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review 2021-04-25 00:00
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson Wowzers! Ms. Jackson does not disappoint. I watched the film first and loved it. Great caset; excellent story. They did the book justice.

So very dark and mysterious. Sisters and their invalid uncle living in the family home. The town hates them for their wealth and because one of the sisters allegedly murdered of the rest of their family. The whole family is clearly traumatized from the deaths of their family years prior and they live as shut-ins in their home.

A visit from a sistant familt member throws things upside down for the family of three. And because of shenanigans, the house catches fire. A good bit is destroyed and rhenthe rest of the hateful town helps the fire by attacking the house they've always been so envious of. Just horrible people ina vicious, violent frenzie leavint the sisters hiding until they've all gone.

The whole thing was mysterious, strange and very sad. A very good read and I look forward to working my way through the author's catalog.
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review 2021-04-14 01:47
Grown - Tiffany D. Jackson

“Content warning: mentions of sexual abuse, rape, assault, child abuse, kidnapping, and addiction to opioids.” Yes, to all of this but yet, there is no warning about not being able to eat, drink, or think of anything else besides this book once you step inside its pages. Then, there’s that book hangover, once you’re finished and you’re left staring at the back of the book breathing, reliving those incredible scenes that were more than just words on a page, where was this warning, as my mind tries to unwind.

Korey, was everything she ever wanted. He was perfect, at least that side of him was. When Enchanted finally sees all sides of Korey, it’s too late. This was a fantastic page-turner of a book, a book in which I felt a deep connection to the characters and the story couldn’t have been more honest and real unless I knew these individuals personally.

The book opens with a brutal murder and then, the book flashes back to when the characters first met each other and their story unfolds. Enchanted was trying to fulfill her dream, a dream filled with music when she is spotted by Korey. Korey, the famous R&B artist has taken an interest in Enchanted and tells her everything that she wanted to hear. As he works his charm, she is swept away. Korey knows exactly what he’s doing, as he wins Enchanted over but Enchanted is an innocent, 17-year-old, victim who just wanted a music career. And Korey, he’s a manipulator, a controller, an abuser(mentally), and a serial pedophile, who just got his next victim.

This was a hard book to read as Enchanted voice got harder to hear. Korey began placing restrictions on her which confused her yet Korey made them seem like a positive part of their relationship. More constraints and limitations began to weigh Enchanted down. She was losing control as she began acting like a puppet, doing what she was told, losing her self-confidence as she feels she has no other option. Such a powerful book, a book that had important messages and I appreciate the author addressing these issues openly and directly. I highly recommend this book if you enjoy stories addressing these issues. Amazing story!

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review 2020-07-14 17:36
Real Men Knit
Real Men Knit - Kwana Jackson

I Picked Up This Book Because: I’ve heard good things

The Characters:

Jesse Strong:
Kerry Fuller:

The Story:

I love the backstory of Jessie and his brothers coming together as adoptees of a woman with a big heart. This story centers around Jessie in the wake of Mama Joy’s sudden death. Jesse wants to keep their store, their legacy, their communication with the community open while his brothers, all involved more in their burgeoning careers want to be more practical and shut it down. Now Jessie is challenged with keeping open the store and making it profitable while battling a crush on the “girl next door” Kerry. Jesse’s struggles with his insecurities in being “good enough” for not only Kerry but to run a business and help keep his family together without their strong matriarch.

I really enjoyed this book and I’d love to see more from the Strong family.

The Random Thoughts:


4 Stars
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review 2020-06-27 03:25
EGGS OVER EVIE by Alison Jackson
Eggs over Evie - Alison Jackson,Tuesday Mourning
Evie is having trouble dealing with changes.  Her parents are divorced.  Her dad has remarried and has a new baby on the way.  Her neighbor has lost her cat.  Her mom is dating.  And she is going to cooking class and crushing on her cooking partner.  Is she ready for any of this?
I enjoyed this book.  I liked the recipes and Evie's advice to make the recipes the best they can be.  Watching Evie deal with all the changes in her life gives her a universality to which I could relate .  None of us like changes, especially when the change is outside of our control.  Seeing Evie and Corey together was fun.  It reminded me of my crushes at that age.  An enjoyable book to curl up with on a summer night.
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review 2020-06-24 16:48
One Good Turn
One Good Turn - Kate Atkinson

I don't know if I liked this book or was appalled by it. A little bit of both.


This was a confusing mishmash of characters and the book takes forever to get going.


Jackson and Julia are toxic as anything. There's a scene we get via Jackson and we learn about him and Julia and I just wanted to scream and drop the book right there. Also I don't even know what to say about Jackson. Or we supposed to feel sorry for him due to his sister or brother? Cause he sucks a lot I realized. And he really didn't investigate much in this one, just had remarkable coincidences happening. 


Louise (inspector) was more interesting than Jackson and her interest in him didn't even seem believable. 


Good lord, Martin. I just....I am going to need to sit and think on him a bit.


Gloria is also as terrible as her husband Graham I have to say. I just think it's hilarious she doesn't realize it. Or maybe she does when you get to that ending. 


The writing was eh and the flow was so bad that I started to just want something to happen. And then there's just plot holes left unaddressed by the end of this book.


I needed a yarn wall at the 60 percent mark because seeing how everything and everyone was linked was a lot and I started to think the whole thing was just ridiculous after a while. 

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