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text 2016-07-07 17:08
Reading progress update: I've read 20%.
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

The only problem with reading digitally is I can't throw the damn thing against the wall to get out my frustration. I need to dig out my paperback copy so I can throw it every few chapters from now on.

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text 2015-03-17 17:48
Internet Blues

So I've been steering myself to only the most fun, frivolous, candy-like reading for the last few weeks and I've been wondering why. Not that reading those things is bad, but I don't usually read ONLY Adventure Time comics and Doctor Who books.


Turns out it is just internet-induced depression.


There are so many things going on that are terrible and don't seem to be getting any better (this is true in life as well, but I am not fed a constant stream of it to be more aware). Fucking GamerGate, STGRB, MRAs, constant online harassment of women, trans people and PoC. I'm on a constant rage-high, and it is draining my battery. I know I should probably just take a social media break or something, but I care about a lot of these things and don't want to just back out and pretend they aren't there. Not too long ago, I got jumped on by some hashtag-camping GGer on Twitter, and that is ridiculously mild compared with what other more recognizable people have to deal with.


I guess all I'm really saying is the world is full of assholes and I'm having a hard time dealing with it lately.


Maybe it's also a warning. Anyone that comes around me talking about "meninism," "ethics in game journalism," "my racist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic comment was a joke," "reverse racism/sexism," or any combination thereof can just get the fuck out right now.

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text 2014-12-04 18:28
Reading progress update: I've read 50 out of 272 pages.
How to Read a Novel: A User's Guide - John Sutherland

People just don't understand the nature of books about books. I keep getting snarky comments about why someone who "reads as much as you do" needs an instructional manual. It's not INSTRUCTIONS, wise-ass. It's an exploration of the novel as format. Sheesh.

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text 2014-09-18 02:35

I hated Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. HATED IT. But now Matt Smith has signed on to be in the movie version and I'm so conflicted; I might have to actually see it. Since he's no longer the Doctor, I have to find other ways to have more Matt Smith in my life.


IMDB: Matt Smith Joins Cast of P&P&Z


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