Shadows Over Paradise (originally title Ghostwritten)
Isabel Wolff
Paperback, 384 pages
Pustory. But I found I liked Shadows Over Paradise better. Isabel Wolff's writing flowed better in regards with following the plot and the characters were more likable from the beginning of the novel. blished February 10th 2015 by Bantam (first published January 1st 2014)
0345533186 (ISBN13: 9780345533180)
I found myself liking Shadows Over Paradise with each chapter I read. Recently having read The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, I wasn't sure if reading about another "ghostwriter writing about someone with a past" story. But I found I liked Shadows Over Paradise better. Isabel Wolff's writing flowed better in regards with following the plot and the characters were more likable from the beginning of the novel.