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review SPOILER ALERT! 2015-01-01 00:00
Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft
Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft - Ann Moura Да будут благословенны мои ноги, приведшие меня на этот путь.
Да будут благословенны мои колени, поддерживающие меня перед Божественным.
Да будет благословен мой живот, дающий мне внутреннюю силу.
Да будет благословенна моя грудь, в которой бьется мое сердце, верное Господину и Госпоже.
Да будут благословенны мои губы, произносящие тайные имена.
Да будут благословенны мои глаза, видящие нрасоту любви Господина и Госпожи.
Да будет благословенен мой разум, ищущий их знания и мудрость.

Веселой встречи, веселого расставания и новой веселой встречи.
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review 2014-09-19 23:59
Review: Kindred Rites (Night Calls Book 2) [Kindle Edition]
Kindred Rites (Night Calls) (Volume 2) - Katharine Eliska Kimbriel

Kindred Rites is a great continuation of Allie's story. Katharine Eliska Kimbriel first introduced you to Allie in Night Calls, where you learn that Allie has The Gift, that which has been passed along for generations through both sides of her family. As in all first books, you earn who the characters are and the basics of their relationships to each other.


Kindred Rites expands on Allie's teaching. Through calling Death and being kidnapped by sorcerers, Allie discovers what she can really do... especially with the help of a teacher no one would have expected. With odds against her, in a strange state without friends or family to support her, Allie manages to grow in her power, giving up preconceived notions of what should be and instead coming closer to Veritas - the truth of now only who she is, but what she can be.


This second book in the Night Calls Series is even more exciting than the first one. Since we already know the main characters, Allie's story is able to continue with more detail being spent on the life of a woman in the Michigan Territory as well as the teaching of a Practitioner. If you're a fan of magic, adventure, or even just someone who won't give up, I highly recommend that you read Kindred Rites.




If Kindred Rites is a book that interests you, the kindle edition can be found at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HYPRITK/?tag=shasworofboo-20.


If you enjoyed my review, I would appreciate if you could mark it as being helpful on Amazon as well, as this is useful to both the reviewer and the author. I have included the link to the Amazon review in the Source section at the bottom of this review.

Source: www.amazon.com/review/R2R237PUX4P8OR/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=0061057967
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review 2014-09-18 21:09
Review: Night Calls [Kindle Edition]
Night Calls (Night Calls #1) - Katharine Eliska Kimbriel

Alfreda Sorensson, known by her friends and family as Allie, is your normal everyday girl in Michigan. She cooks, sews, runs the trap lines, learns about herbs and making beer, can hear werewolves.... Oh wait, that last one isn't normal? Allie was born into a family with a strong Gift, and she must learn to use it to protect her family and her town, because not using this Gift could end up killing those she loves dear.

As a Michigan native and a wiccan, I fell in love with this book, seeing the areas as they once were. And in a town where Allie's age could be held against her, the power inside instead brings her the strength and courage to face things beyond your darkest dreams.
I first read this book back in 2000 after a friend recommended Night Calls (and the second book, Kindred Rites) to me and lent me her copies. At that time, these books were out of print... I eventually was able to find a used set online in decent enough condition, and I hoped that someday they would be re-released again. Thankfully, the author was able to re-release them in 2014 so I know have ebook copies! Re-reading them now, it's great to see that they have stood the test of time: Allie is still as likeable as ever, the stories are still interesting to me, and I love how the author makes the characters come alive.



If Night Calls is a book that interests you, the kindle edition can be found at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F8G0IR6/?tag=shasworofboo-20.


If you enjoyed my review, I would appreciate if you could mark it as being helpful on Amazon as well, as this is useful to both the reviewer and the author. I have included the link to the Amazon review in the Source section at the bottom of this review.

Source: www.amazon.com/review/R3D16LQU220FFS/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00F8G0IR6
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