2019 Reread - still funny, though the gut surprise is absent on a re-read. But still very, very funny and wonderful.
Well, fluff. This is the most demented thing I have read in a long time. I love it! If you read Jim C. Hines's short story that chronicles what happens when a werewolf meets a certain children's show, you are going to love this.
Love, love love. Gert has to pick a door - one will take her to her dreams. The other will destroy fairyland.
This is Gert. One hundred years in the future, on the eve of fairyland's destruction, Gert has to go back to the past, and tell her younger self what to do to avoid this.
Gert totally doesn't have ADD, so this will all work out!
Another funny issue.
When a dark wizard demands an extinct creature - one that her worm-friend, Larry - can't find immediately, Gert has to go into his hat and get it herself. If only she hadn't kidnapped and then promptly forgotten a string of people.
If only she didn't have to go through them to get her Catastrophon.
Of course, she has to fight the Lynt first since Larry doesn't clean up his damn hat.
Yeah, if she survives the Lynt and gets through the group of people who despise her, then maybe she can save her life.