimnis umgibt den charismatischen Gouverneur und wie steht die Wahlkampagne mit der Mordserie vier junger Frauen in Verbindung?



Meine Meinung:


Hank Phillippi Ryan hat mit " Böse Zungen " einen Thriller geschrieben, der sich mit den schmutzigen Intrigen der politischen Elite befasst und er fährt wirklich ordentlich auf und haut harte Fakten ungeniert auf den Tisch. Sein super realistischer Schreibstil lässt den Leser nur daran zweifeln, dass hinter der Handlung kein Fünkchen Wahrheit stecken könnte, denn wie oft bekommt man im Fernsehen mit, welche Spielchen hinter den verschlossenen Türen der Regierung gespielt werden. 


Der Autor schafft es auf eine sehr authentische und glaubhafte Art, den Leser in seine Handlung einzuführen und ihn mit spannenden und unvorhersehbaren Wendungen zu fesseln. Er führt dem Leser knallhart vor Augen, dass hinter einem Schweigen oft die meiste Wahrheit steckt und wie hoch der Preis sein kann mit dem der Betroffenen zahlen muss.


Die Protagonisten sind wie aus dem wirklichen Leben gegriffen und wirken so sehr realistisch und sympathisch. Die Orte an denen die Handlung spielt sind sehr bildhaft beschrieben, so dass man sich gedanklich sehr gut dahin versetzen und sich in seinem persönlichen Kopfkino vorstellen kann, was die Protagonisten vorfinden oder sie sich sogar mit auseinandersetzen müssen.




Ein realistischer und spannender Thriller, der sich mit den schmutzigen Geschäften, Machenschaften und Intrigen der politischen Elite auseinandersetzt!

Source: www.egmont-lyx.de/buch/boese-zungen
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review 2014-10-25 02:43
The Wrong Girl
The Wrong Girl - Hank Phillippi Ryan

By: Hank Phillippi Ryan
ISBN:   0765369141

Series:  Jane Ryland & Jake Brogan #2

Publisher: Forge Books

Publication Date: 07/29/2014 

Format: Other

My Rating:  4 Stars 


THE WRONG GIRL (Jane Ryland & Jake Brogan #2) by Hank Phillippi Ryan, offers a complex and suspenseful crime investigation, into the corrupt and scandalous foster care and adoption system; mixed with mystery, intrigue and some sexual tensions between reporter and detective, for an engrossing read.


Jane Ryland, the investigative reporter at the Boston Registry newspaper learns of a former colleague, Tucker Cameron,who was adopted as an infant, and used information provided by her adoption agency to find her birth mother, only to discover that the woman was not her real mother.


Tucker Cameron, needs her help with the investigation of Brannigan Family and Children’s Services, who managed to reunite her with the wrong birth mother. She thinks everything is just too perfect when they meet, and then her suspicious prove correct. A possible conspiracy? What is the motive? Is this a case of falling between the cracks or something more serious?


In the meantime, sexy Detective Jake Brogan (Jane’s love interest), is involved with another case that involves working with the child welfare system when he's called in to investigate a murder and abusive situation leaving two children without a family.


When Jake is investigating the mother of a young woman, he finds two young children and no information about the mother, or any other parent. The children are passed on to a qualified foster mother until another family member can be found; but where is the baby that was in the cradle at the murder scene?


Jane is sharp and utilizes her keen investigative skills to attain answers from Jake’s partner, Jake, Tuc, as well as the adoption agency and everyone connected. Could the two cases be connected?


What comes next, is fast-paced suspense with twists and turns taking them into the middle of a danger zone, with a killer on the loose and a missing infant for a race against time. What a dynamic duo!


My first read by Ryan was her latest TRUTH BE TOLD (#3 Jane Ryland Series) an intense, edgy, and complex suspense mystery drama, of two cases, twenty years apart—from bank fraud, real estate foreclosures, to murder with a hint of romance, between detective and journalist, as they work together, to piece together the puzzle, before the next hit. TRUTH BE TOLD  (10/07/14)  is a  5 star winner, performed by award-winning, Xe Sands, which I enjoy.


Fans of both THE OTHER WOMAN (#1) and THE WRONG GIRL (#2) will devour the latest. Each can be read as a standalone; however, you will want to read them all.


Ryan’s writing is tight with well-developed characters, as enjoy the intelligent, funny, and sassy Jane. Ryan’s integration of social issues and corruption into this compelling series, is fresh and on key, in today's world--from politics, foster care, and real estate and mortgage fraud. I also appreciate the well-designed contemporary front covers, as this is a big plus when purchasing a book, as I do "judge a book by its cover". Her vast professional experience lends itself useful for an exciting series, as she does not miss a beat.


Let’s hope for #4 in the series to allow Jake/Jane a little time in between chasing the bad guys, for some much needed R&R to some exotic island hideaway. I am sure they would find some mischief wherever they land.




Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/1081756802
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review 2014-10-23 18:40
The Other Woman
The Other Woman - Hank Phillippi Ryan

By: Hank Phillippi Ryan

Narrator:  Lyana Kadushin

Series:   (Jane Ryland & Jake Brogan #1)

ASIN:  B0085UD054

Publisher:  Macmillan Audio

Publication Date: 09-04-12

Format:  Audio

My Rating:  4 Stars


Hank Phillippi Ryan’s THE OTHER WOMAN, is another winner with a mix of mystery, and a scandalous crime political thriller.


The story begins with Channel 11, News television star, Jane Elizabeth Ryland having lost her job after reporting Grocery Store Magnate Arthur Vick's affair with a high priced hooker. Determined to honor her decision and promise to not divulge her source; the source disappeared and Vick was successful in his million dollar slander judgment that led to her termination.


She currently is starting over, working as a lowly reporter for the Boston Register, a local newspaper, (thanks to connections of friend, Jake) which is not all that exciting, until she gets assigned to the investigation of a candidate in the Senate race - The former Massachusetts governor, Owen Lassiter.


It appears his wife, Moira, is convinced that he is having an affair with a campaign volunteer. Of course the big question is “the other woman" a scandal which could prove devastating to the campaign. He is also running against wealthy Eleanor "Ellie" Mead Gable.


On a six month trial basis, Jane is assigned to the Senate campaign coverage while her desk mate, Tucker "Tuck" Cameron is assigned to cover the murders. The paper is following a story of the "Bridge Killer", after bodies of women are found by various bridges and seem to involve foul play in which Jake is the lead detective. Is there a link between the cases?


Two bodies of unidentified women have been found by bridges and when the body count rises, the third victim turns out to be someone connected to the case involving Jane’s dismissal from T.V. Jane and Jake begin to realize their cases may be related. As the story develops a total of four young dead women are pulled from the river. Much to the public's dismay, the Boston Police Department is yet to be convinced it is the work of one murderer.


Jane and Jake have an obvious attraction to one another, but know that a potential relationship would be sabotaged by their professional need to keep work related information secret from one another. In addition, there is Hot Alex, her boss. 


From their sizzling attraction, Jake and Jane work together to find a ruthless killer for fast- paced action with twists and turns, keeping your guessing, as the candidates' skeletons surface, as the election approaches; with a juicy and scandalous novel of dirty politics, intrigue, infidelity, secrets, revenge, betrayal, and murder.


My first book by Ryan was her latest, TRUTH BE TOLD (Jane Ryland & Jake Brogan #3), highly recommend; I enjoy her storytelling, as compelling and hooks you from beginning to end. I am currently making my way backward to her previous books. The author’s background is definitely reflective throughout the book which makes for a suspenseful and adrenaline high captivating novel.


I listened to the audiobook and the narrator, Ilyana Kadushin delivered a pleasing performance. Look forward to reading more from this Jane/Jake duo-- Ryan has made it to my favorite author list!



Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/1081756827
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review 2014-10-16 01:29
Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told - Hank Phillippi Ryan

By Hank Phillippi Ryan 

Series:  Jane Ryland Series , #3

Narrator: Xe Sands 


Publisher:  Macmillan Audio

Publication Date:  10/07/2014  

Format: Audio

My Rating:  5 Stars


Truth Be Told (#3 Jane Ryland Series) by Hank Phillippi Ryan is an intense, edgy, and complex suspense mystery drama, of two cases, twenty years apart—from bank fraud, real estate foreclosures, to murder with a hint of romance, between detective and journalist, as they work together, to piece together the puzzle, before the next hit.

Jane Ryland, an investigative reporter is working on two major stories for the Boston Register. An apparent murder of a real estate agent woman in a recently foreclosed house, as well as a bank reputation customer service story for the bank president’s daughter. Not realizing the two are connected, Jane soon learns things are not as they appear and digs deeper into the mystery, and wonders why there are renters in a foreclosed home and who is taking the money?

Detective Jack Brogan, Boston PD is investigating a twenty year old cold case unsolved murder. You have people losing their homes, foreclosures, murders, and a confession which he thinks is false, so the question is why? Who is this person covering for? Who is lying and who is telling the truth? To make this more personal, Jake’s deceased grandfather, a former police commissioner, was involved, so he further motivated to finding the real killer.

An ex-con turned himself in, claiming to be the Lilac Sunday killer, responsible for the murder of a seventeen-year-old girl twenty years earlier, a case that continues to haunt Boston, and the Brogans due to Jake’s family connection. And what is the deal with Peter Hardesty, the lawyer representing the man who has confessed to the Lilac Sunday Murder, and another man charged with the empty house murder? The motive?

If you love crime fiction, intriguing mysteries involving cops, and the media, Truth Be Told, is an engrossing fast-paced thriller, mixed with a human interest twist, keeping you guessing, turning, and listening to the end, to learn the fate of these well- developed characters, while two twisted plots are connected for an explosive resolution of whodunit.

The account is so realistic in today’s world of foreclosures, families going through hard times, dead bodies in vacant homes, real estate and bank fraud, financial manipulation, corruption and greedy schemes and those stopping at nothing to keep their dark secrets.

The author creates a clever mix of mystery, corruption, home, family, and romance, for a riveting thriller. This is my first book by Ryan, as have not read (#1 The Other Woman, or #2 The Wrong Girl), so look forward to reading more from this dynamic duo and love interest; however, Truth Be Told can be read as a standalone.

A powerful combination, author Hank Phillippi Ryan with her vast real life expertise in this world, along with Xe Sands, an excellent performer, making for a captivating audiobook listening experience and thrilling ride!




Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/1073975620
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